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    Chemistry student

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  1. When I listen to things on my computer, I use the speed option of VLC player. I am able to listen to most German audio (my native language) at 1.5x the original speed. When someone speaks English it depends a lot on their accent and pace of speaking. Hans Hermann Hoppe (for those who don't him, here is an example: ) is understandable even at 2.5x speed. Stefan (Molyneux) has a really pleasant accent, but he speaks so fast that I often have to give up following him at even 1.3x the original speed. At times I catch myself decelerating a podcast to 0.8x the original speed to be able to follow him while thinking about what he says.
  2. I wouldn't agree with that, because (in his first post) he also wrote However, I contradict zippert in the point that I doubt that Stefan's actions made the difference: In the alternative media there have been several reports of electoral fraud all over the country. I haven't found anything on this in English, but if you can read German (or are masters at interpreting Google Translate), see for examplehttp://www.mmnews.de/index.php/politik/15078-wahlbetrug-2013 I live in Germany, but I choose not to concern myself with all the background noise of daily news, so I am not informed on recent developments on the topic of electoral fraud in 2013 and I could not find anything recent in a 20 minutes search, so I guess, the debate has just silently come to an end. What I do remember quite vividly is that I had read that the liberal party (FDP) would probably fail to take the 5% hurdle. That was why (after struggling with myself whether or not going to vote) I went to the polls and (in lack of any PDV candidate in my region) voted for FDP. The question whether the FDP would make it into the parliament (Bundestag) was something that was also frequently discussed in the mainstream media with differing opinions. And while some people might have seen this as a reason to vote for FDP rather than CDU, it is likely that more people have chosen to vote for AfD (the new-founded party wanting to abolish the Euro currency) instead, which had quite a chance of success (maybe would have won without electoral fraud). The reason that I thought that FDP would not make it into the Bundestag and also the reason why AfD was so attractive was that the FDP had broken promises made before the election and suddenly changed their political course during the legislative session 2009 to 2013. So, in a sense I would argue that FDP had catapulted itself out of the Bundestag, before the voters were even asked.
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