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  1. What is happening on college campuses???? I just finished watching the speech Dr. Peterson gave at Queens university. Was expecting the typical brilliance and incredible insight one would expect from Jordan...until about ten minutes in when the 'protesters' broke in and interrupted the event. If you haven't seen this take the time to watch it. Over an hour of these people banging on windows and blowing air horns and chanting like possessed monkeys. They actually broke several of the beautiful stained-glass windows. Is this sort of thing common at many universities? Who here is currently a student? Is speech going to continue to be effective to combat this hatred going forward? Please share your thought on this.
  2. This is nothing extravagant nor highly insightful and probably has grammatical errors - but I wrote it years ago and just found it so I thought I would share. Hopefully it helps to brighten someones day. See the problem most people have, is they live by no principle they wander the earth basically to make shopping carts full. But the worst fuckin problem of all is the idiot assholes who think theres a corporation that must fall. If only people were so smart to see through their own stupid lies about how the rich are so evil, and instead take hold of their own lives. Now its easy to think that the fat cats just robbed me, while simply forgetting my purchase was voluntary. Id rather look deep into the matters at hand, and find the true source of evil and THEN take a stand. When you finally grasp thats its coercion to blame, you'll begin to see my perspective of this human game. The true limit of progress has been in planning for ages, but the people can't see through all its theatrical stages. Im not talkin about planned attacks and false flags the issue is obvious with these violent d-bags. If your lost let me help you to see the true source of evil is aggression against me. When we run to the polls and cast out our votes we completely forget the gun that the poll totes. See government has been accepted as our only solution to the drugs, the guns, the rich, and the polution. But what i wanna know is why we disconnect the vote from the gun you pointed at your own neck. I think its a challence when your not faced with the reality that you voted for coercion and violence – to 'fix' society. The results should be getting clear thats theres only one direction from here. ...unless you have an honest and open mind... then i think some new ideas and logic are well worth your time. Heres something new to consider, its of freedom i speak forget its negative connotations and find the truth you seek. The solution is not simple, take it from me. But lets stop voting for violence, and instead try peacful ANARCHY.
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