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Everything posted by Rachael

  1. Sorry I'm a little late to the conversation, but I'm just getting started on reading the peaceful parenting posts and just came across it. I agree with all of you. This is child abuse and a death threat to a beautiful little angel who is forced to apologize for nothing more than not eating according to her parents rules. I don't even understand forcing a child to eat at certain times. We are not able to determine their level of hunger and how they are feeling without communicating to them. There are times that adults don't feel like eating when meal times are planned, and it is accepted and respected, not scolded. What if the girl wasn't feeling well and just didn't feel like eating at that time? What if her parents are such assholes that her emotions made her abstemious? There are any number of possibilities for why a child might not want to eat(including having a food allergy or reaction to the food that is served to them), and the way to deal with it is to inquire with them, not abuse them. It is a possibility that this girl has already been sent to bed hungry in the past. When her mom said she wouldn't feed her, it was really frightening and very real to her. If I didn't eat what my parents wanted me to, when they wanted me to, I would get dragged from the table, beaten, and sent to bed without food, and the threat of no food was very real; I behaved very similar to her after such experiences. It seems to me that it is possible that a similar situation (or maybe even worse than what I went through) probably has already occurred to this girl to put this type of fear and distress in her. This mom is terrible. How dare she sit there and film her abuse and show it to the world! Beating a child into submission is not parenting..it is just being an asshole. I haven't even got to the Facebook comments yet...if I find any of yours, I will like them.
  2. I am 15 weeks pregnant, and I have been very curious about this topic. My parent showed zero affection. I only remember my mom hugging me twice during my whole upbringing, and my dad never hugged me. They never kissed me. I am an affectionate person; I cuddle and kiss my dog, i hug my close friends, and I snuggle my baby niece. I know I will want to hug, cuddle, and kiss my baby because I am already anxious to do so. I figured that if my child initiates a mouth kiss, I won't be weirded out by it, but I probably won't initiate it. At least, that is how I feel at this time. I once had a little girl that was part of my distant family give me a kiss on my mouth. I didn't know what to think. My first thought was that I was basically a stranger to her, and it probably isn't good for her to be kissing people she doesn't know very well. I am similar to someone who previously posted a comment in that I am a bit of a germphobe..I don't share chapsticks or drinks with people unless I am dating them. I would worry that initiating mouth kissing would risk the child kissing strangers and maybe other children whose parents would not be understanding of it. I could see another parent with a child the same sex as mine getting very upset and homophobic about the children kissing. I wouldn't get upset, but I wouldn't want to put them in a position where they get scolded for being affectionate. I am totally fine with kisses on the cheek.
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