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Everything posted by Gar

  1. Gar


    Have you read The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand?
  2. Are you saying that my understanding of the situation is true?
  3. Is the governments purpose to protect people FROM people or to protect SOME people from nature at the expense of OTHER people without limitation? Just borrow more and the problem is solved? For how long? And why?
  4. My understand is; the Federal Reserve creates money buy buying securities from banks, then the banks buy treasuries from the government. The federal government (the US treasury) then distributes this money to mostly entitlees and a fraction to people employed in social programs (including the military) . This viewpoint is not often identified or discussed. What do you think? Is this true?
  5. Gar


    Do computers have an emotional drive to reproduce themselves? Yeah, well reality is kinda what it is but only when it is convienient. Thx for the response. I'm certain that I know the answers to the questions that I asked in this post. It's intriguing to read other peoples opinions (convictions?) P.S. And thank you to ALL of you for responding and stating your views.
  6. Gar


    Emotions. What are they? Why do we have them? Can specific conflicting emotions be identified logically? How do they effect our convictions and actions? Do conflicting emotions cause an analytic/synthetic dichotomy? ALL people that I try to discuss this with have a negative emotional response to this topic. It's like am being rude. The attitude is" how dare you" or "this is boring or depressing" rather than " yes this is the CAUSE of all things that people do and now that we have identified the CAUSE we may be able to anticipate and change the EFFECT from adversarial to cooperative. If this has been covered, please direct me to the appropriate presentation. Your potential friend CB
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