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Hi again Joel,Its great to put things on paper, whatever definition you find for them, i.e. review or not so keep them coming =]I am hearing the call in show No one left behind, and this torture and subsequent appeal to sympathy is mentioned by Stef, which relates to what you mentioned in the psychopath next door. So the gist of it is the psycho, tortures mentally the victim until he gets very stressed and then stop, when you stop the victim gets a rush of endorphines as a signal of relief from the body, and at this time, the psycho appeals to sympathy in order to connect the feeling of relief of the victim with the endorphin relief of the victim. Doing so will signal that compliance is the way to the victim feeling good, so from that moment forward the abuser may rage at any time, for any reason, and he will automatically get compliance. Pure evil automation. The same as in the movie, although i wasn't fully aware of the mechanics of how it works.Id also like some exploration of the latter part of the movie, the feasibility of the all ends well approach. I'm very skeptical as you are.Your text i was mentioning was one you wrote shortly after you called in, about therapy and confronting your parent, it was on the gold donator section, but i cant find it now. This experience is what is mostly missing in the movie.Good to hear from you,RegardsJoao
Hi Joel,Just say the movie and read your review, and I’d like to say first of all that your writing is very pleasing to read and it made me go through your review in a bristling pace. Congratulations for that!I found the movie wonderful, and some tears came to my eyes in two parts of the movie, first when Rapunzel and Ryder were on the boat witnessing for the first time the candle-balloons being sent into the night skies (which I’m not sure it’s the white knight inside me wanting to do what Ryder did, or the desire to provide such special moments to a companion), and on the last part of the movie when Rapunzel was introduced to the real parents. In a Disney movie a king and queen can be designed to be adorable, without any kingdom to “manage”, so they looked like common people to me and as such I empathized to de degree of tears. It’s easy to take it like this when you don’t see the dark side of how kingdoms are built. Aesthetically the movie is awesome to see, with the anthropomorphism of the horse being the icing on the cake, like the squirl in Ice Age, it’s hilarious to watch. Great faces on all characters, and I was actually pleased to see that Rapunzel was not a 10, she is made very pretty without looking like a bony-angelina-jolie-style model face, and that leaves space for her personality to show, and at least to me made the connection with her much easier.It’s great that the writters made Ryder be a “player”, a pick up artist, in the beginning of his interactions with Rapunzel, which is a lot more real and instructive way to show that it’s the stupid way of dealing with woman, then showing that this progressively changes along the storyline. So both characters grow as people during the movie, which although I find unrealistic to be done in such a short time and without a lot more effort, sends the right message: you should be better tomorrow than you are today, and by that the joy of life will come. I saw another recent movie called “Divergent”, and the main male character is a 10 guy who is made to be (at a quick glance) deep, but it’s just too obvious that is a boy toy with pretense depth…that may be only me prejudice, but I find it very unlikely. In this “Divergent” movie, the main character (female) also falls in love by this boy toy at first sight, which is predictable and ridiculous, and it seemed that Ryder grew on Rapunzel through the movie, which is a much healthier relation. This divergent is modern feminism on a screen..a retarded movie in my opinion. The bitch, Gothel, is like you say a sterorypical character, and her face is a lot more model like, with hard edged cheek bones, deep red lips etc, the “skinny woman with zombie eyes” that Stef mentions ever so often. So up to this part props to Disney for making the characters the way they are, there are great subtleties about the world to be noticed.It also sends out the message that evil people worry too much about their looks (aka makup and D&G bags), and that their looks are the sole purpose of their looks..she has no activities, no purpose for the looks, just for vanity; which is most instructive for spotting these people in the world! I think your observation of Tangled being the situation and not the hair is spot on, and agree with your developments about the dysfunctional relationship between Rapunzel and Gothel. Looking back I found strange that the manipulation tactic crying was not used. Making others feeling guilty by crying is the strongest and most destructive tactics some woman utilize, and I wish this was shown clearly in the movie. Drawing my philosophy from standup comedy, crying is the last resort dmanipulative woman resort to, and it generally works (and that is why they do it). Bill Burr and Chris Rock talk epically about this. So it is an absolute shame that this is was not depicted, as it would be very instructive to put it out in the open. That would also put the sociopathic nature much more palpable, I think. First you fuck their logic process, then you guilt them into doing what you want.The hatches at Rapunzel`s self-confidence with the repeated “you are this---, im just teasing” are