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Everything posted by SabrinaB

  1. I recently read some articles about scientist conducting their own experiments in a garage or working together in a community to create a lab that is more open to people than government and university labs. See http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/34469/title/Biology-Hacklabs/ http://www.nature.com/embor/journal/v10/n7/full/embor2009145.html http://diybio.org/ As a government contractor who is getting sick of the bureaucracy stopping me from actual science that I enjoy, I find this article to be a smal ray of hope for the field I love. I think that this could really help the growth of science as a field and bring along new discoveries and inovation. I also could see it as an example of how science could function in a free society. Has anyone else heard anything about this? Thoughts?
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