This post made me think of Pandora's box. We know that we are bound to release all the terrible negative emotions, all the things that will pollute human life, but of course we can't help but open the box and all knowledge is released, but all trauma follows with it as well. The knowledge we maybe gain, perhaps is something useful, but we often find that we have regretted gaining it. And once gained it is impossible to lose again. The physicists who provoked America into developing a nuclear weapon are the ultimate 20th century representation of the myth of Pandora's Box. The self-destructive power we gain, but we can never put back. I think the feeling of powerlessness that you feel ties in with the very fact that we live in a state where power has outstripped wisdom. But I don't think feeling powerful is the important thing in life, i mean i guess we want to feel empowered, but that would seem to come from being wise and virtuous and happy. It's certainly better to be 'brainy' rather than 'dumb', if not for your own self-fulfilment, then for your children, if you have them, either now or in the future. A dumb parent turns into an ignorant hypocrite, and all this mess becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, a never-ending cycle of hopelessness. One last thing about Pandora's Box. From what i remember, Hope is left inside, it is not released, leaving us to wonder whether there is hope or there isn't, depending on any particular persons take on the matter. Perhaps some more enlightened board member can take this up.