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  1. I just watched the movie Agora starring Rachel Weisz as Hypatia a female mathematician, philosopher and astronomer in late 4th-century Roman Egypt, who investigates the flaws of the geocentric Ptolemaic system and the heliocentric model that challenges it. Surrounded by religious turmoil and social unrest, Hypatia struggles to save the knowledge of classical antiquity from destruction. Max Minghella co-stars as Davus, Hypatia's father's slave, and Oscar Isaac as Hypatia's student, and later prefect of Alexandria,Orestes. I believe this film is a metaphor for the system we have now in Western Europe which consists of a native Aristotelian, empirically based and philosophically tolerant culture that is being overrun by a dogmatic reactionary envious zealot culture form the middle east. The Christians in this film were the downtrodden the poor and uneducated who were easily persuaded by sociopathic leaders who subsequently blamed the oligarchic polytheistic leadership of late roman Egypt for their problems. It is easy to see how the envious mob subconsciously seeks to destroy that what makes them feel inferior even if it is to the detriment of scientific knowledge and understanding. The character of Hypatia is the anthropomorphized ideal of the rational philosopher king. She is bound by no man or the traditional cultural norms of the day be that raising children or seeking a husband. She is only interested in understanding the fundamental laws of nature and how they interact with the world she sees. She is envied, sexually idealized and stalked due to her exceptional talents and demeanor. As a person of her time she is placed in a sea of turmoil and unfortunately cannot stem the tide of reactionary destruction versus rational civilization. The roman authorities are forced to compromise with the unruly mob and allow them to destroy the library of knowledge that had resided tin the city for centuries. This is a classic example of a culture in decline as it accedes authority to those who are willing to exact violence to anything that it finds offensive. However since the emotion that fuels this violence is envy it seeks to destroy all that is beautiful so that it may not offend the less intellectually gifted. Modern examples are the promotion of white privilege, cultural Marxism, structural racism, and micro-aggressions. These are all just code words for making whites and in particular white males repent for their intellectual, artistic and societal achievements. The film ends with her former slave strangling her right after utilizing her intellectual gifts she discovered that the earth was not the center of the solar system but the sun. If western civilization continues down the path of accommodating the whims of the envious mob I fear we shall suffer the same fate as hypatia.
  2. "I care not who throws the spear truest or who culls the beast most efficiently for I declare this land around me my property and my relatives the sole heirs to all that I see and will kill those who challenge this fact. " first Sumerian king 4000 BC, “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the House of Rothschild. "It matters not who controls the money supply, so long as we have the access codes" NSA operative inter sectional memorandum 1982 No one can remember what triggered the global collapse, the Ebola that killed thousands, the Ukrainian crisis that ended with Russia victorious and the ultimate demise of NATO in the face of ultimate defeat with the threat not of nuclear holocaust but of cold homes due to a total shut off of natural gas to Western Europe. None could have predicated how fast the US dollar and euro would disappear, that the new world currency would be competing gold/silver/commodity backed cryptocurrencies. That the mega empires of the European Union and the United States would disappear. That with the collapse of these empires so gone were the media industrial complexes, the military industrial complexes, and the welfare state complexes. Without the bread and circuses provided by the trusted "mainstream Media" consisting of a constant barrage of cultural Marxist thought perpetuated by the trusted mediums of the day, television, movies, music, social media and large internet media providers along with "EBT" cards, subsidized housing, welfare checks, subsidized junk food (corn subsidies), long simmering racial/ethnic/religious tensions exploded. The police would be overwhelmed in a matter of weeks, the military was to busy trying to prevent the implosion of the empire to control the streets, chaos anarchy gained a foothold, genocide came back as it always does in times of crisis. syndicates based on religious racial divides naturally sprung from the destruction of the collapse. La RAza, black nationalist movements Mormons, fundamentalist Christians and white nationalist movements would take the place of the state just as the catholic church replaced the roman empire after its collapse in western Europe. The medium of exchange would drop to barter during the darkest days of the neo dark age that swept across the globe. Russia, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand,Scandinavian and the former soviet states would fare the best after the collapse due to their low populations relative to endemic natural resources, these states did not suffer the die offs the the rest of the overpopulated world did. These countries would be the preservation capsules of civilization as the rest of the world degenerated into chaos. ​During the rebirth of the new Renaissance the medium of exchange would rise at first it would be commodities of power, coal oil, grains clean water, then gold and silver would replace the commodities, after a sufficient amount of trust was granted amoungst the few trading partners left. Finally a new breed of techno goldsmiths would rise to become the new rulers of the world. These smiths would exchange gold/silver backed crypto currencies using anonymous clearing houses which will be necessary for the piracy of the time. The rise of these new cryptocurrencies would make way for cryptocracies or cryptocurrency backed syndicates like the British east India company of the past. These syndicates will begin to dominate the world and bring about a cybernetic technocratic cryptocracy which will bring about the singularity predicted by Ray kuzweil.
