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  1. Just thought I would add that there is an FDR Facebook group.
  2. Well it works fine for me. I think saying it's BS is uncalled for. It promotes whole food eating and is nothing like promoting smoking.
  3. For me what worked was a Paleo diet. Basically just meat and veggie as much as you like. Cut out all the liquid calories!!! I would not be to worried about getting in to a strenuous workout until you can get your diet under control. Just try to walk a lot more. Oh and Pleiades has it right with the eating out. Chipolte is about the only thing worth eating out. I like to make big batches of seasoned ground meat with peppers and onions. Portion it out and throw it in the wave. Easy peasy! Good luck with your journey!
  4. I think compliance was my goal. I have been attacked in the past for forgetting to properly appease my parents on given special days. I think I was also avoiding the most likely conflict of saying that I needed time to figure myself out while taking a break from the family. If this was a few years back I am sure I would have some other kind of story to tell.
  5. Thanks again for your responses folks. I don't know that I have anything to really add but it's nice to hear empathetic responses.
  6. Wonderful thank you for sharing!
  7. No they restored her account last night. Now Kokesh's account is gone apparently.
  8. Well I think this is a big bummer. At least her youtube is still running. I realize that facebook can do whatever it wants. Wonder how to give feedback to facebook? What do you all think? http://www.christophercantwell.com/2014/05/07/josie-outlaw-banned-facebook/
  9. I think you got ripped off then. :-) I also have no problem not using either drug. I do drink coffee as a choice not as a need. I know you have no reason to believe me but that is the case. http://hackaday.com/2012/01/01/making-pure-caffeine-at-home/ This was interesting. No wonder you can find caffeine concentrated.
  10. They make moonshine to avoid the tax. Also more potent product.
  11. Why is it that caffeine users should think twice before saying that drug use is bad? Do you think caffeine allows you to disassociate from reality in the way other drugs do? Not saying I disagree just looking to understand your reason behind this post. I watched this a few days ago as I am subscribed to AVTM.
  12. Thanks for the response everyone. I just want to post that I have read everyone's response. I am not sure yet where to do with this but will continue to ponder.
  13. Corpus mentium Thanks for your response. I am sorry that you are in the same situation. Sounds like you were more proactive in informing your FOO of your intentions than I was. I am really sorry to hear about the situation with your sister. I just found out this week that my younger sister is pregnant. This makes me quite sad and concerned. I called her and talked to her about some of my concerns. I asked her why did she decide to have a baby? The first response was “I don’t know”. This made my heart drop as I was pretty sure that this would be the answer. We talked about it a little further and then I got the story of well I was on the shot and then there were some problems, I did not even ovulate and the well you know the end result. I tried to broach the topic of understanding the bad things we were taught as kids and that we don’t want to pass that on to our kids. Asking her to take some time and look in on yourself. I also made a point to ask her to think about not hitting her child. She asked me what about spanking? I informed her that spanking is hitting. The next question from her was how am I supposed to punish then? I find I have my work cut out for me as it sounds like you do as well.
  14. Thanks for the input folks!
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