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Everything posted by ashesmi
Here is a New Math with No Straight Lines in it... http://www.lulu.com/shop/ashes-mi/jaydens-therom/paperback/product-22369365.html I have Acquired Savant Syndrome, so can anyone other than me understand the math?
Here is Pi so Exausted cant go anyfurther Here is SIMPLE GRADE 6 MATH BOOK EXPLAINING IT!!! http://brownskinwife.yolasite.com/resources/Fractal%20Binary%20Grade%206.pdf cannot move a single musel...going to bed
Here is the Jewelz Equation Set and here is another Version of it looking more like an atom Dr. Michio Kaku I really need feedback I am going out of my mind and this has cost me EVERYTHING! Stephan Please ask Michio to save ME...Michio Where Are YOU?!?! I Love You Michio
Here is the Modifyed Gummy LSD version of the "Jewelz Equation Set", this Describes the Strong, Weak Nucluar Forces as well as Gravity and Magnitism and Bla bla bla.... Everything in the Universe Comes From Pi This is Splitting the Pi, or splitting the One which IS Pi...Pi is a WAVE Yaaaaa! Oh I still got to Edit it, on the Second Level I will Replace T'Wave with L and H and the Third Level I will Replace T'Wave with LL HL and LH HH...but it is Pretty much Cool and is working so far nicely with Simple Newtoian Rules...
Here is a Gummy LSD Version of Splitting the One, Which is a Wave which is from Pi... Michio PLEASE HELP ME SOLVE FOR Pi...H stands for High and L stands for Low...see the High Low Wave / Frequency Patterns? This is Sting theory using Newtoian Mechanics
Here is the Censored Children Video of the Future, I hope U all enjoy it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il5gGB3kMiQ Please don't forget to THUMBS Up and remember to Share it
Above is the Equation to splitting the "ONE". Numbers are now Normalised and as physical as everything around us. This is taking Newtoian Physics and taking it to the MAX... At the End of this Paper called Samuari Psychology is the Section called Fractal Binary, where everything comes from "ONE"... http://ashesmi.yolasite.com/resources/PsychologyOne.pdf Oh and Stef YOU ROCK! Peace Love Groovy and Love Protect and Respect all Woman and Children (OMEGAS)... Got to Fly, splitting the ONE Split my BRAIN... Oh to the People who do not understand this 99% of you, here is the UNFINISHED VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ61jToN7L0 Stef, teach MEN TO BE MEN, (Positive Powers) and the woman will return to being a (Positive Labour) Love All Of YOU!
I will always respect and look up to you Stefan but I do NOT have your Stammina and I am falling behind. I was a Master in the Martial Arts years back and was an Acupuncturist as well. I developed this new psychology based on duality and opposites. It is very simple and describes thermodynamics and sexuality (based on Micheal Focult phlosophys on sexuality) I think You have HONOUR Stefan and wish I could keep up. My mind is stuck in the mud and the transmission is broken so the wheels don't turn anymore. I am so confused I don't know where I am half the time. Here is the Samaria PSychology I helped to develope. http://ashesmi.yolasite.com/lsd.php it is the Book called Psychology1.doc Be well Stefan and Veryone, I am off line for as long as it takes to get better OK?
