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Thanks for sharing Pepin. Practically every member of my family is Christian bar myself. I've learned not to flaunt that fact if it can be helped, otherwise if I'm seen as apparently deviating too far of the Christian trail I'm putting myself at risk of being teamed up against. This happened to a few years ago and was a very unpleasent and disappointing experience. I've heard of many stories relayed to me from one of my family members (usually my aunt-who was at one point fanatical) about people who have asked the great lord to heal them and lo and behold their prays where heard and their wishes granted. I'd have to say I've personally listened to each case with a touch of skepticism and amusment over the miraculous source of these recoveries, after all, most of the stories are not easy to either verify or dispprove as I usually dont know the people. I've found there is a propensity of believers to not rationally investigate these supposed cures from God for concern that a perfectly sound scientific explanation can be uncovered that casts doubt on the claim it was a miracle. So it's easier to merely agree that prayer works..after all he/she was praying? Thats proof right there no?! Obviously for the easily fooled it is. I do think people can cause themselves to become ill-I think it is called psychomatic illnesses or something. In my opinion, I think a lot of people merely can't be bothered or dont have the time looking for a rational explanation behind each instance, and it's usually easier to consider someone or something else did it. Basically they dont want to accept responsibility. It's like the saying, what you dont know can't hurt you...yet when was being ignorant and fooled in the search for wisdom and enlightenment something to be considered desirable?
Anyone watch Derren Brown: Miracles for sale? Excellent program. To be brief, it's an experiment that is intended to expose the fraud of faith healers. I thought it was fasinating how easily people could be duped into believing they have been cured, some are so thoroughly convinced it was the work of god channeling his power through some chosen individual that they even give up necessay medical treatment, which has even resulted in eventual death, depending upon severity of the illness. These fraudsters get away with these deceptions quite regulary without being properly investigated. Quite often the person being "cured" isn't a true volunteer but someone in on the act, or is someone who is already leaning heavily towards the notion because of their faith and belief that miracles have occured in the past and therefore can occur in the present. Very often the faith healers pretend to have no way of knowing the names or illness from those they are supposedly treating. Yet that is merely a lie. They usually find out from prayer cards etc and then selectively pick those whose information he has memorised or otherwise learns about via some ear piece. Regulary during a performance they command the devil etc to leave the person and to eliminate them of their demons. Often it is loud, dramtic and adrenaline inducing. Often they strike the individual so to make it appear as if the power of Jesus is being shot through them and into the reciepent. Very often during a show they ask for donations, apparently because doing Gods work requires sums of cash, and very often believers are ready to sign a check to support the fraudster. People who have found that they are actually no better off and inquiry as to the reason why, are told they lack the faith or it requires more...money. Clearly this is an utter disgrace. Btw, this isn't an attack on anyone's religious beliefs Just wondering if anyone has personally experienced or witnessed faith healers first hand?
Man chill out. I'm not interested in bantering on about it anymore anyway. I already admitted I should of provided a link and left it at that. You can investigate if you wish-or not, entirely your call. Ok? Ps. those smiles just amuse me)
Well, I agree that one should observe, think for oneself etc. I should point out however, that the genius formula is more simple and much more advanced. I have nothing more to add other than reiterating that if anyone is interested or curious they should rationally investigate the matter themselves & the website is a good place to start.
Another negative response. But I found it more amusing than anything else ribuck. You seem to already have made up your mind about the value of the formula. No offence intended, but you clearly don't know enough about it to properly evaluate it's worth. I'm pretty confident you would change your mind if you listened to the first series, not that I care to press the issue. Any further questions I suggest you direct to the customer service team (link can be found to contact them at the top right corner of the www.megagenius.com homepage). A trademark is a good way to distinguish between products and services one provides and those offered from his/her competitors and is useful in protecting one's intellectual property. From my viewpoint, upon considering the sheer superlative quality of the reasoning behind the formula and lectures, I find it imperative that others don't deceptively pretend to of discovered the formula or of having falsely orginated something belonging to another, be it for financial gain or whatever. The three steps work as well as they are applied but it is also important that no aspect of the formula becomes altered, for that deviation will result in a less effective, less workable technology, at least to some degree.
