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    Belo Horizonte MG - Brasil

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  1. Good business pivot! Start selling the premium content, like the new book. I hope the finances ramp up. Cheers!
  2. Great! I want to know either!
  3. Hi, because the topic is an specific Brazilian question, I'll write in portuguese. Olá colegas, alguma sugestão de terapeuta/psicólogos no Brasil? Vocês conhecem alguém que pratica IFS (internal family systems therapy) aqui? Estou em Belo Horizonte MG, alguém daqui para batermos um papo? Abraços
  4. Hi, I'm in Brazil either, but I'm in Belo Horizonte MG. I solicited my inclusion on the Facebook meet up group. Nice to know that there more listeners in Brazil!
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