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  1. Hey guys and gals, Just wondering if anyone got any flack on Veteran's Day for sharing their views? I shared Stefan's video, "The Ghosts of War" along with an excerpt from it on Facebook today (I shared what he had in his status - see below) and a couple members of my family and a friend (not a true friend to be honest) went nuts on it. A couple called me an asshole, while another called it "classless, insensitive, and disrespectful". I understand that an emotional response is typical on a day like that as most who know or are Veterans tend to feel like they fought for freedom. Just not sure how to actually get through to them what my views are or if it is even appropriate to try. I'm sure facebook isn't the best medium, but I felt that it was ok for me to share my views as everyone else was on this day. I made it a point not to attack anyone else's posts as I felt that was just asking for a fight and somewhat disrespectful to that person. What I shared along with the attached video: There's this myth that people believe, that the way to honor the deaths of so many millions of soldiers; that the way to honor them is to say that we achieved some tangible, positive, good out of their deaths. We can try and rescue some positive and forward momentum of human progress, of human virtue from these hundreds of millions of deaths - but we can't do it by pretending that they died to set us free, because we are far less free now then we were before these slaughters began. These people did not die to set us free. They did not die fighting any enemy other than the ones that the previous deaths created. What do y'all think? And how did you handle this if you were attacked as well? Thanks for your input!
  2. Appreciate the feedback guys! Everything went well (as well as a funeral can go I guess). Definitely kept my focus on the family and tried not to let the religious delusions distract me from that. This was actually the first time I had been to church since giving up religion. Looking at it now, I find it amazing how I could have actually believed in that whole mess.
  3. Hey JSDev - it probably is just that easy. Appreciate the input.
  4. Hey guys - I have my first funeral on Saturday as an Atheist. My cousin died (at 22) and though I wasn't too close to him recently, that side of my family is very close knit. They are also very Christian. Does anyone have any experience with this (it will be at a church) and do you have any tips on how to handle this? My current plan is to follow along with what happens and not say too much - which may be the best approach? If you can point me to any of Stefs or other relevant work on this I would appreciate this as well Thanks! Jonathan Also it pays to note that I have told my immediate family, much to their dismay, that I am an Atheist. My mother, her mother, and my sister are very Christian, while my dad doesn't care either way.
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