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Censory Overload - The Guardian Goes Full Backspace
doodydota replied to aviet's topic in Current Events
Recently, there was a huge uproar in Poland as Facebook wiped thousands of right wing leaning accounts and pages, including a huge fan page with over 250k followers of the upcoming "freedom march" on Nov 11. After protests the fan page of the freedom march has been restored, but most accounts remain blocked. This is how the march looked last year: Our left regard everyone marching and waving a national flag as 'facists'. Facebook managment in Poland is infested with regressive activists, including the CEO. Ironically, after the ban, interest for the march has spiked and it seems there will be a record number of people this year. -
This article from foreignpolicy.com is a perfect example what frustrates me in discussions with ferocious anti-Trump militants. First, the author describes Trump by constructing a massive strawman with typical talking-points from the globalists' echochamber: It's ironic how the author finishes with proposals outright from Trump's very own ideas for the presidency. This shows he must have taking his information not directly from Trump, but from other second-hand sources. The author is obviously a smart guy and probably not a payed shill. The audience for this article is a small group of elitists and hardly a campain contribution. It seems the author actually believes what he writes. How is it possibe that Trump has been effectively cast as the bad guy by most intellectuals and analysts?
Lee Stranahan on periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/stranahan/1zqJVNpBZPlJB cliffs: *Saudi Arabia infiltrated the United States; both Reps and Dems are on saudi payrolls. *This story goes back as far as the 1994 world trade center bombing. *The recent FBI story is a huge thing. Possibility of major islamic infiltration of US politics. Here is some of the sources he talkes about from his Twitter (@stranahan) https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09STATE131801_a.html http://bit.ly/2ekfeMe http://imma.org.uk/ http://europe.newsweek.com/intelligence-gearing-shadow-struggle-154135?rm=eu
How about that. Polish foreign minister Waszczykowski is speaking openly in mainstream radio about "crazed leftists who don't recognize the threat" and is bashing "political correct speech" of his western coutnerparts. http://www.rmf24.pl/tylko-w-rmf24/rozmowa/news-witold-waszczykowski-paryz-to-bardzo-przemyslany-atak-na-cyw,nId,1922161
It's worse than that. The german police has been instructed by the government to ignore the law with regards to people illegally enterning into Germany! https://volksbetrugpunktnet.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/regierung-weist-polizisten-an-gesetzesbrueche-bei-fluechtlingen-zu-ignorieren/
Hello. Here are some interesting charts about the current migrant influx. UN High Commissioner for Refugees reports: http://data.unhcr.org/mediterranean/regional.html According to those number 72% are males, only 50% come from Syria.
source: https://www.facebook.com/liberland?fref=nf
Many jobs that you can see in old american movies have been exterminated. A lost of business went self sercive due to minimum wage laws. For example, I don't think you can come across a youngster cleaning your windscreen at a gas station anymore. Instead of earning experience and work ethics the yougster is raoming the street with his thug friends. As a result you get even more government social programs to help those yougeters. Of course payed for by the gas station owner's taxes.
Anarcho-communists (holy shit...)
doodydota replied to DSEngere's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
Stef has a great conversation in his latest podcast (#2928) with a "resource based" guy who claims to actually live his ideas. I think the commie has made some excellent points and their approach can work in a small community, but is absolutely not scalable, as Stef has pointed out..