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Libertarianism's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad idea
Adam_Min_Hayeshuv replied to Snafui's topic in Current Events
SHORT ANSWER: When you pour fuel to the fires you get combustion. In the analogy above foreign intervention was the fuel provided in the form of weapons, training & funding. LONG ANSWER: The horrible current state of affairs couldn't have happened without westren intervention which piled huge stock of weapons in Libiya & Iraq and even trained & equipped Syrian radicals in Jordan which had naturally found their ways into the hands of extremist. Another important interventioning forces are the oil rich arab states (Sauidi Arabia & Kuwait) and Iran which have trained & funded certain factions especially in Syria. -
To learn what french people think about their country prospects simply observe their actions: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/french-say-au-revoir-to-france-over-two-million-french-people-now-live-abroad-and-most-are-crossing-the-channel-and-heading-to-london-9788348.html
I rest my case.
I've listened to the initial 1:28 seconds of this video and found two grave errors so I stopped the video. 1. I've presented in the forum evidence that Hams uses its own population as human shields. Hence, the video producer loses all credibility by denying that. 2. He mentones correctly that several ceasefires crumbled but he fails to report that Israel had accepted and complied with all ceasefire and the sole blame for their failure was Hamas which in fact fired both on soldiers and jewish civilians during the ceasefire. CONCLUSION: It is very easy to find people critical of Israel. Jews were never the most popular kid in class. What anti-zionist lack most is reason, evidence and only too often understanding that jews are human beings and as such have rights to life, property and pursuit of happiness.
Gaza inhabitaints are voting with their feet
Adam_Min_Hayeshuv replied to Adam_Min_Hayeshuv's topic in Current Events
This is a communist/feminist style argument. It alleviates all blame from the palestinians (the "oppressed" class) and places all the blame on the jews (the "oppressing" class). The trough is of course the exact opposite. They did it to themselves. * The Palestinian had cooperated with the Nazis while knowing on the holocaust. * The palestians have launched a brutal terror attack on the newly forming Jewish settlement in Israel. * The palestinians have rejected all UN division programs whereas the jews accepted them. * The palestinains have declared war on the newly formed Jewish state with the purpose of ethnically cleansing it. * The palestinain had refused to accept funds in order to rehabilitate palestinian refugees in their host countries. In sharp contrast to every other refugee group in the world: jews from muslim countries, greeks from Turkey, turks from Greece, muslims from India & Hindi from Pakistan. * The palestianins have refused every peace proposal Israel had extended them. * The palestians run one of the most corrupt economis in the world. * The palestianin have launched a continuous terror campaign against the civil population in Israel. * The palestinains murder their own people, rape and abuse women, use civilians as human shields, enslave palestianns digging tunnels. and I can easily continue this list even longer. -
Normen Finkelstein makes a living from bashing Israel while his patrons hope to use his jewish origins in order to make his hate speech sound less anti semitic. Here are the words of women which has everything to lose and nothing to gain from speaking the trouth It is written explicitly at that wiki that the weight of each reason is still distputed. From what I know from personal experiences I've heard from veterans in practice, each regional commander had its own policy. For example, in Haifa the mayor (which was a hard core socialist/communist) begged the arab residents to stay but they preferred to leave to lebenaon and wait there for a few months until the arab armies will accomplish their plans which also included NAZI-style physical extermination of jews. In order to put the Palestinian & jewish exodus in context I would like to note that every similar conflict involved population exchange: 1. The greek turkish conflict 2. The indian/Pakistani conflict. This is essentially a communist/feminist style remark. It alleviates the responsibility from the palestinians and puts all the blame on the jews/Israelis. Pat Condell is saying that it is the jews which are pro-peace, pro-democracy, pro-freedom. It is the jews that set the world record in protecting civil population in conflict zones. It is time for the arabs to face the facts, recognise their mistakes and better their ways and as a by product, better their lives (& the lives of their neighbours).
www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4734/palestinians-and-the-death-boats-scandal It seems that the ordinary palestinain men on the street prefers to risk their lives trying to get out rather than live under Hamas. Note the total disregard of the palestinian authorities to the lives, property ad well being of the people they claim to represent. pref
You are confusing things. An illegal settlement is almost always built on rightfully owned property The only problem is usually zoning laws. All lawful land claims are respected in Israel. You may wan to consult the relevant Wikipedia entry before launching false accusations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_land_and_property_laws There are a few arabs who had abandoned their property during the independence war and their property was seized. From the other hand there are many more jews of arab descent which were deported from their home countries after Israel had won the war of independence and their property was seized. I assume that as a part of a comprehensive peace treaty both groups will be compensated. By the way the main reason for the exodus of arab residents from Israel was to free the hands of the invading arab armies to indiscriminately kill jewish citizens & soldiers alike. Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_the_1948_Palestinian_exodus#Israeli_position http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_Arab_and_Muslim_countries#Property_losses_and_compensation
The cold shower of truth may be unpleasant for the intellectually dishonest among us but it is the best medicine for their moral health. I'm glad that you point land acquisition as a legitimate source of gaining ownership because this is exactly what happened. Every piece of land settled by jews today was rightfully purchased from its former turkish or arab owner many times more than once as there were occasionally more than one claimnet tom the same piece of land.
