Look, I am not saying it is the stamp of what it has to be, I was replying to your question on whether it was moral to pay your child for good grades. And my reply was I don't think it is at all. Morality is to determine if something will make you happy or the recipient happy. Of course, there has to be some type of universality of things to keep things in order but in essence, giving a child money isn't a bad thing or a good thing. It is something as a parent to determine. My parents didn't tell me the value of money until I learned from helping with their restaurant and legal stuff I am the only person besides my sister that speaks English. I learned the value of money then and also when I lived on my own. If you think that learning it in an early age is good then try it. You as a parent will affect the way your child thinks by every action you do with the child so just choose wisely. I learned the value of cleanliness from my parents after I moved out since I am allergic to dust. I learned the value of cooking and doing things on my own since my parents left me alone most of the time. As long as you don't physically hurt you child through negative re/enforcement like spanking, yelling, etc. then I think you should be fine with teaching your child the value of money.