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    River Grove Il.

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  1. Very sad, did you notice the "related Topics at bottom of page? New studies find circumcision health benefits outweigh risks and Drop in circumcision could mean billions in health care costs. What?!?
  2. I saw that video report too, I thought the same thing. What a primitive but modern practice! If they want to avoid evil spirits, leave the festival, and the monsters willing to scare babies will magically disappear.
  3. I watched the "Listen Linda" video recently and couldn't laugh with America. To avoid "pow pow" the 3yr old cupcake thief tried to talk his mother out of his coming punishment. It is sad and to see this childs amazing communication skills and know that the "pow pow" is going to retard his mental, emotional, and verbal skills. What will he do next when he realizes talking to his parents won't stop the "pow pow". If his verbal skills don't work, will using "pow pow" on others work better? Would this video be as "funny" if a child was sobbing and begging for no "pow pow". Would it be as celebrated if it was a child peeing themselves out of fear? Would the "Ellen Show" still had them on as guests. I doubt it. America clapped and cheered as Ellen said the video was the "most adorable thing ever". Although I noticed that on her show, they cut out the parts of the video that include the words "pow pow". The "Ellen Show" edited out the parts that weren't so adorable. This is an opportunity for this community. Someone you know has laughed at this video, tell them why they shouldn't. http://youtu.be/EFd3v1rxgng
  4. Jeffrey Tucker has helped start a anarchist digital community of some sort, I forget the details, but was one of the topics in FDR2677. they were also discussing Bitcoin as a digital cure to fiat currencies. Maybe take your community online and avoid all Waco scenarios. Digital communities as a way to avoid the police state. Can't arrest a bunch of bits!
  5. I think on private roads there would be more of a warning system and common law or traffic rules on others. In rural areas, I just want to know if anything is coming the other way, in higher and higher traffic conditions the amount of cooperation and information I want would increase. I can only guess what the condition and types of travel would exist if we had had true property rights in the last century. Maybe farmers would have invented personal jetpacks and never given up useable farm lands that are now millions of miles of mostly crappy roads. Maybe private schools would have invented the internet so kids could stay home with their families. I also think you can't live life without running a few red lights.
  6. Hello, There are 3 of us attending so far. Small, but a start! We are meeting at The Junction Chicago inside Union Station at 2pm Sat. April 26th. My wife works there and we were ok'd to meet there. If the time or place doesn't work for enough people let me know and we can try something else. Just want to get this thing started here in the heart of progressive central. Thanks, any feedback would be helpful. Keith
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