I had a really strong background in Eastern Thinking growing up. So Yin and Yang was my philosophy, just can't describe the stuff. Anyhow here is a New Psychology I am playing with, has anyone seen this before? I am sure there are lots of mistakes in it below, but does it make sense to anyone? The direction at least? This is Liquid Gummy Science. I am not trying to abort it with debate, but give birth to it with discussion. Yang - Male - Alpha - Left Brain Alpha Alpha's are Competitive by nature. Alpha Alphas compete against other Alpha Alpha's for the Omegas. All Alpha's Protect and Cooperate with Omega's. Alpha Beta's are Weak Alpha's, and do what they are told by the Alpha Alpha and Stronger Alpha Beta's. There can only be One Alpha Alpha at the top for Peace within the Alpha's Social Structor (A.S.S.) Detachment, Ego and Fear (Compotion) The 4 Male Alpha Types. Alpha Alpha - Jessy Ventura Alpha Omega - Howard Stern Omega Alpha - Joe Rogan, Alex Jones Omega Omega - David Icke Yin - Female - Omega - Right Brain Omega's coroperate with other Omegas. Omegas control the Alpha's they serve. Omega Beta's are Weaker or Younger Omegas. Omega Beta's Mature into Omega's and Cooropate with other Omega's. There can be many Omega's together for Peace within the Omega Social Structor (O.S.S.) Empathy, Oneness and Love (Corroperation) The 4 Female Omega Types. Omega Omega - Jane Addams Omega Alpha - Cleopatra Alpha Omega - Joan of Arc Alpha Alpha - Margaret Thatcher Omegas Serve while Alphas Protect, in Ballance they serve and protect each other Omega is Inside, Alpha is Outside. Alpha is the skin to protecting it's Heart Omega, Omega is the Heart for Alpha, without Omega Alpha suffers. Alpha protect's all Omega's. As Omega's Receive they Share. As Alphas Share they Receive. The Omega Balances the Alpha. Alpha's go crazy till they have Omega's to bring their Power into focus. Without the Slave Controlling Master the Master is Powerless. Power is only as great as the Labour that controls it. An Alpha Omega Omega is an Alpha who is More about Empathy, Oneness and Love. It is Not Competitive yet it welcomes suggestions not Orders from Alphas as it is Cooperation Based. They do not want to be followed as they are Omega and they do not want to be Lead as they are the Alpha, they want to Live and let Live, I am about Live and Let Live, guess which one I am Females Omega Omega are the Softest of Omegas and are Maternal and Feminine, they desire Power. Male Alpha Alpha's are the Strongest of Alphas and are Paternal and Masculine, they desire Labour. This is yin yang based.
What passes for deep thinking on Facebook (HuffPo).
ashesmi replied to MrCapitalism's topic in Current Events
Can I add one? I am not my Creator what is my Creator then if I am not it? Anyone have any insights? Did I somehow create Myself? I don't know just having fun with thinking till I pick up my Blue Pills at the Hospital and STOP THINKING! Can't wait -
To bad, I am so sad there is no one to talk with, the university's will chase me away and your the only one understanding this it seems, I know Michio is getting this, but like everyone on earth (except you) he wont speak to me. Do you see how to add the waves together and come up with new numbers? And Waves can be added at the Same time So many many many calculations in a Single Calculation. I am taking the Site down and will port it to a new url, I will send you the url because you seem to be the only one willing to speak with me about this. There Not Worth it, but will keep you posted. So Tired, but you understand this...Thank You Sorry so burnt out I didn't notice you, Quantum Computing can Enable you to Crack PGP, cause Prime numbers are easier to Crack and this physics math is NOT SSD but it is in the Gummy LSD Phase so I am trying to Crack PGP I am Trying different methods using Physics and Pi
Yes you understand it, I think I got confused with forward slash back slash, but basically it is simple Newton based wave mechanics. Everything is a Wave. Pi itself is a Wave being describe in this math, it is an Infinite wave that goes on forever inside of itself. Every solid number Pi into it's self? Hard to describe over text. I live in toronto if you want to hook up I can show you over a coffee better than on text. If not I will one day try to make a video and send it to you Yes you understand it, I think I got confused with forward slash back slash, but basically it is simple Newton based wave mechanics. Everything is a Wave. Pi itself is a Wave being describe in this math, it is an Infinite wave that goes on forever inside of itself. Every solid number Pi into it's self? Hard to describe over text. I live in toronto if you want to hook up I can show you over a coffee better than on text. If not I will one day try to make a video and send it to you
Yes forward slash is Physical (Kinetic) and Back slash is Potential...I did this in Physics class as a Kid. Math gurus have a hard time understanding it because it is Physics Math...do you follow? I am couch surfing and no internet so it may take time to reply to you.
It could be bullshit. No matter how good any LSD might sound, it is NOT SSD. To an SSD Scientist, anything that isn't SSD is BULLSHIT anyways. SSD is not about things like common sense or mumbo jumbo, it is about FACT! SSD Protects the Science it Understands today from any bullshit penitrating it and screwing it up and hurting someone or something. GSD is to take great careful with the LSD as the GSD would be responsible for the Common Sense thing, and LSD is ONLY the FICTION of SCIENCE...perhaps one day a little nugget of this LSD can help us to Spread the Love we all Share on this planet to other worlds!...Wouldn't that be great? We can Spread out Infection through out the Universe! I can't Wait...kidding of course...
