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Everything posted by y2k1
Comatose people and severely alzhimer humans dont have rights
y2k1 replied to y2k1's topic in General Messages
Comatose people and severely alzhimer humans dont have rights
y2k1 replied to y2k1's topic in General Messages
I was referring to those that are permanent to both. -
One thing to make your own road in the middle of country its another to make/maintain one in urban areas.
Arguing a guy on Facebook on minimum wage...thoughts?
y2k1 replied to PreDeadMan's topic in General Messages
Min wages aren't all that bad TBH. The thing about anarch capitalists is that they have to think everything is bad when there is evidence to show the opposite, such as the min wage. Right now the min wage is effectively zero. -
My question is does this work with animals/pets? If from the first few weeks I look at the animal in the eyes will it develop attachment?
Very often Stefan will say that when you take into consideration single motherhood there is no disparity in prison. I am looking for a citation.
So you have prob heard about David Futrelle and his quote mine of Molyneux about holding women accountable. I am looking for a clip/s of him doing same for men and emphasizing free will.
So you are a minarchist... Why?
y2k1 replied to alexqr1's topic in Libertarianism, Anarchism and Economics
I am a minarchist because it's not enough to say "i dont know what it will look like in a stateless society" or that we may not need roads. If you go for a revolution, you need to have a very in depth blue print. Also the private security force is historically proven to be a bad idea. -
You actually raise a good point about the NAP. You can't use it as fundamentalism. Hopefully restriction free euthanasia will exist and as such someone jumping in front of a bus will always be presumed as accidental, thus eliminating conflict.
Equality is not only undefinable, but funnily enough the panel that gets to define equality isn't equal itself. For instance men cannot define gender equality has been achieved. Hell even the average woman's opinion is ignored. The thing about equality is it is androgynous. Instead of having equal but different roles, we have this freak merging of women becoming men. So this 'equality' we speak of is inefficient and economically disastrous because only women can have kids. Right now the classes who are more adept to raising children are having less if at all and the underclass of illiterates and welfare claimers are having more. No. Equality is not a good thing. We need specialization and obligations. Modern day woman has rejected specialization-child rearing and has not taken obligations of what would be expected of men. For instance men are jailed for child support. Women rarely are.
So I see myself as a minarchist. I definitely believe that social programs do far more harm than good. That taxation is largely inefficient, especially today with globalization so I have an idea. Why not just have the night watch institutions, lower taxation (remove corp tax completely) and give money via printing directly to each citizen every month adjusted to inflation? For instance £300 a month to each individual. Basically it would be trickle upward economics. No need for relentless bureaucracy.
If the West is patriarchal I sure haven't had any benefit -Quotas/affirmative action discriminating against men -No child rights after divorce. Of course F-ism will state its to keep women in their place, and yet how many Feminist are members of Fathers4Justice? Hypocrites. -Life expectancy of men is 6/7 years younger than women, which is largely due to men not taking as much from the state as women. -Prison rates are higher for men, and are sentenced to harsher sentences (we all know about self-fulfilling prophecies). -The average net worth of men is lower than women, despite the fallacy of men supposedly being paid more. -Conscription for men only -More men are homeless than women -The education system is largely female. 1/4 primary schools in the UK don't have a single male teacher -The family is matriarchal. Seems odd that women have the 2 major ideological institutions and yet they are victims of this patriarchal ideology Seems like a pretty shitty deal for men. Oh but more men are in positions of government. Well that's because we live an elitist society not a patriarchal society. Nothing stops women from creating their own businesses or from picking male occupations. You know why they don't? Because men do the jobs women don't want to do. Lets say an Atlas Shrugged scenario occurs but with men just dissapearing. Suddenly all these male jobs need filling. Do you know any women who want to be truck drivers or engineers? I don't. Well what do those 2 jobs have in common? -Isolation (esp for truck driver) -Long hours (men work on average 8hrs longer than women and feminist complain about the 2hrs of womens domestic work a week) -Lack of family time, again mainly truck driver -Death rates. 94% of all workplace deaths are male. -Boredom and routine work. -Engineering is a 5 year degree as opposed to humanities which are 3 years, and don't have the same career options. So going back to that scenario. Is it plausible that this second half of the female population would get paid more than the original half of the female population? Of course. Why? Because those jobs are a lot more shitty than working as a receptionist. Going back to politics. The reason women aren't in positions of power is because women don't do politics. Oh there are affirmative action. I remember in I think 2007 David Cameron (UK PM) promised half his cabinet be female. That promise wasn't met, not because there was something sinister going on but because he had no well qualified women to chose from. If only 10% of the people who go into politics are women then it only makes sense that more men would get into politics via merit and NOT from patriarchy or a conspiracy theory. The difference between men and women can be summarised as thus: Men get degrees in engineering. Women get degrees in media studies.
