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  1. That's an obvious answer, however I was pointing out that Amazon is not setup as a voluntary business as per the definition of "voluntary business." I was merely pointing out that your assumption of that company being voluntary is not "technically" correct, merely just trying to educate you. For your reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_sector http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntary_association
  2. Technically speaking Amazon is not a "voluntary business", as that type of business is seen as a nonprofit organization. I feel the most effective way for people that would like to be involved is to do as g0at suggested, and leave 1 star reviews. On the flip side of things, it's important to note two things: 1) The seller has the right to dispute a review if it's "abusive or it contains threats." 2) A smart seller can use the negative reviews to his advantage and create more awareness to his work, leading to more books sold if done right.
  3. When you start signing petition for freedom of speech to not be allowed for one thing, how can you object personally and say but it's ok "for this...and this...and that..." - the answer is you can't,,,,Yes it's unfortunate they sell books that give advice to do things that are detrimental to a child, however there are also books on other things that we could also add to this list, but I prefer to keep my right to freedom of speech, for what is left of it.
  4. @honest - Thanks for the share. First and foremost I can only imagine the trauma and the resentment you have towards your parents and the situations you had to go through, however I would like to bring some light your situation and say it's great that you can bring forth your memories and have a desire to escape the people that have hurt you. When I read your timeline of unfortunate events, I notice that the situations that occurred really took away your confidence of "self worth" and "ownership of being yourself" and that is really hard for one person mentally to overcome, however it can be done. I invite you to look at your life from a different perspective, as the person who doesn't see themselves as the victim but as the bystander. Instead of looking at what happened to you in your life, look at your parents life, how were they raised, what events in there life's made them become the person they are. When you really try to understand your parents, you understand why they did what they did to some degree, and sometimes it sucks because you could possibly find out things you don't want to, however I feel it's important to understand both sides to really grasp the reason why they took the action they did. Your parents did care for you somewhat or else you wouldn't of lived with them right? If you do what I suggest above, you can find more realistic answers to your parents decisions, and I feel based on the memories you have, that this would be a great starting point for you, and as you find out things you can start to piece together - that yes your mother and father were strict and took unnecessary actions towards you, however at the end of the day it's not your fault at all, and just like millions of other people, you experienced an unfortunate childhood filled with events that create anxiety, trust issues, etc...but it's your choice now to find where to start the healing process and stick to it with a end goal of mind of letting go of that pain and those memories, and maybe even possibly finding a way to connect with your mother to help her let go of her pain and events that happened in her to make her do things that are unnecessary. I hope this helps somewhat, and thanks for sharing your feelings.
  5. I would say as a fellow freelancer serial entrepreneur- keep your head up and take advantage of your graphic design skills by marketing higher premium monthly retainers to clients, that way you don't need a job with a "company". I was on the daily grind to always fine new jobs to do, and it got really old fast, because the money isn't always the same as you may know. You have good weeks with everyday booked to the next week not as great. So I what I did was I went to all the clients I did work before and I said "I'm offering a new service as my skills are in demand a lot lately and I want to keep my best clients on board such as you, so you're guaranteed to have my services when you need. For $500 a month you can have 20 hours a month of my time, that breaks down to $25 an hour, and for my skills that's cheap labor".... I was really skeptical about the results that I would get but it changed my life, because now I have 4 monthly clients that pay me every month $500. If you find the majority of your clients are one time opportunist, then i would suggest calling agencies and saying "I have a monthly service...bla bla...here is my portfolio...you can have this many hours per month at X price and with that time purchased you can get X done".... It's easy to get caught up in the I need a job for a company, but if you're really good and won that many competitions like you say you have, I would harness that and use that as you USP (unique selling proposition), in your pitch when selling your services to agencies or clients, because you're clients might think ohhh she did a great job for me, but when you add hey by the way I'm this good because I won 14 awards, you will only move up in there eyes in my opinion.
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