  3. i understand what your saying about bit coin's distributive capacity, however the point of what if the government confiscates the assets doesn't negate its intrinsic value, however making bitcoins illegal would hinder their value, also bitcoin bugs always talk as if bitcoin is the inevitable triumph of bitcoin over all other cryptocurriencies, this is a bias based on it being the first one, history shows often being the first in technology does not ensure its staying power, geocities predated myspace which predated facebook. Geocities was one of the first social networks, no one today has ever heard of geocities, yahoo is a shadow of its former self as google chrome is the search engine of choice. AS I type this there is probably 500 cryptocurrencies floating around in cyber space and there is no barrier of entry, by tying it to a precious metal you are limiting its dilution. To me the average person in the third world would view a intangible algorithm too intangible, too esoteric, to be trusted as real wealth. In terms of asset seizure, This system would be as decentralized as it needed to be or as centralized as it needed to be, any vault seized by a countries government would be tragic but not crippling if the network is spread globally, in a world of failing fiat having a tangible crypto precious metal exhange can be seen by a government as a sign of stability, its all relative to the geopolitical circumstances that would predominate globally in the future. in terms of maintenance this can be offset by conservative lending in terms of asset seizure vaults located in unstable governments or governments that have a low respect for private property would need a a global depositors insurance and higher interest rate, if the currency were to be shown as a sign of stability over time governments would see more value in maintaining the privacy and private ownership over the short term gains through confiscation.
  4. this is an addition to the cold silver backed cryptocurrency- the vaults would be filled with the algorithm tagged "dollars". Individual depositors would be given a personal encrypted algorithm that would contain the amount of currency the depositor owns. Deposits can be made by exchange with other possessors of the crytptocurrency or using a currency exchange where fiat currencies could be exchanged for the cryptocurrency. another layer of privacy protection could be established utilizing a encrypted mutual deposit exchange. This exchange could be established where individuals could exchange their deposits with other depositors. The data shared initially during the exchange would be a verification of the participants deposit value. Normally speaking any two depositors can exchange there deposits with one another would typically be of equal value however their could be instances where depositors could be exchanged with unequal values so longs as the two or more parties agree to the transaction. The purpose of these deposit exchanges is too make tracking of individual deposits transactions or withdrawals exceptionally difficult if not impossible. Another aspect of this exchange would be the process of lending on interest, depositor insurance, setting of interest rates, and investment banking. Crypto banks that wish to lend can do so but must issue a comparative rate of interest concurrent with the risk of default of that loan and loans outstanding. Specific vaults can decide on types of loans, investments and asset purchases by direct voting. The depositors voting would be represented based on the amount of currency they own relative to total bank assets. the depositors could also vote on whether to obtain deposit insurance, relocating the location of the vaults etc. Interest rates would be set utilizing fluctuating rates based on the factors of individual vaults relative to other participating vaults within the network. Areas at risk geopolitically would mist likely need to offer higher rates of interest to reflect the higher probability of asset seizure.
  5. overhead naturally declines with the economies of scale, naturally with any new concept early adopters pay a premium for being first this premium is reimbursed by the inevitable rise in the value of this new currency. With regards to decentralized vaults they would be vaults in relatively safe stable governments with a history of private property and privacy. Switzerland Hong Kong Singapore Liechtenstein, Bermuda Cayman islands would be places where you could set up these vaults. Now their is no guarantees in life however it is not to be the perfect currency in the perfect system rather you simply must be the best relative to the alternative.
  6. my idea would be to have decentralized vaults monitored in real time by users around the world watching their own money in vaults every dollar would be a gold/silver infused nylon paper parchment with a unique algorithm signature that would be read by a fast moving counting machine, multiple cameras with direct feed would monitor every count and transaction. they would be placed in various friendly governments in the world, meeting all of the Aristotelian aspects of money
  7. hey anyone interested in starting a gold/silver back decentralized crypto currency incorporating ideas i spoke about on the january 26 show. i am looking for people with experience in IT forex or currency markets marketing, and gold silver storage
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