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Everything posted by Stob

  1. I don't think we have enough people interested in the same games to do much. I did a search and found a steam group made for FDR http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Freedomain_Radio over 160 members. Join it if you want.
  2. I think this is awesome and hilarious. I don't necessarily agree with the plan to legislate anti bribery laws. But making more people aware of the corruption in politics can't hurt. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-the-honest-politician-crash-the-most-expensive-senate-race-of-all-time
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  3. search for "Some Type of Badass" That should work http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995434583
  4. I do have Civ V but I never really got into multiplier. The games take so looooooong.
  5. I'm really interested in getting a group of free thinking PC video game players together. It would be really helpful if people interested could post what games they are playing. If we can get enough people playing the same games together I'd really like to get some organized gaming events going. What I'm really hoping for is to get some DOTA2 players The game is entirely free, highly competitive and completely skill based. I'm more than willing to teach anyone new to the game the ropes. Add me on steam: "Some Type of Badass" http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995434583
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