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  1. Link is to the TZM channel of the interview. Don't forget that.
  2. Well...private school isn't a haven of education either. Homeschooling is still looked at like a farm for inbred education in a lot of areas. Sometimes I'm happy I don't have to make decisions to things like "Should my kids be indoctrinated by the state or myself?".
  3. http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/23/now-theyre-arresting-people-who-complain-about-the-common-core/ Thoughts? Charges were brought against him, but were later dropped.
  4. Reasons Obama deserves Peace Prize: 1) Because he completely understands that people are people. So why should it be that you and him get along so awfully? 2) Imagine all the people living life in peace. You can say he's a dreamer; but obviously he's not the only one. 3) He's "concentrating on staying healthy, having peace, being happy, remembering what is important, taking in nature and animals, spending time reading, trying to understand the universe, where science and the spiritual meet." And love rock and roll. I could go on, but it's too much for you people, who don't have a Peace Prize mind you, to know how real peace is achieved.
  5. It's an interesting idea. I would think a lot of natural mental illness is stemmed from loss of vitamin or protein production in the body. I don't know if it would cure or prevent mental illness, but if you're a drunk/drug addict; it's probably the best thing for you.
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