disgusting to watch and the emotional mess that Rapunzel finds herself (the mood swing video you posted) , with the internalized alter-ego it’s also really sad to see.Overall I find your review spot on; I just think that as in the movie, the treatment process is fast forwarded. She could not have been healthy without a lot of work on herself, and this fantasy that you can go from broken to sane by meeting the right guy, or by just leaving one place to find another, or by switching jobs, etc is wrong and deadly, yet it’s all over the movie world. It’s even on FDR, with people that listen to the shows for years without getting past the listening, to the working stuff out phase. And that takes time and effort, not “finding the knight who will take you away from all this”.The thing you mention, skills without growth mean nothing, is one of the main points I take from your review, and this cannot be emphasized enough. According to one of those books I talked to you about a while ago, “social intelligence”, the male psychological wellbeing requires freedom and growth, while the female psychological well-being requires safety. Living in the welfare state, we are forced to comply with the wish for safety over freedom and growth, and the reason most men are miserable these days, I believe, is that they bought into this notion of safety, which is counter our nature.It’s curious that in the movie this comes from a girl…and I guess woman won’t understand it from the movie, and guys won’t watch a “girly” animation movie…Rapunzel is the libertarian after all. Also it’s great to see that it’s not her hair (some magic), but her tear (her empathy) that saves Ryder from the backstabbing bitch…I know I’m stretching it a bit, but if I can indulge in this…What a great metaphor for what FDR is being built on, and of what truly heals the world, empathy. Wonderfull! From the text you published on FDR a while ago about your personal situation, I know you can add a lot of value to your review by including this hidden aspect in your review of this otherwise brilliant movie. If you agree that this is missing of course =). ..and on a personal last note, I’m so glad that when Ryder cut off her hair, Rapunzel didn’t end up with a feminazi-short-butch hairstyle, that would have ruined it completely for me.. Hope this is of value to you Joel,Regards Joao
Yes this new format is definetly saving some sizeable time in the calls. Great work Stef and Mike!RegardsJoao
Hi Lians;I've been to sweden this last weekend, in stockholm, where legends say of it being the ground zero of this man-hating crap. I was surprised to say that it seemed to me that the (few) swedish woman i had the chance to talk to and observe behavior (in a restautant, for instance) seemed a lot more sensible than the Norwegians, they look more feminine and have much less of those feminazi haircuts. The guys themselves also looked more feminine, so maybe this will be the endgame and they will relax when masculinity is totally taken over..And sweden is light years ahead of norway when it comes to industrial entrepreneurial and economic development. norway is a dumb country with oil, sweden made itself through work.I think the drinking is heavy through scandinavia, as all coutries have government owned shops to sell alcohol, to limit the supply. Another thing is that they dont know how to socialize without being lightheaded (ive heard this from severall people, and i think its probably the backlash of the jante's law. The jante's law break kids self esteem when they are young, so it makes sense that they have to numb themselves in order to socialize), and they mix every drink possible in the book and are allways refilling. They dont know when to stop and being a mix, it impacts a lot harder.The magnitude of zombie-drunk people seems to be inversely proportional to the size of the cities, and the further north you go the worse it gets...but this is hearsay, take it with a grain =)Another curiosity: I was visiting a friend and talked to him about this; he said that usually its the guys who are very much concerned with being apologists and promote the feminist ideal. Woman dont care about it to the same extent. Anyway id suppose the kind of advertisement one can get away with in a certain country is a pretty good indicator of its culture, because as mentioned in FDR before +80% of consumer spending is now controlled by woman, so tv programming is made for them.Ive also stopped having lunch at work in a tables with Norwegian woman if they are 3+, in tables of 6. Because i know where the conversation will end eventually lol. Complaints about how their husbands are useless in some way. Some of my colleagues fall into this trap, and their faces during lunch are of pure misery.Anyway, ive only been there for 3 days so this is something to be taken as a "truncated frame of reference" feeling, not the truth by any means :)Take careRegardsJoao