People have always complained about quality of TV or music. It's nothing new. Yes there is a lot of junk in the cinema and cliches but that has always been the case. Take music. Justin Bieber and 1 Direction are manufactured and haven't produced that much quality music. They live by hype. However, if you look around the internet you will fin many indie artists with talent and because they don't have a PR team or lots of funding, they have to rely on innovation and good quality music. IMO we are lucky as the last gen had to rely on MTV and perhaps underground tapes for their discography. In short: there is great stuff out there but you have to find it.
I'm kinda the opposite. I lost interest in v-games and am now watching more TV and YouTube videos, mainly political stuff. Wish I could read more but my reading comprehension is so poor.
Well what do you actually mean by 'power'? if a white middle class boy is told by his dad from a young age 'when you grow up you are going to become a government minister or chairman of a boardroom' and then he does become such is that really power? I would argue not. What if that individual wanted to be a stay at home dad? Society however says that husbands and men in general should not be stay at home fathers. In that scenario isn't that a form of powerlessness? Infact I think 'power' in this context is wrong. Sure he may be a minister but he had only one route to go. I doubt if he had told his dad he wanted to be a stay at home dad that it would be encouraged. IMO the individual is playing a role but is not demonstrating power. IMO power is agency to do as you wish. Just as how women could not have careers in the 19th century or were restricted from such in the early 20th century, today men have little power in that they HAVE to work. Infact according to Farrell men chose high paying jobs not out of desire or agency, but simply because they have to. Similarly Feminism has more or less reduced womens option to stay at home as they are demonized as being as backward. Furthermore all these affirmative action programs have seen men become discriminated against in the workplace.
But they tend to be easily ignored, hence why I haven't heard of this until today. There has to be a more powerful way to do so surely? How can we achieve a Libertarian society if we cannot even challenge Feminist lies, or even awaken to the fact that they exist? If Feminism and the state is so intertwined, then is the fact that we are still passing lies as truth a sign that we are sooooo far behind? It feels like we are fighting an uphill battle. Is this a battle we can win or are we fighting culture itself?
So I was watching Stefan's video titled 'The War on Drugs is a War on People'. Anyhow in the video he referred to how women's pay inequality was a myth, citing Warren Farrell. So I looked him up and was gobsmacked by his research on how the pay gap is a myth and that in reality the reason is simple economics: That men earn more because they take the jobs which quite frankly women don't want to do because they are awful, such as a truck driver (no offense intended to any out there!). It was quite mind blowing because I always just passingly accepted it as fact and evidence of routine discrimination. Turns out that men are poorer than women in terms of net worth because their pay is eaten up by women! I can testify to this as my mother didn't/doesn't work and she spends all the money! I fully recommend you listen to this video. It's lengthy but as I say mind blowing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Raufh8fP8 My point on this thread is how do we challenge this? So many people view pay-gap as simple fact. It's like from birth that we are socialized into this: men are evil women are good who put up with men. Everytime I watch a feminist video on YouTube these days, especially when it's a news channel, I get angry and want to reveal this 'patriarchy' myth. It just seems such a strong discourse and as Stefan states is a prerequisite for government expanding its power, such as through affirmative action. If men come out and point out the hypocrisy of Feminism and defend themselves from routine discrimination, we are labelled as misogynist. Can we fight this discourse and how? How can we rally against the bully tactics of Feminism without it exasperating the us v them mentality?