I am glad you would like to invest in Liquid Science. I am investing everything I have, but resources are Low, no internet being on of them. I was thinking of some Liquid Science Development (LSD) Last night while thinking of the scientific method. I was wondering how the scientific method might apply to LSD? If I am not mistaken here is the Scientific Method... 1. Formulation of a question... 2. Hypothesis... 3. Prediction... 4. Testing... 5. Analysis... Might Testing and Analysis (4 and 5) below be left out in LSD, as LSD is ONLY Fiction so we wouldn't Physically Test or do Analysis, we could theorise but not physically test, so it is safe to use, so long as it is Defined as LSD...A doctor or engeneer wouldn't take any LSD and Apply it to a Patient or a Bridge because they would be betting someone's life on it. So Any-time a Grey Swan or White Swan is using LSD in a problem, quantum mechanics being an Example any LSD should be defined as LSD. Liquid science is so creative and free because there are no real expectations and it is Safe to use. The More Creative and Flexable the Better the LSD. There is no Right or Wrong as their is in SSD. If using this structure of the 3 systems of Science. The closer the GSD is to the LSD the greater the SSD...the further away the GSD from the LSD the Less the SSD. So the more creative the LSD and more Responsive the GSD towards it, the greater the Progress and Growth for the SSD. Did I make sense? LSD is only brain storming so no one can get hurt with the ideas...they are Only Imagination and Creativity, they are not physically real until they penetrate the SSD. SSD - Error is not Expected...no or little free thinking, as current understanding is protected and followed. GSD - Error is sometimes Expected...Freeer Thinking is allowed and Testing is careful performed. It is Cautious as Harm can happen if the LSD is not Good...but you don't know till you try LSD - Error is Almost always Expected...Free Thinking is allowed as there is no Testing therefore no Harm...this is the Science of Fiction. So Physicists can say to other Physicists..."Hey check out some of this LSD, what do you think?" Again it Must be defined as LSD I won't be able to reply as fast as most because I have no internet, but I will continue to think (Invest) in this and Pepin Thank You
Hi I am here because I am a FAN of Stefan, I seriously am, I am not a Troll Stefan can meet with me anytime and I think he would enjoy discussing Gummy LSD philosophy with me. I feel Stefan is a White Swan Philosopher / Scientist as he has a classically trained mind. I cannot debate anything with him because he is for lack of a better word...smarter...than me in the White Swan Arena. Everything he says I agree with, because again he is about Fact Not Fiction. He is about the world that is Physical and not Hocus Pocus Mumbo Jumbo, and as much as I disagree with him on his Knowledge about Spirituality, I still MUST Agree with him, because with the Data we have available in Science today, the PROOF of EXISTENCE of GOD is not looking good. Without Stefan and the People on this forum who agree with him, we would all be living in the Dark Ages and debating the Age old question of how many angels can fit on the head of a pin...so thank everyone here for your Skeptisim and keep up the Great Work! I would like to know if a part of the site could be devoted for GUMMY LSD? This is a great tool for science, this allows Scientists and Phlosophers to question things at a Hocus Pocus Mumbo Jumbo Level by Realising it is NOT Solid Science but Gummy or LSD Science. So if a Scieitist has a problem they can just be creative now and say, here is some Gummy LSD for you how about this...can black holes create time? Can the Past be written into the Dark Matter...questions like this are not torn to shreds they are given strength to walk...but they are NOT to be taken Seriously. It is more about Science Fiction than Science Fact... Here is a Essay I wrote describing the GUMMY LSD.... Solid Science Development (SSD) the Science of Engineers and Doctors. This is Life and Death Science. It makes sure Bridges don't Collapse and Patients don't suffer or die. This is what keeps us out of the Dark Ages and is not about Hocus Pocus mumbo jumbo. It is Fact, Real and can be repeated. You can bet your life on it. This science is in the Envelope, signed sealed and delivered. These are the White Swan Scientists. Gummy Science Development (GSD) the Science of Research and Development where failure is not wanted but Expected. From mistakes come learning and improvement's. This pushes science to the edge of the envelope. This comes from Science Fiction to Become Science Fact. You may not want to bet your life on it. Tries to push over new ideas to find weakness or improvement. These are the Grey Swan Scientists. Liquid Science Development (LSD) is the Science of Fiction. Intelligence, Imagination, creativity, complete open mindedness and free to challenge Anything in Modern Day Science. All accepted ideas in today's science are not only challenged, sometimes they are completely ignored or replaced with different thinking. This pushes science out of the envelope and explores new possibilities. Explores new ideas by helping teach the new ideas to walk. But don't bet your life on it. These are the Black Swan Scientists. Can we have an area for the GUMMY LSD Ideas to go in this Forum? I am a Black Swan but the Ideas in Science I help to develop are Really Really Cool...not Right or Fact, they are in the Realms of Science FICTION....Not Science Fact, but like panning for gold, one day a Gummy LSD Idea may Pay Off. Without Gummy LSD, Science is Stuck in the Mud and Stalls...Gummy LSD can give science Traction and Manoeuvrability as it is out of the Envelope and Free, but it is NOT Solid Science...so again do not bet your life on it...