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Hi guys,From my 9mths behind enemy lines i can say that as a guy i am really happy to not have grown up here. They dont even need ideologues..the astronomical ratio of single mothers, plus the 4kids/1teacher (mostly female) in kindergarden, to which kids are put with 1 year old or less, ensures that male role models are almost absent. The ones that are, recieve the cringe look from their spouses, have to do 100% of the domestic tasks + their normal work, and just take it; because fundamentally they dont know any better,since this is still a very culturally isolated country.This matriarchy comes from the Viking era, when they set sail to explore foreign countries and the woman took charge of all domestic administration and had children with the viking's slaves (which it may also be where this sexual easiness comes from, aka promiscuity...everybody tells me its easier to get a date with a girl that already has a boyfriend). It remains today, as not only the government is headed by two woman, all advertisement on tv puts the woman in the active role and the males in the passive role (its not even the metrosexuality present in american commercials, its a complete reversal of those ads from the 50's) and even walking on the street you can see that most of the times is the woman that takes the lead. Think of a neutered dog: friendly, easygoing, non-agressive but with a completely passive role on his environment (hope im not talking out of my ass regarding dogs).One tipical advertisement from the norwegian tv:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjLtGGskha0As it is no surprise, all the countries focus is on Safety. The safety rules at work are incredibly anal (even office work), the speed limits are low and the roads are infested with speed bumps and slow drivers, there are varyous narrow paths on the roads to make cars slow down, and single lane roads where it should be at least double lane. At work there are millions of procedures for this and that minutiae, overtime limits, safety inspections every year etc ...regarding the state, there is an extended welfare network which basically make people want and stick to lower end jobs if they are comfy, that provide the $$ incentives for the astounding quantity of single motherhood and divorce, and, quoting a female police oficer from the sexual crime dpt. i recently met here, irresponsible behaviour: "people go to bars, get drunk, have sex and then on the next day say 'oops im pregnant'" (and now pay me child support)This culture is insane in its own way, as a proud and full disclosured matriarchy. I will not say that like the MGTOW guys this pattern here is the nature of female hatred on men. The way i see it, it much more like men are seen (if they are..) as irrelevant, as kind of a "either way suits me". They can be tolerated, they can be part of the family if she choses so, they can be usefull for making some extra $$, dinner and cleaning, but i see no bond, no affection. It seems like its a strictly utilitarian mindset regarding the reproduction of the species. From me that came from a culture (also insane of course, probably not dissimilar to the south of the USA) where all songs are love songs expressing the devotion between people, incluiding Fado the traditional portuguese genre that speaks of suffering and longing regarding the distance between loved ones, I feel this country is not even on planet Earth.P.S. some generalization was used, please take it as a description (personal and confirmation biased off course) of the cultural preference here. A gender bubble if you will, where everyone is conditioned from their early age to take this mentality.P.S.2. I in no way blame woman for the evils of the world; in the southern countries the simmetrical individual would be the semi-neandethal latino men that beat their wifes, cant see anything in front of them except football and talk with pride about their 'sexual adventures' with other woman, and they also drain my will to live to the same extend. dumbasses.RegardsJoao
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The collapse of the family in a catholic conservative country
JoaoPMatos replied to JoaoPMatos's topic in Current Events
Hi Yan thanks for the reply, do you have any concrete suggestions, i know no such countriesThanksCheersJoao -
Hi all,There is something mad today in the Portuguese world. The qualification for the football world cup in under way, and after the Pt team defeated the swedish team in the first match, Pepsi Sweden launched an internal advertisement campain with a voodoo doll of Ronaldo (the player who scored the goal on the first match) bounded up on a rail track. This ad:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6INhnxfBXrEIts actually kind of funny...the only way to stop him from scoring is to make a voodoo spell on him (he scored more goals on the second match).Anyway, the backlash this had is really outstanding. Facebook campaings for people to 'like' saying "ill never dring pepsi anymore", people yelling for boicots on pepsi, even the national airliner TAP said it is considering replacing pepsi from the catering service. Pepsi portugal has become really embarassed, and even some comedians (who have to please the mob) were making calls to pepsi headquarters in sweden demanding an apology (i swear, this was on the news!) The comments on newspapers are the most disgusting patriotic bullshit, the "they are insulting our country", "only portuguese are allowed to badmouth other portuguese", and arguments for punishment like "i would fire that swedish ceo", "he should be manning a wiper on mcdonalds".Its pathetic to see adults people being these selectively touchy frail gatherings of cells, bursting out with a rampage of indignation at the slightest scratch of our vain selves. (and we are well known for our status drive, above all else: buy a mercedes and live on a shack...what matters is being seen in the mercedes) There's a guy that writes on the newspaper (and he is kind of nuts: religious) but he put it perfectly:"I'm sorry, but this is pathetic patriotic indignation. If I were responsible for Swedish or Pepsi, my answer would be very simple: see that you get a life, get some 'padding' and gain 'waist flexibility', but above all, grow up!"CheersJoao
