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I gave the definition for it above in the opening post- it simply is the tools and methods for the interaction between a man and a woman. Sometimes in the interaction it's aggressively sexual, other times playful. As I said it's unique to the man, and even when you aren't expressing yourself- that is still game. If a woman responds well to assholes- she responds well to asshole game. If a women responds well to provider male game- she has 5 kids and needs a hubby lol- provider game. Game just calls the attractions for what they are. Game embraces the inherent sexuality that happens in the sub communication between men and women. Once you see it and master it, you'll have greater control over your life, and will be able to see other truths in interactions. It was eye-opening for me just like how FDR opened my eyes to the illusions of statism. Scenario! I hit the local coffee house to peruse the boards and take in the summer weather with a large iced mocha. Inside, I see that the barista at the teller is a little cutie, busy in the bustle of weekend hustle- in her zone; genuinely flustered at her militant boss and the snobs in the shop. The playful urge to flirt comes up inside of me, so when I finish ordering, I don't leave the teller right away- I lean in and say "hey.." "Hm? Yes?" I poke her lightly on the nose and say "Boop! Keep it up.. uh.. (reading her nametag) Rachel!" Then walk outside to chill on the couches out back of the shop. ------- That's all it is! I wanted to flirt for fun and whisk away the stress from her and give her some relief. If you read through the manosphere, you'll find that purpose and intent are crucial to success with women. You'll find that in order to be truly good at it, you yourself have to be whole and well in your world- which means women don't find broken traumatized men attractive at all. As I said before in another post- thankfully women are attracted to badass motherfuckers who get shit done and make lots of money. It's natural for the woman to follow the man in the pursuit of his desires and what he knows is important in life. Also- there's a lot of material out there for relationship game! Since like, no one knows what a functional marriage looks like, LTR game was addressed to help men keep attraction with women, and to better understand her side of things in the long term relationship. Paired with RTR, the two would make for an excellent balance methinks. One more thing: I'd say 60% of learning game is learning empathy and how to empathize with women, and 40% is learning to assert yourself. What I've learned from scoping out game is just how different women are from men, and expecting them to experience what men do is unreasonable. Women will naturally rationalize their emotions. Which is why it's so common for people to think of them as stupid. Men will naturally experience emotion from their rationalizations. Which is why it's so common for people to think of men as selfish. Without self knowledge for either... well we know all too well what results.
Hmmm.. How would PUA not attract the more virtuous woman? Also by what measurement do we judge the virtue of a woman?
You sir, get a thumb manliness! I really like Owen too, I find his insights for getting into the moment, and self-actualization to be great stuff
Good sir, my question comes from the general consensus on the boards that PUA/Game has manipulation, or manipulative elements in it- and the FDR community who spoke about it was turned off by the consensus (amid other things). I don't encourage dishonesty or trickery, (where did I do that? not being a dick just want to understand where you got that vibe from my post) and Game is amoral- like RTR is amoral. Both are merely frameworks for interactions.
Alright, let's go to the source. Before you watch this- I have some points and a question. -Game: the tools and methods for interacting with women. Each man will have a unique version of game- each man can borrow game from other men (and women) and learn different styles. -The emphasis here is for just sleeping with women, however, what is taught are just tools, and anyone can do anything they wish with these tools. Julien even talks about gaming old ladies, and has been known to game any/all girls in general- just for his own amusement. -Julien's niche in RSD is that the man really understands how women think, and understands empathy and the woman's perspective. My Question: Is manipulation actually advocated in this presentation? Thank you for your time.