Please explain the Israel/Palestine conflict
Adam_Min_Hayeshuv replied to August's topic in Current Events
A few point: 1. The land of Israel belongs to the jewish nation not to the jewish race. If you own a house you may select o inherit it only to your adopted son. 2. There is genetic evidence that link modern jews with ancient jews. It also seems that palestinian mostly descend from arab emigrants to ERETZ YISRAEL. To iterate, this genetic question has nothing to do with ownership question which is legal in nature. 3. If your property was stolen it is legitimate to apply force in order to return it. It is preferable to apply the minimally required amount of force which is exactly what the IDF does as evident from its amazingly low Civilian Casualty Ratio statistics despite the fact that Hamas use the local population as human shields. -
Please explain the Israel/Palestine conflict
Adam_Min_Hayeshuv replied to August's topic in Current Events
Once you denounce your affiliation to the jewish nation you lose your share. No one in his right mind would do it any other way. Suppose your son will joint AL QAIDA, will you include him in your will? Most won't and this is the rule among the jewish people. In addition, in the next section at wikipedia you can read that jewish populations are related to each other but are significantly different than palestinian. Meaning that palestinain are mostly of non jewish origion. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Jews#The_Samaritans Furthermore, having an allodial title means that you can make & break the rules as you wish with respect to your property. This is what ownership is all about. -
Please explain the Israel/Palestine conflict
Adam_Min_Hayeshuv replied to August's topic in Current Events
The one point I agree with you is that The jewish people serves as a scapegoat for the ultra rich and powerful. They only present themselves as jewish in order to use the jews as a human shield. -
Please explain the Israel/Palestine conflict
Adam_Min_Hayeshuv replied to August's topic in Current Events
Obviously, I said yes. -
Please explain the Israel/Palestine conflict
Adam_Min_Hayeshuv replied to August's topic in Current Events
PGP, I liked the fact that you called Sand's work seminal just because it suits your opinon. I consider it to be garbage. SUMMARY: His main thesis is that the jews had descend from the Khazars rather than the ancient hebrews and therefore they have no claim in the land of Israel. This assertion is wrong from several reasons: 1. There is genetic evidence that modern jews descend from the ancient hebrews and not from the khazars. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Jewsa 2. A conversion to judaism is also to the nation and involves adoption by a jewish family therefore converts also inherit the land of Israel, just as if you owned a house you could choose to inherit it also to your adopted children. I would like to stress that not even Sand denies that the ancient hebrews live in ERETZ YISRAEL and homesteaded the land. ELABORATION: I have a lot of criticism for hist work but first a little background on the person: Sand is a an historian specialising in the history of France. He is also an avid communist. In fact, he was expelled from the Israeli Communist Party because he criticised it for lacking a concrete revolutionary plan to establish a Communist regime in Israel. After the expulsion he joined MATZPEN the most radical communist organisation ever to be established in Israel. Obviously, MATZPEN was also anti-zionist. As you can see Sand is a real gem. From a professional point of view, Sand is ignorant of any knowledge in biology in general and genetics in particular. In fact, he can't even understand the articles on the genetic research into the roots of the modern jewish people nor does he has the expertise in the history of the jewish people at ancient time. This has not stopped him from writing a book on the topic. Did I mention that he is a gem? Sand likes to present himself as a myth beaker therefore he invents false narratives in his book only to "smash" them a few pages later. Prof. Bartal from the hebrew university had criticised him on that. Even more severely, the genetic evidence disproves his assertions as I pointed above. To this he responded by saying that he is an historian of ideas and not of facts. That is, following the long communist tradition, why ruin a "nice" theory simply because it can't be settled with the facts? Saind is a gem two point O. -
Please explain the Israel/Palestine conflict
Adam_Min_Hayeshuv replied to August's topic in Current Events
There are independent evidence To Hamas use of Arab civilian population As human shieldsWhich I've already posted aboveBut anyway, here they are: http://www.idfblog.com/blog/2014/08/04/captured-hamas-combat-manual-explains-benefits-human-shields/