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Everything posted by JohnnyFree83

  1. It seems to me like Peter Joseph does not understand how to differentiate between where the government has influence and the free market begins. It's understandable, we have been taught a lot of incorrect definitions for terms throughout our lives in public school and through the media. He attributes the poor business decisions that have plagued his life with how the world would work when there is personal responsibility. His story about staying for 5 weeks in a job that did not pay him is a perfect example of this. If it were me I would have been looking for another job the day after they withheld the first paycheck. His movement is pretty scary too. His movies on Netflix were some of the first things I saw that exposed me to a lot of the true nature of the world we currently live in. It was a real wake up call but I'm glad to say that I only used them as a tool. Watching them now and listening to them describe this perfect society that they envision has some seriously familiar fascist overtones. If his movement ever takes hold I think he will end up being remembered in history as another Karl Marx, Lennon or Stalin. The market is there in America right now on the far left, the ones who see money as the root of all evil. The ones who are angry at the corporations and scream for more government protection and more laws. Those people see the symptoms of the broken system as the causes. That group is growing every day in America and those are the people that his system will appeal to.
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