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Everything posted by Wuzzums

  1. If someone were to give you a constant salary for actively doing something until the end of your life, what would that something be?
  2. Yep. That's how I would approach the problem.
  3. Well if she wants to date you too and seeing how she's Syrian then probably she's out there wondering "How do I date a westerner?". I'm assuming you're a westerner. Transparency might be key here.
  4. I wanna see him donate all his wealth and change his race then try to be disobedient... or at least preach disobedience from the pulpit.
  5. It seems to me they would save a lot of time by just listing the things you are insured for. Which is... nothing.
  6. This TED talk by Alain de Botton talks about this. He argues for applying religious tactics to atheism/science. How we should celebrate great minds/ideas in the same way we celebrate fictional stories, to underline their importance and make them known worldwide. How instead of praying we teach our kids how to recite useful things like laws of motion or logical fallacies, and so on. I'm all for it.
  7. Fat is surplus energy stored. How can there be fat if no surplus energy is added? We are not plants, eating is an active process. How can you eat no more than your daily caloric requirement and get fat? (medical conditions notwithstanding, the diagnosis for obesity is based on adipose tissue alone) I'm speaking from experience. I have been obese most of my life but then I applied the 1st law of thermodynamics to my life and I'm fat no more... sssssssSCIENCE.
  8. Compared to what? By your logic Hitler was a blessing because compared to Stalin he killed far less people (sorry for employing Godwin's law). Jeffrey Dahmer was a blessing because he murdered less people than Ted Bundy. Cancer is a blessing compared to heart disease because it kills far less people. The same way christians should pay more attention to Ted Haggard on the realm of hating homosexuals and not his personal life?
  9. Whenever the words "quantum physics" are used next to any outlandish claim you can be 100% certain it's all BS. What scientists would know an awful lot about quantum physics? Physicists. What scientists know as much about quantum physics as the average person? Every other scientists, Lanza being one of them. Who conceived a new theory of everything with strong roots in quantum physics? Robert Lanza. But let's not decide who's right based on degrees. Let's use empirical data. If Robert Lanza were to break his neck in a forest and there's no one there to observe it, does he still die?
  10. I have done the rice experiment and each time I open the lids there's a gerbil in the container with the nice phrase, and soy milk in the container with the bad phrase therefore water has no memory but morphing capabilities. Don't believe me by word of mouth alone and require actual solid proof? Even if I give you solid proof you still won't believe me so this is why I recommend you do it yourself and see. See the fault in your argument?
  11. I think that asking this question itself shows that you want to act according to your principles. I can't speak for others but I find that integrity brings more to my life than just acting according to wins/loses. I think you do too, otherwise you wouldn't want to have it in your life in the form of moral persons. If someone acts like an asshole and they feel good at the end of the day then that's their prerogative. But you are yourself so don't expect to feel as good as other people for acting like an asshole. Have a scientific approach, see which of the two paths makes you happier. When it comes to things like these I find that experience outweighs theory.
  12. Yeah, he just strawmans, and I think being called arrogant is one of the best compliments because the person saying it doesn't really know they're making a tacit concede. It's like saying "I can't disagree with a word you said BUT I didn't like the way you said it". Bill Burr is alright, ironically he seems exactly like the type of person that would get into the FDR philosophy.
  13. It's actually South Korean, I believe. It's meant to show off the hypocrisy of both sides by pretending it's North Korean. I think it's quite a clever move.
  14. I'm still not certain how unhealthy eating habits can lead to a muscular fit body. However I fully agree with the eating disorders and bad health part. It's the lazy person's way of losing weight, and what they get is a flabby body and a decrease in energy.
  15. I stopped bothering with TAA after he endorsed Howard Bloom, a guy that debated the 2nd law of thermodynamics without him bothering to google up a definition. So yeah, that's basically his standard of insight.
