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Logan Hall

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  1. Wanted to follow-up. We contacted another school we initially did not get into due to the lottery, and they were able to make room for Katie! Its Montessori Peaks Academy in Littleton and is more to our liking. They do have a gifted and talented program and she is going to be in a class with 2nd and 3rd graders. Thanks again for your time. Still a flag in the classroom, but you can't have it all...
  2. Thank you for your advice. I appreciate it!
  3. Thank you so much for your response. I will definitely look into the communication methods at the school as well as the "Gifted and Talented" program. Both the other schools you mentioned are over 45 minutes from us and would not be practical but we do have her on a list with Montessori Peaks Academy and several others (Like Colorado Academy). I will let you know what happens, and thanks again. Have a great weekend.
  4. My wife and I are are Russian and came over in 1991 but both can still speak it. Many Russian in the Denver, Colorado area but no one I know who is from the Freedomain community. Unfortunatly since we grew up here it is much easier to speak English then Russian about these subjects.
  5. What is your perception of Waldorf then? Would you send your kids there?
  6. She recently turned 6 and can read. That is another concern, that at Waldorf she would need to go into Kindergarten rather than first because of their late start. My biggest concern is that, and also the anthroposophy/ emphasis on the ‘spiritual aspect of the human’. As an atheist and reader of Richard Dawkins and the like, my concern is that she will grow up being taught more the myths from around the world rather than the scientific method. Thank you both for your comments. AustinJames, the charter school is Collegiate Academy and we have friends who gave it high praises. We toured it (along with about a dozen others). Please let me know if you heard of Collegiate. http://www.collegiateacademy.net / Specifically on reading, she is reading Level 1 books with ease. We taught her at home.
  7. My daughter would like to attend school and we are at a point where it is between a Waldorf school in Denver or a Charter School in Littleton. Can anyone give me their thoughts on the Waldorf school? There are many things I don’t like about their schooling style but at least no pledge of allegiance... Would like the advice of the community...
  8. My wife and I are Russian born and live in Colorado. Wanted to give a shout-out...
  9. Have been listening for many years and have a 3 and 6 year old. Originally from Russia and was just wondering if anyone in the Denver area is in the same boat.
  10. Anyone living in Denver who is originally from Russia?
  11. Have been listening to the show for several years now with my wife. Have a 3 and 6 year old. Looking for potential friends with the same virtues preferable with another family with children in the same age group. As you can imagine it can be difficult to find playmates for the kids who are also peacefully parented. Live in Littleton.
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