Agh, no! No, there is no portrayal, that's the answer. The virtuous way of pursuing PUA is to genuinely change yourself into something heroic. Learning to become a chick magnet is a wonderful addition to the list of things you wish to change about yourself as you become a man- at least it is for me and MMX. The idea being that there is no manipulation, you just genuinely are awesome! You start with what's inside first, and work your way outwards, instead of outwards working your way in. It just so happens (hooray) that the monkey brain inside of women's brains is attracted to is badass motherfuckers. It's natural. Instead of pretending to have money, go out there and make some fucking money. Instead of pretending like you are strong and athletic go out there and get shredded. Instead of faking confidence, be confident. Instead of pretending: BE. When I apply Game, I don't manipulate, because I am confident, I am assertive, and I loooove making girl's hamster wheels spin. Kevin if there is anyone quitting themselves from the dating market, I wish it were statist, marxist, feminist, bigoted, racist, child-beating, self-knowledge hiding, shallow, goddamn motherfuckin' religious, blue-pill swallowin' jackasses- it certainly would not be you Kevin Beal. I'll say it- FDR needs to go out there and make babies. Lots of them. And by quitting yourself from the market of babes out there, by not fulfilling your full potential as a man, by not learning how to crown yourself the king of your own damn life, by turning away from the truths out there about women and their biologies, by rigorously defending your frankly beta tendencies, by refusing to learn how to take, and forgetting that you know how to wait, you will not get the woman of your dreams. Yes, NAWALTs and Unicorns are rare. That's why they're called NAWALTs and Unicorns. Guess what though. There is Game for showing chicks virtue. It's called Crafting. You know what you should do? Raise some daughters to be NAWALTs and Unicorns. Game is about getting what you want. Just like everything else in life. It's a tool. Take what you want. Leave nothing to the lesser men. That includes statitsts, btw.
Expertly- Neither of you guys answered my question
It's only for pretend, if you're pretending. The difference is this: are you totally confident, cool, and could give a shit whether the girl before you is into you or not? Or is it an act to collect the number? PUA is manipulation if the dude isn't fully developed as a man, into his maturity as a masculine agent of his own desires. If you've never been confident in talking to women, then of course talking to women is going to be weird. But that's why Game and PUA is a thing- it's our tools as men who don't know how to talk to women (or how to keep them or understand them biologically etc) because those who never learned it... never learned it. Ideally you learn it from your father. I didn't from mine, 'cause he abandoned my family (*spits on the ground*), so I had to learn it from the manosphere, as do so many other men. The star quarterback never needs to study Game, because he has practiced it since high school, without even knowing it. Game only exists as it does now, because so many people don't know how to Game. So the million dollar question is this: if applying Game for you right now is manipulation, how do you apply Game- without it being manipulation?
31 y/o guy looking for girl :) My revised OKCupid profile
Omegahero09 replied to KyleK's topic in Meet 'n Greet!
Okay. What is this photograph of you expressing? I don't see happy ready to hit up chicks- I see a forced smile, eyes hiding despair, and black and white because why not. I'm sorry my friend, but 99%+ of women out there are not going to empathize with you in the way that you want. Women aren't going to look at you and want to fix you- why would they when there are scores of other men that don't have your problems? No, no, seriously why? I'm not being mean man, it's a question you have to ask and answer for yourself and for the women you wish to oggle you. They call them NAWALTs and Unicorns for a reason. -
Kenshikenji I commend you on presenting your case to FDR! Stef and Mike take debates and criticisms straight to the top of their call list, please feel free to call in and flex your brain with us!
You're asking for what cannot be answered for- even the other way around: How are you sure he's presenting the guise of fleeting connection in order to score and not connecting with them emotionally? ----------- What we're talking about is a philosophy of free-love- which is perfectly moral, voluntary etc etc
So then what do you say to the Russell Brands of the world? The men who connect emotionally with women briefly for the sake of it's beauty and because all parties want to?
I'm confused. So far, you make it sound bad, but you haven't stated whether you: have a job, are really looking for one (it's not hard btw), what your long time goal is (is there a field you are interested in pursuing? are you interested in education, or learning a trade?), and the extent to which your parents are providing for you. If your parents are providing for you, then I don't understand why you wouldn't just take their provisions until you find a job serviceable for your moving out- especially if you don't have a job. Could you elaborate on why specifically their provisions are a problem for you if you currently don't have the means/ability to provide for yourself at this time? Or perhaps provide more of a context to your situation?
It wouldn't be smart if you can't cite Stef's work in your paper. Double check with your professor to see if you can "take the intellectual leap" so that you can really submit something he's never seen before; sell the idea to him. Prof's love seeing new things, since their job requires them to trudge through hundreds of half-assed papers. If you can, all you need to do is define UPB in your thesis statement and refer to it in the body of your essay and you should be fine, that's the beauty of essays, so long as their written well you can write whatever you want. If he wants you to stick to his sources, crank out another easy A. It'll hurt your brain, but it won't hurt your GPA. Also, I used to peer-grade essays back in college, if you need another resource to gauge the strength of your work, I'm pretty good at it. That goes for anyone of course!