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Everything posted by dokkou

  1. Hey guys, I hope you could help me and my future Mrs. Suh with my campaign to raise money to get a wedding and reception. Any donation amount is appreciated and if you can't donate, please share. Thank you in advance for any help. Link is below. http://www.gofundme.com/hk2awg68
  2. Thanks. I will consider those thoughts. Please give me suggestions as well for any captions.
  3. I did it on a whim today but didn't want to put anything on there just yet. I think people should get me what the ideas of what I should put on there and maybe create something from that. I will post up again once I can get a consensus. Good idea though.
  4. Here is a Pic I created from one of the Stef pics I saw on google. Thought you guys might like this or something. I got other pics too. Thought this would be of interest. http://dokkou01.deviantart.com/art/Stefan-Molyneux-441542294
  5. Look, I am not saying it is the stamp of what it has to be, I was replying to your question on whether it was moral to pay your child for good grades. And my reply was I don't think it is at all. Morality is to determine if something will make you happy or the recipient happy. Of course, there has to be some type of universality of things to keep things in order but in essence, giving a child money isn't a bad thing or a good thing. It is something as a parent to determine. My parents didn't tell me the value of money until I learned from helping with their restaurant and legal stuff I am the only person besides my sister that speaks English. I learned the value of money then and also when I lived on my own. If you think that learning it in an early age is good then try it. You as a parent will affect the way your child thinks by every action you do with the child so just choose wisely. I learned the value of cleanliness from my parents after I moved out since I am allergic to dust. I learned the value of cooking and doing things on my own since my parents left me alone most of the time. As long as you don't physically hurt you child through negative re/enforcement like spanking, yelling, etc. then I think you should be fine with teaching your child the value of money.
  6. I thing I would like to ask is why would paying a child to have good grades any more or less moral than giving the child an allowance? At least you can control the expense of what you are paying a child with grades rather than giving the child an allowance. I think the child would learn better with having to get paid for the services he produce. It is the same as paying the child to take out the garbage or cleaning his room. The only fall back is that now he would expect to get paid for the things that are unintended like if you have to move or something. Hell, you could pay the child through food or other things like ice cream or stuff that he really likes. I don't see this any less or more moral than what you are trying to accomplish. Besides, education is subjective and people learn more efficiently when not having a formal institution to help you than a formal one. In terms of rational, it might help or it might not. It would definitely help the child to produce more, that is for sure but I wouldn't say it is any more rational if you don't do that. The child's development is not necessarily set in stone and it is too complicated for one to say that there is one method or many methods to do things since every individual is different. It is not just the environment that determines a child's development but also the motivation in which is he is willing to learn. So I say if you think that this is a good thing then I say go for it. You know your child better than any of us here so you determine how you want to raise your child.
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