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Slavik last won the day on February 7 2016

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  1. The right to a job has two perspective, but all end in immorality since force is involved. 1) The right to public job. Int his case it is meant that it is a right to work for payment that is collected through taxation. Taxation is theft, hopefully I do not need to explain that one, so we end up the right to someone's stolen money. 2) The right to a job in privately owned company, means that in this case you are forcing an individual to give a job to another person. Forcing others with a threat of a gun is once again immoral. You can have many different perspectives from consequentialist view, in my personal view, I like to see it from moral perspective.
  2. Thats why Texas passed the law allowing guns in Universities.
  3. I think it depends on the definition of "White Nationalism," so what is the definition?
  4. Supporting a State is not an anarchic philosophy either, a person is either an anarco-capitalist or a statist, can not be both. As I have mentioned in my previous post, suspending one's principles is bearable for a time being, but once the goal has been achieved, I would like to know if Stefan is now a Statist, as I personally do not wish to support a statist show.
  5. So is the show getting back to philosophy and away from statism? I would really like to know what I am supporting. Personally I would like an honest statement from Stefan regarding this issue, especially considering that many subscribers have suspended their anarchic believes for a time, given good logical reasons to support Trump, but they have done so only for a time. I would really like an argument, since "cry more," is NOT AN ARGUMENT. Thanks.
  6. In my opinion, privatization of many programs such as education, medicare and others, will only boost economic health and subsequent benefit to its customers. How do you see customers who are benefiting, trying to overturn that which benefits them?
  7. To all of your questions I can say maybe. A possibility. Is that all? You just wanted us to consider a possibility?
  8. Considering Russia, it is not a threat. Russia is becoming more like a North Korea. I have been watching Russia for a very long while now, many Russian experts bring up interesting points about their military. 1) Russian GDP is concentrated in Oil/Gas, with prices falling so is their economy (no money for military expenditure) 2) After War with Ukraine and annexation of Crimea, and sanctions, Russia has placed "reverse sanctions," basically forbidding external products. This ended with no investments and economy dwindling even further. 3) The reports of new and super war machines, just look at the reports closely, they are in development and most likely will not enter service until G'd knows when if at all (if at all because their military command has rejected many prototypes for being useless) The talk of Russia being "evil" from Hillary camp is a simple tactic to make us hate and fear Russia and associate Trump with it, nothing else. How exactly do you see war with Russia? It is a nuclear country, we have not even attacked N. Korea, even though N.Korean dictator constantly talks about wiping us out.
  9. I am going to be completely honest and say that I am a novice or even below when it comes to banking system, BUT, I would love to hear you debate someone who is actually knowledgeable when it comes to this subject. Is such a debate in a making or have you debated someone before?
  10. 1) Now this is entering into a false dichotomy, there is not only two options a) Buy long term depreciating bond therefore lose money, or b) buy short term bond with even greater depreciation, the other option I can readily come up with is c) Do not buy any bonds at all. Im sure there are many other options. . 2) When the government sells bonds it has to repay them at the time of maturity with real money, if it simply prints the money to repay the bonds, the inflation enters the market. 3) Forbes reported at least 4.9% annual inflation growth at the moment.
  11. Why would anyone invest in negative interest bond? And if the gvt. sells bonds doesnt it become yet more debt?
  12. If the debt doesnt matter, please explain to me the interest on the debt that we are paying. By that I mean that the interest is obviously is growing, at some point it will eat up most of the budget. Also, when I asked why wont we just pay off the debt by placing it into the assets of the banks as you have suggested, you said something about politics, I am not sure what politics has to do with it, since we are paying interest on the debt and it doesnt look good for any party.
  13. So, to pay off the debt the Federal Reserve creates money which is not even backed by productivity, but the inflation is not seen because it only goes into the assets of the banks, and will never see the day light (being in the market), at the same time we have an actual inflation reports of certain percentage per year which by many claims is way below an actuality. And finally why dont we just pay down the debt completely in this matter if it doesnt matter at all? Why do we keep on growing the debt?
  14. The inflation is in the annual report, so then how is inflation is shown in the yearly report, yet you are referring to someone saying that there is no inflation?
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