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  1. Dumitru, Thank you for your thoughts. I have a few of my own regarding the Bitcoin discussion. I think that expecting a single crypto currency to completely replace the current system in the near future is highly unlikely. However, it was mentioned in the discussion that the average consumer will not opt, or like, to use more that one currency. I disagree. If more options were available, the average Joe could hedge themselves from fiat currencies. There are several examples of consumers opt (or out of necessity ) for this in Colonial America. The British sterling and Spanish Real were commonly exchanged. After the German hyperinflation, the Wara was local script used parallel with the Reichsmark in 1920s-1930s Germany due to no liquidity from banks. I see a near future where at Amazon checkout you can pay with Visa- AMEX -PayPal- BitCoin -Dumitrucoins -YuanCoin you get the picture. I'm a little tired of the fear porn from the Gold bug- Armageddon facton telling me to get my Gold-Guns n' God. They may be correct about the gold n' guns, but the future could be so much brighter! Cheers.
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