Hi all,I really enjoyed this movie on woman voted socialism being the cause of the current state of affairs in the west.One very important point left out was how, in parallel to woman getting free stuff from the government (i.e. from everybody else), is the point of woman getting free stuff from her ex's in divorce cases...with current divorce rates, this exploration of their ex husbands is also something that can be taken as an equivalent to the state enforced exploration of everybody else. And its very important to get that across. If you just point at woman getting things from the state, the westernbots will think your evil for not wanting the state. If you point at woman getting their 'independence' from their husbands (exes, 2nds, 3rds etc) wallets, now you make it personal....because everybody knows someone in this situation.Blaming the state, voting, socialism is blaming concepts, everybody can dismiss them easely. Pointing at, up and close, and personal, individual, 'not society but her, that one!' would, i think, establish a much more solid connection with the audience.Relating to the zeitgeist video, and just as a measure of obstractness (not of wright or wrong); woman-voting is something far and misty as the 'structural violence', woman living off their exes is something visible everywhere like the 'bad parents'.Anyways, ive been watching videos on this from several different people, and this one and the 'Fempocalypse' from Stardusk/Girlwriteswhat, are very much bunkerbusters of thruth. Great job Stef.Cheers Joao
The Philosophy of Television
JoaoPMatos replied to MysterionMuffles's topic in New Freedomain Content and Updates
This video is friggin brilliant, im gonna show it arround.Just yesterday i was having an argument for private management vs public management of schools with a lefty, arguing the principle that schools dont have to be state managed. He countered with 'you cant put privates running schools' for all the common things: they are mafioso/profit driven/corrupt with government and that state schools already function well, i.e., by a 'if its fine dont touch it' argument, while i was staying firmly on principle alone.At some point i got a "you are the same as many other people who have left the country, you just want to see this burning in flames".I am reading Atlas Shrugged (which is another example of this pretty person = good ideas, ugly person = bad ideas), so i got it instantly and ended the discussion. But this video of Stef saying that it is an attempt to drive the self-attack into action is a great, great way of making it clear, or at least it was for me, because i used to fall for this tricks. ---- The part of the nerdy show is sooooo true. The current culture makes so many people who get infected kind of useless on the private sector. All you see on facebook is supposedly adult people whinning and complaining and blaming everything on everyone else. Even people who are not like that get infected by this hedonist culture, where everyday should be saturday, people should do whatever they wish, and somebody else should pay for everything.Dr.House was another example that as soon as it came to tv, many people started to get this "oh, so i can be a jerk to somewhone who gets less at a school test than me, cool". Treat people like shit and you are the hero.--- I really, really loved this video, well done Stef.CheersJoao -
Hi guys, check this:http://expresso.sapo.pt/ha-cada-vez-mais-universitarios-a-querer-filhos-sem-vida-de-casal=f840057This refers to portugal, a european mediterranian country where 85% of the population is catholic/conservative, with strong family ties.Even so, the fempocalypse is on its way.I am currently in "feminist lesbian paradise" country norway, and i see well the effects this is having on men and on society as a whole. I was distressed, now i am getting fucking scared, This crap will spread everywhere.Are there any safe heavens nowadays??CheersJoao
Impressive how we have learned nothing from the XX scentury!! And this "we just need a better government" is utter bullshit..strange coincidence that the bigger the state size the bigger the corruption rates. :ermm:Id like to know if the venezuelan intellectuals are sinking with the ship or fleeing the countryCheersJ
"But if you think PJ is good at "word salad," Zizek is like the double extra large word salad. Or maybe I'm just not smart enough to figure out what he's saying half the time. But I think it's more the word salad."Haha completely agree..some parts of the book i was like "what the hell was i reading about on the previous sentence? ". His writting (and ideas probably) is all over the place, drawing thoughts and references from multiple other thoughts and references, and really saladyyy, seems like the books arent edited...well probably the editors dont get it either. But really interesting indeed.Cheers J
For a better understanding of what structural violence is supposed to be one could read Slavoj Zizek book "Violence". That is exactly what that book is about, the supposed subjective violence (structural violence) vs objective violence (wars and the like).He is kind of a weirdo marxist intellectual that actually likes capitalism (thereby, weird)...but he is considered one of the foremost intellectuals of the west, so great study subject.He also has lots of stuff on youtubeCheersJoao