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Everything posted by thejester

  1. Hi all, New forum member, parent with a 3 year old girl and a 1 year old boy. There is so much information out there, that it makes it difficult to know where to start from. Although I enjoy the challenge of researching, you might remember, recognise or deduce, I am pretty time poor right now I hope I am not doing a double post on something someone has already covered off (seems likely), but can anyone assist me or point me in a direction that will help me to understand the basics of successful parenting? Thanks for reading, hope to hear from you.
  2. I feel the same way Ivan, but I'm talking about further postgraduate studies. For me, its more like I disagree with a lot of the content and approach of the particular course structure I am undertaking, I get the feeling that I am being either exploited so my lecturer can earn his PhD or the field is so unstructured that you can basically claim anything and its considered valid (which I am ok with.. to appoint). Anyway, suggest completing your undergraduate studies if you feel the field you want to make a contribution to in life is relevant, and this learnings will give you some tools you may need when undertaking. Everyone comes to a point and wonders if they should continue or not, I guess thats the dropout point. I suspect most people who do dropout kind of flounder for awhile unless they dropout to take a job or are highly motivated and ready to start a business.
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