Oh, you who wish to probe the arcanes of nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither shall you be able to find it outside.If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you intend to find other excellencies?In you is hidden the treasure of treasures.Oh, man, know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and the Gods! - (EA)"
Phrase inscribed in the ancient Temple of Delphi.
Certainly we know a great deal from epochs, myths and gods of old not because they are real but because studying the old gods one understands the footsteps taken to arrive were we are. Let's not forget that the Alexandrian library was burned by religion, in it we lost a vast amount oh history. A large bulk of the gods have served a utilitarian proposes that to enslave the people by empowering governments who in turn used the gods to strengthen Armies with a false sense of duty and purpose. And yet we must be careful not to degrade what they have given us and (separate Buddha from Thor), perhaps we may learn some thing from our Ancient's, I remember an Inscription that reads on a Sumerian tablet it says "what has happened in history should be learned because it will happen again"
{Money did not originally appear in this cold, metal, impersonal form. It originally appears in the form of a measure, an abstraction, but also as a relation (of debt and obligation) between human beings. It is important to note that historically it is commodity money that has always been most directly linked to violence. As one historian put it, “bullion is the accessory of war, and not of peaceful trade.” David Graeber}
Are we aware that the early Sumerians did not live in inclosed walls? because they did not need them, violence and war came only when the Mesopotamia arrived, do we know that the early Sumerian were the first to divide both space and time by units of six.The modern division of the year into 12 months, the 24 hours of each day, the division of hours into 60 minutes and 60 seconds, and the divisions of the circle/sphere by 360 degrees, each composed of 60 minutes and 60 seconds of an arc, are all Sumerian developments.They invented things like wheels, numbers, astronomy, government, sailboats, irrigation systems, canals, the water wheel, copper tools, bronze weapons, jewelry, sun-dried bricks, the pottery wheel, mythology, the lunar calendar, the sundial, the saw, the chisel, cuneiform(writing), The pulley, the lever and units of measurements. Science is always indirectly confirming what the ancients have always said namely that life started because of water and fire. It is our duty to learn from the past.....
What can be learned from this early Sumerian society? Why did they live in reletive peace? what were they doing rite? what were they doing wrong? What can we apply from what they learned into a new begging?