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    Staying in Honor
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    Are you asking if I claim to occupy?

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  1. Agreed. pseudolegal "sovereign" bs is garbage. Even Marc Stevens beats that crap, and that's saying something
  2. Interesting... I thought there were at least a few different theories on that pseudolegal "sovereign" bs, guess there's only one.
  3. Who claimed (pseudo)legal? You know something doesn't "work", because you did it?
  4. On the "batcalls", bottom link in the sig i'm using, and the videos above
  5. I believe it's important because I hear asking to speak with the claimant and not making claims helps settle the matter honorably, meaning nobody "loses"...
  6. "Them" or him/her? That's the point, seems to me. Why is it that people don't seem interested in speaking with the claimant, and instead speak with the one said to represent him, the prosecutor? Or do they believe the claimant isn't someone they can speak with, because it's a collective noun, or idea, or "fictional legal entity"?
  7. Seems dangerous to divide the world into good people and evil people. Of course, you'll be in the good people category, which I think says an awful lot about that. Maybe you're struggling with meaning. Jordan B Peterson is all about that, from what I can tell, so listening to his Maps of Meaning lectures might help you. Obviously, being here, you will probably weave the NAP into your value systems, but is that "it"? If so, perhaps check out permaculture (the ethics, specifically), Brene Brown, NVC, and parent effectiveness training.
  8. Man, it's like people get off on this stuff... fear porn? Unless you're harvesting all your family's food, how about working on that, before taking on the world and what everyone else might do to make things tough? Permaculture/Regenerative Ag ftw! Do some annuals, so you at least get a little yield your first years, but focus on building soil fertility in the long term, by slowing water (earthworks: swales, hugelculture etc) and sequestering carbon and nitrogen (silvopasture, holistic management, nitrogen fixing perennials etc). Learning to hunt seems a valuable investment... a couple deer can feed a family all year... assuming they're not keto gluttons. If you're against killing, I hear speaking with the right people can yield lots of roadkill...
  9. Someone answering to the prosecutor offers fines and/or time, in exchange for a plea of guilt, but what about the one they’re said to represent? When the one they’re said to represent is mentioned, how about asking to speak with him, or are you convinced it’s merely an “entity”/collective noun? Seems people answer to all sorts of phrases and sounds. I hear “the city of …”, or “the state of …” settles matter honorably, meaning nobody "loses", when one asks to speak with them and doesn't make claims.
  10. Why speak with the one said to represent “so and so”, or said to do something on his behalf, instead of asking to speak with so and so? Seems people come to believe the state of …, the city of … etc are collective nouns, rather than someone to speak with, or a sound someone answers to. In so-called court, people are answering to the prosecutor, the plaintiff, the defendant, the court stenographer, the judge, the bailiff etc, so are you sure that someone doesn’t answer to the city of …, or the state of …? How about Verizon, AT&T, Walmart, Lowes etc, are you sure nobody answers to those sounds, if you ask? Why claim to own things, unless you can “prove” such a claim, and how might anyone ever do that? Seems most claim to be and own the name they use, along with claiming to own anything else that might show on paper as registered to the name they’re using… why be so common? If asking to speak with the claimant, maybe you’ll meet someone that shows you how he proves owning whatever he’s wanting paid for, so you might then prove owning money to pay with. “(How might I prove) it’s mine to give?” Seems if one stays in honor, by not making claims, except maybe “I believe …” or “I heard ….” and “I was/am using …” and asks to speak with the claimant, they’ll meet someone that settles the matter honorably. Too simple? You would have noticed? What’s the alternative, blaming and complaining? Skype discussion group
  11. Could it be that everyone wants to feel as if their group is discriminated against? Could it be that everyone wants a reason to feel superior to other people?
  12. I think Brené Brown is onto something with the theory that shame causes self-destructive behavior. If she's right, we should be able to have quite a bit of an effect on how shame resiliant our children become. This might help some of the parents out there: Shame Resilience Model by Brene
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