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From what I can tell, the conversation started off about is feminism equal rights?, and drifted into a series of facts/arguments that have nothing to do with the original subject.
Why a surprise? I mean, does it really have to be a surprise party? Is it somehow worse if it's planned out? Is the food tastier, and the presents better when sprinkled with the unexpected? Now imagine you're in a room with three doors. One door is the entrance/exit, the second door is a room with Andy, the last door leads to an all steel room that automatically locks when someone enters. A man with a ski mask and a gun walks in and screams "Where's Andy?," What would you do? Obviously you'd choose the locked steel room(right....). Does that lie make you evil? I know, I know, it's a lifeboat scenario . I just wanted to you to ponder the question the morality of lies, instead of assuming their inherently evil. While I was typing this I thought of a way to prevent this scenario. Ask them about surprise parties. Do they like them, are they dead set against them, if someone else is planning one what should you do? And what about you? Obliviously it won't work if you're too close to the event, but prevention once again sounds like the best cure(to me).
Moral?: Sneaking into a second movie with just one ticket?
vlbk replied to DenPratt's topic in Miscellaneous
My guess is you already know the answer, but you're hoping someone will come up with a miracle solution. As someone who's tried to change people(opinions and lifestyles), you can't. Also you mentioned your friend who was retired was a little older. Does this mean the people around you are at least middle aged and older? If so, things look worse. There is one small possibility. Since their "morals" are basically emotional/subjective/consequentialist, they can still hate the state without any form of morality or universality. There's no rule that says anarchists have to believe in the NAP. If by some act of God himself you pull that off, you can then slowly immerse them a proper form of morality. Don't get your hopes up, you're most likely going to waste time trying to mix dried cement.- 15 replies
Here's my prediction/guess, merit pay will be destroyed eventually. My theory is it's much harder to create than to destroy. You have to fight tooth and nail implement, yet receive little resistance if you side with the unions. An example would be, let's say, you get 10 cities (or any number) total. This will take blood, sweat, tears, and risk to your job. Eventually someone will get elected who believes in(funded by?) unions. How long do you think those cities will last? I'm guessing they'll have things "straightened out" by next school year,if not sooner.
Where did you read this? I wouldn't mind taking a look.
I don't think banning the word will work. The word bossy is used to describe the way a person acts. People are still going to act bossy, even after it's banned. If the word is eliminated, the meaning behind it still exists. The meaning of the word will transfer to a brand new word, because people act bossy, and there will be a need to verbalize it. Bossy......
Oops. Looking at my first post I tried to play the "give as little info as possible and expect good results game". My mistake. I guess a few more details wouldn't hurt. By confronting I mean telling my father how I feel. I feel dead inside 99% of the time, and when emotions do arise they're negative. He will have no problem with this, and in fact be supportive. The actual confrontation will come when I assign him the responsibility for killing my emotions. When I call him pathetic I mean he has no will to do anything. He sits in his chair covered in his pink blanket all day. He showers once a week, on other days he kneels by the tub, washes his under arms, and *maybe* washes his hair if the mood strikes. He also does his laundry once every 4-6 months, despite wearing the same pair of pants and shirt all winter. There is of course more, but I think you get the point. My father is always negative. He constantly talks about his problems. Most of his problems are mind numbingly simple("I'm tired of eating a cold meat sandwich everyday" ). If you give him the answer("cook something") he either points out a problem("I'll have to do extra dishes") or he will start talking about the problem some more. He repeats the same exact problems with the same exact words. When you give him solution that he thinks its a good idea, sometime later he repeats it as if you never talked about it. If you haven't figured out how my dad drives me crazy read on.He has no one to socialize with, except me. He usually comes in the evening and can stay anywhere from 3-5 hours. Some of the time he sits on my couch and quite literally sits there doing nothing. Other times he talks to me. A lot of the time he uses my home phone(his phone has limited minutes unlike mine). He either calls his parents or his one friend. Conversations can last anywhere from 1-2 hours, and listening can drive me crazy. Years ago he visited his parents out of state. When talking to me on the phone they told me they can't stand him(his negativity). They asked "how can you put up with him?" My grandmother was considering taking depression medication it was that bad. If you're wondering, I'm telling this story just to show it's not just in my head. The "vacation" means I told my father that I need a break from him for 2 weeks. He didn't like it, but I forced him anyways! The deadline for the "vacation" is up in 5 days. In closing this isn't meant to be a post complaining about my father, I would have preferred not to. I just wanted to answer the questions.
I'm contemplating the act of confronting my father in 5 days, but I wonder if doing this will somehow backfire. Of course it would be hard to make an opinion with out the helpful hand of information. So here's what I believe to be the relevant details. I live alone, but my dad lives in the same apartment complex(not creepy...). The only thing you really need to know about him is 2 things: he's truly/amazingly/nauseatingly pathetic, and his unmatched negativity will drive you insane. I decided to take a 2 week period to see what difference it would make. Naturally, it's improved. The 2 week "vacation" is up in 5 days. This scares me. The point of this "vacation" was to see if I would gain the power of motivation if he wasn't there. I'm afraid if things go back to the way they used to be, that life will consist solely of steadily increasing misery, until death gives me a french kiss. I am/was(not sure which as of now) in the process of trying to find a therapist. I went though a small agency in our town, but thus far I question their reliability(long story). If I find a therapist, it won't be soon. I have this strong feeling it's now or never. Am I wrong? Are my instincts telling me the right thing to do? Or is it misguided emotions? Good advice is worth more than gold, at this moment.
This paragraph(last one in the article) made me laugh hard enough to cover my mouth. I wouldn't mind picking holes, but that would make me offensive, and noisy. Plus all the mistakes he made is just my over-the-top imagination.
I have no idea, nor will I pretend to know. But I would like to mention that this is the type of deep question best suited for the call in show.
Comment removed.
Thanks to all, I'll be sure to get my hands on them soon. Although Stef's books will be difficult to find .
- 14 replies
If you could turn the hands of time, what would be your first book/books on self knowledge?
- 14 replies