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Samir last won the day on July 24 2014

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  1. Hello fellow wisdom seekers, I was there the last two years and it was a blast! I can only recomend it. So head over there for more infos and to sign up. Hope to see you there! https://www.facebook.com/events/321709838291060/?acontext={"ref"%3A"4"%2C"action_history"%3A"null"
  2. Hello fellow wisdom seekers, I was there last year and it was a blast! I can only recomend it. So head over to facebook for more infos. Hope to see you there! https://www.facebook.com/events/1749754525264506/ "It is happening again! We are happy to announce that we are hosting our second Philosophy Europe Convention this October. PEC is mentally and socially stimulating event for all friends of philosophy, anarcho-capitalism and self-development topics and Freedomain Radio listeners. SATURDAY - This day will be dedicated to lectures and discussions. We will meet in Paralelní Polis - Institute of Cryptoanarchy, a unique place with strong Bitcoin community and the first bitcoin-only café (Bitcoin Coffee) in the world. PROGRAM - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0SR0z-pRKRiQnp6bnFQWHNpSjg On SUNDAY you will get chance to know other participants better during a walk through the city and chill-out time in the park. REGISTRATION - If you want to attend, please, register by filling out this form (http://goo.gl/forms/qwR9jTG5oPwxCS3q2). Registration is mandatory and will be violently enforced by the law. Please, help us by sharing the event and inviting those who might be interested. CONTACT - feel free to contact Ondřej or Kristýna here on FB or through the e-mail [email protected]. TIP: If you happen to arrive to Prague earlier, you can join us on Friday for a BBQ that will be held in the evening. We strongly recommend attending Hacker’s congress (www.hcpp.cz) just a week before – it is a big conference about technology, bitcoin, freedom and decentralisation.
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  3. I'm (relatively) safe in Berlin, so it's easy to talk and ask questions that kinda bypass the debate, so If you would be so kind to indulge me: being surrounded by crazy people who want you dead, have you considered moving to a place where that wasn't the case?
  4. What illusions of yours have you vanquished? Just curious.
  5. I find this article by Stef most helpfull: Murdering the Group, Saving the Individual http://freedomain.blogspot.de/search?q=Murdering+the+Group;+Saving+the+Individuals "The solution to the crisis in the Middle East is not easy, but it is simple'and the alternatives are stark. We must outgrow our addictions to the false gods of history, be they religious, political or national. Giving the modern equivalents of witch-doctors access to 21st Century weapons has become far too dangerous. If we cannot break our addiction to our fantasies of collective virtue, the slaughter will only increase. And so we must say to the warring tribes of the Middle East 'and indeed to the whole world: 'As long as there are Arabs and Jews and Americans and Iranians, our natural brotherhood remains drowned in bloody tribal fantasies. If we refuse to give up our gods and groups and leaders, we will forever live in war and fear and hatred. If we can find the strength to outgrow this madness, we may not all find heaven, but at least we will be free to escape hell. The solution to violence is not vanquishing our foes, but our own illusions.'"
  6. "Put down the gun, then we'll talk" "Extract the principal and reverse it". This one is espacially helpfull for me in relationchips.
  7. Haha, the asian guy is what Stef probably looks like to a lot of people. Also a nice visualisation of how it looks like to break through all defenses and "invite" people to break out of their prison. Very liberating as we can see ;-). If only thuth was so contagious...
  8. Right! And it really helps me comprehend the ridiculousness of such positions
  9. Hey guys, one of my favorite podcast type are rebuttals, where Stef just lets loose and annihilates irrational and false arguments with reason and even more passion. So satisfying! One such epic takedown is 646/647 Jennyism Part 1 and 2. Just brutal and yet so beautiful! Especially the end of part 2. Do you also enjoy it, when the gloves come off and Stef goes a bit hulk? Including funny voices and hysterical laughter? What are your favorite moments?
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