I can't pretend to disagree Robin. Although, in truth, I bought the first series myself to find out if his discovery and claim was accurate. I wasn't predisposed I think into accepting anything that he said as factual or true. I was curious and intrigued yes but not gulible or inclined-I had no vested interest (for one thing I knew I could recoup my money upon request). I didn't immediately purchase a lecture series. I read some of his briefings and other sections of the website, quite often I concurred with various conclusions he had reached, eg most people accept what is most convienent and disregard the truth. Seeing such self evident truths naturally prompted my own curiosity. I was impressed enough by his insight. I can think for myself and do so. Naturally if Jim he was as intelligent as the website was evidently indicating he was, the lectures would surely back that up, right!? After reviewing the site to what I estimated was a sufficient extent, I concluded it was worth buying the first series, on the premise that there may be some substance and workability to it. After all, such a remarkable discovery deserved attention I thought, and I believed only someone with a sufficient degree of intelligence would be able to isolate and formulate such a discovery. If someone else could have they probably would of. Certainly it is a bold claim worthy of investigation (imo). The way I saw it, and still do, is that the higher up the intelligence scale the more likely one is to encounter one who operates with a high level of ethics, responsibility, courage, is honest, truthful etc. I also contacted his customer service team who were very helpful. Whether or not you choose to consider it a waste of your time and other's is not my business, they are just your considerations. It's unfortunate that I didn't merely suggest the site and leave it there. Btw, the definition Jim uses to define technology is as follows and is in my opinion an extremely accurate definition: The practical application of knowledge resulting in a particular capability. (In other words it is the way to attain an ability). I like that. Basically it is an extremely effective and workable way to get the job done. "The Genius Formula" is the technology for skyrocketing intelligence. Three simple techniques that work as well as they are applied-no more and no less.
I'm going to just drop this. All I'll say is I suggest going to the website and if your not satisifed, contact customer service. My understanding is they offer full refund for any disatisfaction. The lectures are not free for the same reason that motion pictures (for example) are copyrighted and not free: They are valuable artistic creations that were costly to produce, which are protected from theft and malicious alteration by intellectual property rights, which are worldwide laws that enable the copyright owner to control and self-determinedly use his own creative works. I clearly should of left a link and let it go at that. Apologies.
Hi, I've asked customer service. I've not heard back yet. I tend to see each of the above points. I think there may of been issues with this in the past (maybe). Anyway as soon as I hear back I'll be (hopfully) in a far better position to explain the formula or why there is reluctance or hesitation (on their behalf) with me qouting Jim. Honestly I'm not fully aware of the reasons why, so I'm trying to get some clarification on it etc. If I have to ask a few further questions to the customer service team I will but that shouldn't cause much delay as I mostly recieve emails from them during the daytime (& on the go with my mobile). Also I've decided to offer to purchase the first series of the lectures for ...a volunteer. Just one. Preferably for someone who is at least open minded to the possibility and is interested in testing the workability of the formula. I figure many people dislike taking charity money, if you choose to look at it like that, so of course the person would need to not feel like he owe's anything more than a thanks-if even. Call it a gift. PS I hope this isn't against guidelines (ignore if is).
I agree with you Robin. I'll try my best to answer your questions more thoroughly and directly in the future. Just bear with me whilst I await news from the customer service.
Hi Robin Due to his lectures being copyright material, I'll need to ask customer service if I can share that definition with you. In the meantime, I recommend reading a free intelligence briefing or two on his website. Alternatively you could request that info from them yourself. The definition is surprisingly basic. Once I heard it, I became a bit bemused it hadn't been considered or used before (as to the best of my knowledge it hasn't), because it is so elementary and so accurate. Jim has said this "The reason that The Genius Formula works so well is that it isolates all the essential components of intelligent thought for the first time and excludes all non essential factors.” Jim has said "The fundamental secret to thinking like a genius is in not thinking like a fool, which is the essential difference between a moron and a genius." The essence of the formula boils down to perception, which is senior to and governs intelligence. Essentially the rewards one reaps is proportional to the extent the formula is applied, and applied accurately (i.e. without alteration). The questions you posed would be much easier to answer if I can be granted permission to qoute Jim himself. Sorry if this doesn't satsify you right now. I once was discussing the term Mega Genius online with another fellow. I was attempting to explain that the term isn't because he has some ego to feed, (which is a mistake to assume) but to draw on an important and noteworthy distinction between intellects at the high to highest ranges. I was allowed to use the following definitions of a Mega Genius: "A person of extremely superior intelligence whose natural analytic process of reasoning is the perfect application of "The Genius Formula". "One who innately reasons by perfect application of "The Genius Formula" and who's level of intelligence is so distinctly seperate from, and superior to, that which denotes a genius as to not be accurately measurable by the most advanced procedures of intelligence testing." I hope this helped somewhat. Thanks for paying interest.
Hello everone, Jim Diamond aka Mega Genius, has isolated and formulated a simple 3 step process that can be used to increase one's intelligence without limitation. I just think you guys may like to investigate his website. Other than having listened to the complete series of lectures currently available and communicated with Jim on an array of subjects via his question option, I have no other affiliation to the website per se. I'm simply mentioning this because you deserve to know, as it works, and because it is therefore one of the most importand discoveries ever found for humanity. Here is a link: www.megagenius.com If you have any questions about him or the site etc, contact his customer service team, who are usually prompt to respond. Naturally you can ask me as well. Thank you.
Interesting post, nice link. About to review the site, after I take a bite to eat, otherwise my gargling, stomach is going eat me inside out.