  16. From his wiki page: "Chopra coined the term quantum healing to invoke the idea of a process whereby a person's health "imbalance" is corrected by quantum mechanical means. Chopra claimed that quantum phenomena are responsible for health and wellbeing. He has attempted to integrate Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine, with quantum mechanics, in order to justify his teachings. According to Robert Carroll, he "charges $25,000 per lecture performance, where he spouts a few platitudes and gives spiritual advice while warning against the ill effects of materialism."[36]" "In 1993, Chopra became executive director of the Sharp Institute for Human Potential and Mind–Body Medicine with a $30,000 grant from the Office of Alternative Medicine in the National Institutes to study Ayurvedic medicine.[8] " "Chopra wrote about the contrast between spirituality and science in his 2011 book War of the Worldviews - Science vs Spirituality, coauthored with Caltech Professor of Physics Leonard Mlodinow. In it he says he has a respect and admiration for the scientific method but he believes it has limitations and he contends there is a need for an expanded science that includes the reality and investigation of the observer, or consciousness.[34][35]" "In August 2005, Chopra wrote a series of articles on the creation-evolution controversy and Intelligent design which were criticized by science writer Michael Shermer, founder of The Skeptics Society.[78][79][80] Shermer has said that Chopra is "the very definition of what we mean by pseudoscience".[81]" etc Personally I'm not being critical of him, I'm just pointing at him and laughing.
  17. Wuzzums


    I agree. Recently Michael Shermer has been accused of rape and he didn't really worry about it because apparently these sort of attacks happen regularly each year around the TAM event. During another event someone even accused him of fathering a child and denying him child support, even though he had a vasectomy many years prior. The MRA's are from what I know the voice of reason in this whole debate. I do think it's badly named, though. They advocate human rights yet call it "men's rights" which all it does is polarize the debate. Of course it's gonna attract misogynists regardless because of the name alone. Same goes for feminism except the other way around, attracts human rights activists when the movement focuses on misandry.
  18. That she has mass whether or not the Higgs boson exists. (this joke was funny but CERN just had to ruin it)
  19. From the description it sounds like a more generalized job contract. As in you choose to be there and agree on certain terms, etc. Am I far off? Also does it address the implication that in order to have a voluntary government you have to first be able to live without having to choose any voluntary government? Which means that a stateless society already exists in that scenario.
  20. This city's sleeping like a soldier trapped inside of an iron lung. Machines can keep you breathing but what happens when you find a new war's begun? Flip a switch and turn it off, you won't be able to breathe. So either way you're a casualty. I've got this burning like my veins are filled with nothing but gasoline. And with a spark it's gonna be the biggest fire they've ever seen. Cut me down or let me run, Either way it's all gonna burn... The only way that they'll ever learn We've got to turn it off Flip a switch Light up the night! There is a city that this darkness can't hide. There are the embers of a fire that's gone out, But I can still feel the heat on my skin This mess we're in, well you and I, Maybe you and I, We can still make it right. Maybe we can bring back the light. Tom: At the heart of the city there is a building that looks down over all there is. And the man in the tower controls it all without raising a single fist. It's like they gathered up the city, they sold it to the devil and now, It's gone to hell and they wonder how. Well, a friend once told me: Men, they would follow any man who would turn the wheels. Now the wheels are spinning out of control; what would they do if we held them still? If you destroy the working parts, what you'll get is a broken machine. A beacon of light from a burning screen. Light it up. Light up the night. Together: There is a city that this darkness can't hide. There are the embers of a fire that's gone out, But I can still feel the heat on my skin. This mess we're in, well you and I, maybe you and I, We can light up the night. Together: There is a city that this darkness can't hide. There are the embers of a fire that's gone out, But I can still feel the heat on my skin. This mess we're in, well you and I, maybe you and I, We can light up the night. There is a city that this darkness can't hide There is a fire that will burn through the streets of the city, and we will stand in the light. We will stand in the light, you and I. You and I. We can bring back the light.
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