This is Not Solid Science I am discussing. I see Science in 3 Systems. Solid Science Development (SSD) the Science of Engineers and Doctors. This is Life and Death Science. It makes sure Bridges don't Collapse and Patients don't suffer or die. This is what keeps us out of the Dark Ages and is not about Hocus Pocus mumbo jumbo. It is Fact, Real and can be repeated. You can bet your life on it. This science is in the Envelope, signed sealed and delivered. These are the White Swan Scientists. Gummy Science Development (GSD) the Science of Research and Development where failure is not wanted but Expected. From mistakes come learning and improvement's. This pushes science to the edge of the envelope. This comes from Science Fiction to Become Science Fact. You may not want to bet your life on it. Tries to push over new ideas to find weakness or improvement. These are the Grey Swan Scientists. Liquid Science Development (LSD) is the Science of Fiction. Intelligence, Imagination, creativity, complete open mindedness and free to challenge Anything in Modern Day Science. All accepted ideas in today's science are not only challenged, sometimes they are completely ignored or replaced with different thinking. This pushes science out of the envelope and explores new possibilities. Explores new ideas by helping teach the new ideas to walk. You can bet your life on it, but don't bet anyone else's life on it. These are the Black Swan Scientists. The things I discuss are Gummy and Liquid Science....I have debated them with myself to get them to this level. This is Not Solid Science I am discussing. I see Science in 3 Systems. Solid Science Development (SSD) the Science of Engineers and Doctors. This is Life and Death Science. It makes sure Bridges don't Collapse and Patients don't suffer or die. This is what keeps us out of the Dark Ages and is not about Hocus Pocus mumbo jumbo. It is Fact, Real and can be repeated. You can bet your life on it. This science is in the Envelope, signed sealed and delivered. These are the White Swan Scientists. Gummy Science Development (GSD) the Science of Research and Development where failure is not wanted but Expected. From mistakes come learning and improvement's. This pushes science to the edge of the envelope. This comes from Science Fiction to Become Science Fact. You may not want to bet your life on it. Tries to push over new ideas to find weakness or improvement. These are the Grey Swan Scientists. Liquid Science Development (LSD) is the Science of Fiction. Intelligence, Imagination, creativity, complete open mindedness and free to challenge Anything in Modern Day Science. All accepted ideas in today's science are not only challenged, sometimes they are completely ignored or replaced with different thinking. This pushes science out of the envelope and explores new possibilities. Explores new ideas by helping teach the new ideas to walk. You can bet your life on it, but don't bet anyone else's life on it. These are the Black Swan Scientists. The things I discuss are Gummy and Liquid Science....I have debated them with myself to get them to this level.
