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Brock H

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  1. I'm in Glendale and down to travel around so cal for a meetup.
  2. Did I miss something, is the state no longer immoral? If not then how is this topic relevant as it is just propaganda.
  3. Wow that's crazy I "suffer" from something similar. I started listening to FDR last year. Since then I have noticed I sign, hum, and whistle songs. I don't think about it it just happens. Also I started singing to my dog which Idk if he appreciates or not.
  4. I laughed out loud on this one because I went to down vote his comment and got "You have reached your quota of negative votes for the day"
  5. Try asking her if she wants you to be thrown in jail, raped, and possibly killed because you don't support the war(or anything else) and see what she responds with. This goes in line with Stef's Against Me argument found here
  6. I'm so sorry you were forced to go through this. It wAs hard to read at times. I am still new here as well so for me to give any kind of advice won't be much help. It is great to see new people here starting their own journey toward self knowledge. It is a hard thing to do, to look at the world objectively and determine what is true. I look forward to your updates and best of luck!
  7. I'm so sorry your in this situation. Again you made me cry...stop it! Its sad to think that you are not alone in these feelings. Its sad that thousands of people if not millions of people live their life every day hiding from people around them. The very people that are there to love and care for you. The very people that are here to guide and show you the way to adulthood. These very people wish death upon you. Why?! Because you find one gender more attracting than the other(excuse me if there is more to it). Somehow these people find it appropriate to basically stone you to death for it...and you have to see these people everyday....for that i am truly sorry. If there is anything i can do to help please let me know. Have you thought about calling in and talking with Stef?
  8. First off, amazing story. I just recently started participating in the forums and for the last few days I have seen and read quite a few posts by you. It is awesome to see the progression you are making and the raw emotions that you are feeling. Fuck yeah! I got all teared up on this statement because its one that I tell myself a lot.
  9. Jami, welcome! I had goosebumps reading what you wrote because i went through a similar experience. It happened very fast within a week or less my whole life changed. I cant even watch tv now without analyzing what a characters past must have been like. They are not even real people! Its like Stef helped me uncover new pathways within by brain that have been hidden for years due to abuse and neglect in childhood. Once they are uncovered there is no going back. Its hard to take in...its hard when you finally start to look at people around you and see the poison that they have been spiting at you for years. Just finally being able to see evil for what it is was a huge sigh of relief for me tho. Now that i can see the evil, lies, and inconsistencies I can make more rational and logical choices.
  10. OP, I'm not sure if this was mentioned or not but bars are definitely not a good place to pick up stable women. You may have just been using it as an example but if not the place at which you are trying to find women should be examined. From my experience most people who regularly go to bars are really not into self knowledge.
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