All good points and they are correct. Remember that America was a COLONY of Britain. In the imperialistic model, raw goods are sent from the colony to the mother country who manufactured and produced the goods and those finished goods were sold to the colonies. In addition, the colonies were taxed heavily but had no political representation in Parliment (the whole taxation without representation argument). Look at the 1st ten amendments of the Constitution (Bill of Rights) and you can see what the British were doing that so angered the colonists. Things like:
No free speech, having a state religion (Church of England), not being able to peacefully assemble (1st amendment).
Limits on the forming of militias and private ownership of guns (2nd amendment)
Quartering of soldiers in private homes (3rd amendment)
No unreasonable searches and seizures. British officials could write their own search warrents and did. (4th amendment)
Being forced to testify and incriminate yourself and facing double jeopardy when tried (5th amendment)
Having a speedy trial instead of locked up with no trial for years. (6th amendment)
Right of a jury. (7th amendment)
No cruel and unusual punishment --like drawn and quartered. (8th amendment)
Limiting the power of the central government (9th and 10th amendments)
So, these abuses combined with massive taxes needed to pay for the French and Indian War along with the inability to industrialize due to imperialism all led to people to revolt. The British then ruthlessly crushed the revolts and the Revolution was on !!!
The scary thing is the parallels between what happened then and what is happening now...but that is another topic.