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    Investing, econ, philosophy, reading, libertarianism, entrepreneurship, blogging.
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  1. Hello IDK why, but I seems to obsess about certain things. It seems like business idea->women->reading->and back to another business idea. Any thoughts on why I go around like this? I have aspergers, but I don't think that explains it.
  2. No. Because all governance is on the governmental unit's level (read: panarchist governmental units). They will decide how a citizen wants to live. They can frely join or disassociate with one and join a new one orcreate one. They may also join none of the above. As long as they don't murder of steal, they would be ok. The government would govern the diplomacy and mediation of dispute with the panarchist governing units. Otherwise it is out of sight, out of mind. It is a Republic for simiplicity only. As for flag, not it does not. It is just like companies have seals and such.
  3. I have decided to form my very own micronation, IRL. The Panarchist Republic (palcemarker) will be a tax free haven that will promote free trade and peace. I have become infuriated with the growth of government, regulations , and taxes, and I can't find any nation to my liking. So I have decided to declare the Panarchist Republic. Here is the "constitution": https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwYBhJtU2sLjNVNIZU9ZWnhzSjQ/edit?usp=sharing . I am seriously figuring out details right now in regards to it. If you are interested, add me and we could PM. The idea is to form a givernance unit that will encourage competitive governance.
  4. I was wondering if the barter based anarchism would allow for gold, and what it's thoughts on gold were.
  5. I have been thinking about how the broader anarchist movement wants to do away with money and replace it with bartering. Isn't that basically the arguement for the gold standard, minus the monopolistic nature of it? I haven't found any thoughts on the gold standard outside anarcho capitalist circles. Would the idea of abolishing money just mean that the left is more vocal about it, but we intend to reach the same goal of abolishing paper money? Or am I missing something?
  6. Exactly. Plus people voted for these stooges (not suprisingly), and thus elected another necon.
  7. I seriously don't know. I grew up in a traditional home, and so I would figure that would lead to more conformity. I was also home schooled, and moved every few years. I have settled down back in my home town for about 5 years, priorly I was in another town for 7. With my free time, I worked on learning stuff I found interesting. I really did not have any social connections, but not because I did not try. I also dealt with depression due to lack of friends, and had my father pass at 14., when we just moved back. Other than that, it seems very random.
  8. True. I just think the whole thing is stupid. Hell, if anyone should not have nukes it is Pakistan (if we want to be anal about it).
  9. Philippines might me an option,as well as parts of Mexico. I would check out Happier Abroad . com for more info . You might try some Middle Eastern countires if you dare, Eastern Euro countries, maybe some South and Central American countries.
  10. Why is it that we have been able to break out of our mental conditioning, while others flounder? Wa sit our upbrining? Dissillusionment? It seems like man can not be reduced to a theory as far as enslavement goes. But it really interests me. It seems we arecapable of such high reason as the Reformation and the Enlightenment, yet many time we waste it.Why is this? And why can't we as a so called society overcome this?
  11. What ever happened to self determination, that the UN Charter on Human Rights called a right? (No I am not saying the UN is so great, but it just put forth right already inherent to man). Does that mean squat? And why does the US get weapons, but Iran can't? Doesn't it seem odd that it is alright for India, Russia, China, among others, who could be argued are more of a threat to the US, to get a weapon, but Iran and North Korea can't? It just seem funny that everyone, including liberals, drink the kool aid. I have tried saying how would you like it if China or Russia invaded out country (demonstrating what the drone program is doing, but in an applicable example), or how would you like it if they bomb our country? They, in their patriotic fervor, obviously say that would be wrong. So why is it right for us to bomb their country, which obviously did nothing wrong? IDK anymore.
  12. Well, she is cute, quiet, reserved, and I have had better luck dating foreigners. Idk why, but I like more traditional chicks, not that I don't like the others, I just fin dthem easier to relate to.
  13. Problem solved lol. Thanks.
  14. Ok. So just ask her out?
  15. (FOB=fresh off boat). I was a a college gathering chit chatting with different girls and one guy. In any case, there was one that stuck out like a sore thumb, that being this one Syrian girl. IDK how long she has been at the college, but it was the first time I saw her. In any case, she caught my eye. I only had an hour, so I did not talk with her, and she seemed quiet, with the exception of when the facillitators asked her a few questions. Anyways, I seen her at the computer lab at school the next day, said hi, then sat down, did not pay attention as much, and she left. But after she left, her friends that sat next to her started giggling. IDK if that was good or bad. Anyways, went home added her, and when we chatted, she said hi, asked her about pre med, she said yeah, then I asked her about why she got into pre med, and never responded. Is it her shyness, or me?
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