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  1. Oh, I'm fully aware that the government is not the solution; they've more than proved that they are not only inept, but utterly corrupt. But sans government, who determines the rules? Do rules even need to be determined by an 'agency' of any sort? Would the phenomenon of natural order suffice?
  2. First off, I know squat about the stock market, so take that into account, but here's my thought. I'm going to assume that insider trading is actually unethical and a violation of contract between the traders and their clients. So based on that, if I suspected that there was insider trading going on, I would contact my DRO and have them investigate, and if they found guilt, they would then proceed with a legal case against them. I guess my question may more accurately be "who determines the rules of the stock market without a government regulatory body?"
  3. They generally aren't. I just want to know how to deal with it in a stateless society.
  4. In an anarchistic society, how would insider trading and other cheating in the stock market be prevented and prosecuted?
  5. Not to get into a bickering match, but I didn't change the scope of the question, I changed the superficial details to help clarify what I was getting at. That being said, I now get what you meant by 'take his animals' in that you were meaning that the answer is to take direct action. Similar to invoking my own DRO, I agree with you and that taking direct action is a viable solution. Thanks!
  6. I appreciate everyone's response, but all of you (except Marcus Clarke) are still basing your answers on the premise that social sanctions would deter the criminal behavior. What I'm trying to figure out is how does one handle immoral activity when social sanctions won't work. Marcus's answer of using ones own DRO to handle the situation because having an immoral and violent neighbor is a danger to ones family is going in the right direction. Thanks!
  7. Lets say I can see their house from mine and I can see him beating his wife. They are total recluses and I don't want to go over and whoop his ass personally. How would that work? I'm not trying to be pendantic, I just feel that exercises such as this only help refine a philosophy.
  8. I don't think I'm really moving the goalposts - they are fundamentally the same question; how do we handle a situation where someone is doing something immoral or inhumane while falling outside of the purvey of society and its possible sanctions. This is not a criticism of anarcho-capitalism, I am merely trying to further my understanding of the finer details of this system. And no, I don't have the answer to my question. If that situation arose around me personally, I'd probably get a few buddies and our guns and handle it ourselves but I'd still like to know if there are any other solutions to consider.
  9. I was trying to use animal abuse as a specific example to a general question which is "how does one handle situations where a DRO or social sanctions won't work?" Change out the animal abuse to spousal abuse and where the farmer and his wife aren't part of any DRO's or police/insurance protection or anything of the sort - they are completely off the grid. I understand that you could take matters into your own hands, but if you didn't want to personally get involved, how would this situation be dealt with?
  10. In an anarchistic society, how would animal abuse be handled? For example, let's say you live in the country and you have a neighbor who lives a couple of miles away, is generally a hermit, is mostly self-sustaining (DRO sanctions would have little effect on him), and he's abusing his animals. How could this situation be remedied?
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