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  1. So in Evolution, the functional base is a 'Gene Mutation'. Most Mutations fail quickly as they provide no new benefit to the individual organism, but every so often the mutation is beneficial in reproduction, gathering of food etc... These beneficial mutations are almost predictable over long timespans. I would not say this is exactly a zero sum game, as genes are generally favored if they are successful in harvesting new energy sources, or havesting energy more efficiently. There are also many examples where two species form relationships to their mutual benefits. Now in my interpretation of an Economic Free Market, the functional base is a 'New Idea'. Most New Ideas are quickly abandoned after brief thought and discussion; some grow into a new business and later fail; but some New Ideas are proven profitable and are continually improved upon. Ideas that harvest new fuels, improve efficiency, and provide mutual benefit scenarios grow and stay profitable. I maybe hastily use the term Monopoly for Humans. I actually do not have a good working definition of Monopoly, but I suppose I mean we have the ability and first-right claim to the resources of the planet, relative to other species; and our abilities to collect those resources far exceed that of our nearest competition. Though maybe labeling this a Monopoly is only confusing the subject. To clarify some of the rest of my dense series of questions... Please ignore/forgive for the moment any appearance of claiming moral violations, not my intention, but it does appear to me that we have Initiated Force against our Genetic Competition. Theories are abound that early man exterminated similar humaniod species intentionally and systematically, we cut genetic divides through forests in the form of roads(Hooray Government Environmentalism!), we clear forests and turn up soil to grow food in our sole interest, we kill in order to eat, and so on. These initiations of force are what help maintain our resource dominance (Monopoly?). And FalsariusRex, as you point out, our use of Antibiotics is a form of premptive use of force. I'll note that it has only taken a couple hundred years for bacterial mutations to begin defeating our First and Second level Antibiotics. This trend shows strong potential for eventaully passing our best antibiotical defenses. Though I digress... Now if I've established the case that it is the Initiation of Force that helps maintain our Dominance/Monopoly. And if Monopolies, Governments, or any economic entity that relies on the Initiation of Force for its dominance is bound to experience a market correction or failure...What makes the Human Race exempt from this Economic Law?
  2. If Evolution is essentially a Free Market of Genes… If Humans are essentially a Genetic Monopoly… This begs the question, can "Monopolies" arise out of Free Markets? Are there Initiations of Force that helped establish and maintain our Human Monopoly (Extermination of Competing Species, Modern Medicine)? Now If, in Economics, Monopolies formed through violation of the NAP have not lasted very long…Governments included. This begs the question, is it inevitable that competing Genetic Market Forces will eventually diminish our Market Share? In reality, the larger our presence on this earth, the more likely it is that mutations in Viruses, Bacteria, Crab People will target Human Genetics. Is modern medicine simply building beaver dams against accelerating flood waters, i.e doomed to fail on a large scale?
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