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Michael McGuire

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Everything posted by Michael McGuire

  1. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/05/21/quebec-man-who-slapped-his-13-year-old-daughter-so-hard-she-died-sentenced-to-60-days-in-jail/ Sounds like a freak accident but just another reason why you should not hit your kids. Also interesting is that she is 13 and there is no mention of the legality of the physical abuse. I know Stef is regularly mentioning that in canada you can hit a kid from 2-12 with an open hand and not in the face. This was a 13 year old and she was slapped twice in the face but they dont mention it being illegal. Seems like an important detail people should be aware of regardless the outcome of the case
  2. Saw this video, thought you guys would be interested. Check it out here: http://boredombash.com/abused-children/ It was produced by an Irish anti-abuse organization ISPCC (http://www.ispcc.ie/)
  3. http://rt.com/usa/154144-scotus-anonymous-tip-police-stop/ I'd love to hear Stef chat about this a bit. It seems like a major development in the breakdown of the rule of law. Now the information illegally discovered without a search warrant by law enforcement/NSA can be used merely by placing an annonymous call... this also has other terrible implications.
  4. Seems like this should be headline news. A bank restricting withdrawl of large amounts of cash. I thought they meant $100,000+ or something but no, they mean large amounts for a working class person, as little as $5000. The banks are demanding to know what the money will be used for and will not release it without an invoice or letter from the inteded recipient(personal loan repayments). I will be taking almost $10000 out of my Tax Free Savings Account shortly(TD Waterhouse), I wonder if they will give me any problems... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-25861717
  5. Thought this may be of interest to you guys. http://cphpost.dk/news/circumcision-divide-between-denmark-and-israel.8440.html
  6. Totally a contradiction. If we discovered books which dated before known civilization we would have to expand our definition of "known civilization" to account for the writting of these books
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