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  1. I can definitely see where that could be the continuation of control, however, I felt more or less in control of the conversation. I also feel as though I can confront my mom and my dad with the same gusto.
  2. Woohoo! Got it today. Going to put it on and donate to FDR because of it
  3. So I've been ignoring my FOO for 6 months or so. Had a nice little fallout with my mom( she demanded to know why I wasn't speaking to her, I explained I was upset with how she "raised" me and she completely denied and then aggressively attacked my reasonings) about 4 months ago and we haven't spoken since. Fast forward to last week, there is a knocking at my door. I immediately get nervous because my wife, son, and myself live 2.5 hours away from our hometown and we don't have friends here. I look out the window and see it's my grandmother on my mother's side. My stomach swells into a knot and I just stare at my wife hoping she'll tell me what to do. After about 5 minutes I gain the courage to confront her. I step out of the door and shut it behind me. She immediately says "why have you been ignoring my calls?" Which tells me that she isn't concerned of my safety or she would have led with that. The next logical assumption is she is here to assert her dominance over me. I reply that I'm mad about how I was treated as a child. She acted as if she had no idea what I spoke of. I then went into how I was abused to the point that she used to brag about how if she would look around for a fly swatter I would cower in fear. She minimized it by saying she had only done so once. I brought up how her late husband once whooped me with a belt just so I would know how it felt to prevent me from doing anything "bad". "I don't remember that." She replied. We then went back and forth about what beating kids meant for their future. She told me how the prisons were filled with people who didn't get beat as children. Lol, easily countered with the facts. She asked how my son was, I told her he was great, nobody was beating him. "I don't know where you're getting this shit." "Scientific fact." Then she leaves with a "well when you get this figured out maybe you'll talk to me." I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and nervousness at once. I'm not sure what I want to come of this post but...yeah. there it is. Has anyone else had any experiences of family going wayyyy out of their way to track you down? What became of that?
  4. I'd post it here so other Spanish speakers could read without having to pm
  5. XD I've got a set of "US forever" stamps -_-
  6. Wowza. I'm surprised it got to the air. Also super surprised he worked for fox in the first place. Interesante.
  7. Damn, my math is that bad XD love the analogy Wesley.
  8. Can't agree more lance. And to cab21. My math is quite horrid but I figured there were 525949 minutes รท 40,000 laws=13.1 laws/minute no?
  9. There are a lot of excellent ideas on here. I especially enjoy the idea of setting a goal of whatever the child wants to be able to do and showing the different learning opportunities involved in achieving the goal. Has anyone already been through this type of parenting/teaching? I'd love to hear about what others have had success doing.
  10. I hope the bible study/corporeal punishment is a joke or at least let the bible count as the fiction book. How would the month long course work out /day or /week? Would she be forced to do math on Mondays and what happens when she doesn't complete the coursework?
  11. My wife and I moved to our current city 1.5 years ago and we knew nobody at the time; no family no friends. Since then we have discovered FDR and began acting as such (rtring with each other, not wanting false relationships and such.). She is a stay at home mom because luckily my job suffices our living. We have yet to make friends due to the fact we don't want to create false relationships that we just relieved ourselves of. My position in my job allows me to only see 4 others outside of work, none of which have the slightest inclination to reason and thought outside of what others tell them to think. It's rather difficult to find people worth becoming friends with it seems. I am honestly just fine with the relationship my wife, my son, and myself have. Much better IMO than having false friendships.
  12. Negligent parenting is a little more difficult to call out than abusive for me. I've had small discussions with people about why abuse should never be an option and so forth, however, it's never been in the moment of the abuse. I've yet to witness any since I've been ballsy enough to do anything about it.
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/30/politics/new-year-laws/index.html?c=politics At first look, 40,000 mandates in one year looks as efficient as all get out. If I did 40k things I would have to do 13.1 of said things per minute around the clock for the entire 365 days of the year. I know we, for the most part, already ascribe to the fuckthegov sentiment but that blows my mind.
  14. My wife turned me onto FDR and rationality in a somewhat similar situation. The way you described your husband's knowledge of your views seems to suggest it is quite limited. I would talk him through what you believe and why you believe so. There are many ways you could go about this; Christianity, ethics, politics and so forth. Stef has tonsssss of podcasts over how to talk to your loved ones about rationality. Hope this helps! And if you would like to hear some more about how my wife helped me get into FDR just mail me
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