This is Not Solid Science I am discussing. I see Science in 3 Systems. Solid Science Development (SSD) the Science of Engineers and Doctors. This is Life and Death Science. It makes sure Bridges don't Collapse and Patients don't suffer or die. This is what keeps us out of the Dark Ages and is not about Hocus Pocus mumbo jumbo. It is Fact, Real and can be repeated. You can bet your life on it. This science is in the Envelope, signed sealed and delivered. These are the White Swan Scientists. Gummy Science Development (GSD) the Science of Research and Development where failure is not wanted but Expected. From mistakes come learning and improvement's. This pushes science to the edge of the envelope. This comes from Science Fiction to Become Science Fact. You may not want to bet your life on it. Tries to push over new ideas to find weakness or improvement. These are the Grey Swan Scientists. Liquid Science Development (LSD) is the Science of Fiction. Intelligence, Imagination, creativity, complete open mindedness and free to challenge Anything in Modern Day Science. All accepted ideas in today's science are not only challenged, sometimes they are completely ignored or replaced with different thinking. This pushes science out of the envelope and explores new possibilities. Explores new ideas by helping teach the new ideas to walk. You can bet your life on it, but don't bet anyone else's life on it. These are the Black Swan Scientists. The things I discuss are Gummy and Liquid Science....I have debated them with myself to get them to this level.
Hey buddy please check this out... here is the Mi Wavelength... I have never seen this before. Pi = Wavelength, Frequency is Wavelength over Pi...so Everything comes from Pi...everything comes from One...have we been counting wrong? Here is the UPDATED Fractal Binary Site http://ashesmi.yolasite.com/fractal-binary.php Does Everything Come from Pi? Is Everything a Wave, is everything Pi? Yes you understand. There is Potential (Potential Wave) and Physical (Kinetic Wave) with this Physics Math. I am Surprised Newton didn't play around with this, it is from "His" Simple Mechanics...Yea it is From Newton, no one in Physics wanted it...Now people are looking at this from all over earth? This is Soooo Coool! Eat My Pi Sir Roger Penrose! and Suck On My String Theory http://ashesmi.yolasite.com/fractal-binary.php Hey Penrose You Count like a MONKEY in the Eyes of LUCIFER! Oooo oooo oooo, eeee eeee eeee, aaaa aaaa aaaa...is that how you count to 3 Penrose?
Which system of BELIEF is RIGHT?
Won't bother again you, as my alarm bells are beginning to ring as well...please be well and I am not trying to be rude either, just I am getting a hostile vibe from you and I don't have time for this...Stepfan could have pm'd me, I feel you may be him, but it is only a guess, you like me could be anyone on this dam internet...peace
Stefan videos blew me away when I first began awakening 3 years ago. He helped Awaken me. Many of the Philosophies Stephan has, I resonate well with. His stance on Modern Day Feminism...which is separatism in my feelings, I agree with Stephen. I only come here to work with him not ever against him. It was partly because of Stephen's Stance on Experience in a video he made, helped me do the video above. Their are no origonal ideas, in a Big way he helped because he was the Only Philosopher out their I could find of any Intellect and Common Sense, that Discussed Other Animals Experiences. It was his description of other Animals having experiences that helped reinforce my parallel belief and helped inspire me to think about it Non-stop for 2 1/2 years. It is only because I Listened to others Non Stop even if I disagreed with their understandings that helped with the video, I will still listen because it is Not Right, nothing I know is. Many of my understandings are replaced with other peoples understandings. Lucifer was a Hard Pill for me to swallow at first but when I researched it more I took if for Planetary it's Latin meaning Bright Morning Star....Venus...also I do Not Like the Catholic Church Leadership...so we have that in common We have many many things in common...thinking being one of them... Yes I agree, the "Dude" is making another video with Better Audio...you're not the first to mention the audio. The "Dude" is working on it now Here you go http://ashesmi.yolasite.com/chapter-1.php
Is it Possible that this could be a good description? Not an Explanation Steph but a Description of this Video?...I hope calling you Steph does not offend you, I am a Huge Fan, please let me know if it does OK. Existence = Experience -> ExperienceAwareness = Experience -> ExistenceConsciousness = Experience -> Awareness'sOneness = Experience -> Consciousness'sLucifer (Planetary) -> Experience -> Oneness'sGod Consciousness - > Experience -> Infinite Experience's Is Experience is the Root of everything?
OK now I am moving to the new Consciousness. Oneness is something many people I know experience, so it as about time to teach it. Here is the New Kids Video... In The Beginning... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meagyBWluBQ It has been my experience that a wise man knows he's a fool and a fool believes he's a wise man...I am a fool. Steph have you had a chance to check out the Kids Video Yet? Best wishes Steph The "Fool"