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https://www.facebook.com/ifemeninoweb/videos/779835282171500/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED with the heading "There are more and more cases of mothers being abused by their children. SHARE IT !!! We create awareness." he's just displaying the language he's taught. You honestly don't think she's physical with him in THAT way?! He just needs spanked? He gets man handled ('man' handled, that's f'n funny) and shoved and pulled, but he doesn't get spanked?! Get a fucking clue. All he's doing is responding in kind to how he's being treated. Ignored. Not considered put on a leash and yanked around. Fuck her, and fuck anyone blaming the kid for his 'abuse' towards women. What a sick fucking take on this, to blame the child as evidence that children are abusing women because it's so acceptable to abuse women in this culture. Fucking feminists are god damn sick fucks. Put yourself in his shoes. If I were her dog, I'd fucking bite her. boys are just worthless little violent rapists that haven't grown up yet right? What do you think cause's rapists? Animosity towards an abusive mother that's what. Check the statistics of single mother homes.
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Comic books. If you can explain to him that comics aren't just words and they aren't just pictures, that even without the words you should be able to read the pictures. It's basically just talking out what's going on in the pictures. And in a good comic the words written will not read the same as the pictures read because it's redundant. What we can see. As this happens then that happens. He runs to someone's aid. He punches the bad guy, etc. Perhaps that might help him discover there is a story behind it all. Comics might be more imaginative and creative than purely explaining things in words such as an essay.
I often think of a podcast where Stephan goes on a short rant about how abusive parents react when the abuse is turned back on them. Acting shocked and appalled. That's the phrase I remember most clearly. Just shocked and appalled. How dare you! How could you! What a bad child! I'm in utter disbelief that you'd hit me back. Could have been about bullies in general. Does anyone know which podcast this was? I've searched a few times but haven't run into it again.
Withholding Technology from the World - A Question of Ethics
autowagon replied to Level_One's topic in Science & Technology
All technology is art. Culture will always try to hold back humanity that is why art is always done to escape that which puts limits on us, in protest, as a deviation from a control or norm. To hold back technology as a means towards advancing humanity is the same notion as the culture now pushes. That humanity must be bound by the limitations of some other 'leader'. We must have a master, a totalitarian God. Ever searching for a new world order (to exploit) instead of a chaotic constant re-arrangement between individual's with changing demands. (Instead of a leader taking posession of all your goods and redistributing them as they see fit.) Art is not exploitation. Art is the ingenuity of man. It is simply a means to express value sets and influence mankind to push out of its shell. Sure it is used and manipulated to exploit, but that would not be an example of creation (thus not art) just exploitation. Art has to be created. Someone's actions utilizing art or technology is their own responsibility. An artist doesn't simply invent something and then throw it away because the world wasn't ready for it. That's not how it works. You can't limit the creation of art. You just can't. Art does not limit mankind, mankind is limited therefore creates art. -
Cultural Leadership Every tie that binds every suit you wear every position you take every insistence you make each promotion you claim and title traded for name. Each person you put into order every type arranged and placed. Every vote you vote in self defense every institution you support all your values prioritized for your safety's sake. All the street smarts you know, “ain't 'bout your rights son they gets away with it.” All the children you tell that's just the way it is. Each kid you punish into believing you every thing done in a God's name every desire kept in a closet everything kept secret every status you gain and all the certifications you hang. Make you a cult leader. Congratulations! Life ain't fair! Don't get to chose what you are, never did. Culture ain't harmony. Order ain't peace. Authority ain't respect. There's no equality in hierarchy. Your sacrifice was someone else's loss. Perpetual war ain't heroic. Your local team ain't special. Look how deep the roots go. All these things that make you better than you, worth more to who? Unequal isn't more unique you're a fool. Being incomparable is what makes us equal. The roots of evil, self righteousness. Look how much effort it took to feed those roots. Look how long it took for it to blossom in you. You're finally successful. You're finally in charge. Tell your stories. Stoke your wars. Divide the different out. Preach who's wrong. You glorious old fool and die. All those years you suffered deserve reparation? Slowly broken statist with offensive elderly expectations. Slaved your whole life for 'the good things'. Big enough to do the beating. Empowered by your obedience. Fought for it. A hard fight for a place in line straight to hell.
Prevalence of Low Testosterone in Men
autowagon replied to aaaaa11's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
think of testosterone as 'vitality' that's basically what it is in the animal kingdom. Sexy features, virility, hostility when challenged or threatened. It doesn't go away just because there is no stress. Low stress means high testosterone. You add a stressor and testosterone shoots up, but if you are always at stress it will not, it's basically burnt out. Think of the hierarchy and body language of the A type personality. The taller, lower voiced, healthy head of hair, and on and on is also the least stressed and higher in testosterone (not at the bodybuilder level but naturally). The lower in the heirarchy the more stress. I suggest a Television show on stress which has robert M sapolsky in it, I've read a couple of his books but they aren't specifically about testosterone. I think Why Zebra's Don't Get Ulcers is probably the most informative. https://youtu.be/eYG0ZuTv5rs There is a shorter essay in the book called "The Problem With Testosterone". -
ignore this - accidentally made a post. Whoops!
autowagon replied to hannahbanana's topic in Current Events
. . .so, tell us about your parents. (jk) -
Prevalence of Low Testosterone in Men
autowagon replied to aaaaa11's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
regular sleep schedule rising with the sun helps maintain high testosterone. Taking Zinc and magnesium (ZMA from GNC) before bed (helps you sleep too) and tribulous in the morning is a good basic stacking of supplements for maintaining testosterone levels. And it should go without saying that doing so without actually working out ain't gonna' do much. I also take melatonin sometimes to aid sleep which plays a role in serotonin levels during the day i've read. Vitamin D also influences this. I suppose a lot of these things your body would produce on it's own by regular sleep schedule and getting out in nature during the day as well as physical exertion. A few drops of iodine (cheap as dirt) every day can help your thyroid maintain healthy hormone production and reverse the effects of fluoride which hampers it. I just thought I'd share the stuff I do when I'm lifting weights. These are all relatively cheap supplements that actually work to maintain healthy testosterone levels. -
Prevalence of Low Testosterone in Men
autowagon replied to aaaaa11's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
Although I'm skeptical that there are chemical reasons for this like chemicals from plastic bottles and water fluoridation and residual birth control substances in the water supply, I have to just chalk it up to the stresses of general oppression. I believe there is low testosterone rates being ignored by the status quo media, but more importantly I believe that there are very high levels of suicide being ignored. Why isn't low testosterone being talked about? Well, the conspiracy theory is this I think: Likely because it correlates with flouridation and fluoridation has been used with no proven benefits to teeth through ingestion, but basically puts large populations on Prozac (which is 70% fluoride). We are a society built on terrorism and the stoking of social divisions to garner political clout and voter pools. Doesn't it seem prudent to keep the terrified herd here at home calm? -
I just wanted to suggest a couple movies. The Cube (why are we here and what does it mean?), and Snow Piercer.
my paper dictionary which is always better than the internet ones says oppress 1 to weigh heavilly on the mind, spirits, or senses of worry; trouble 2 to keep down by the cruel or unjust use of power or authority; rule harshly; tyranize over 3 to crush trample down to overpower subdue oppression 1 an oppressing or being oppressed 2 a thing that oppresses 3 a feeling of being weighed down, as with worries or problems, physical or mental distress Oppressive 1 hard to put up with; causing great discomfort or fatigue 2 cruelly overbearing; tyrannical 3 weighing heavilly on the mind, spirits, or senses; distressing
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I feel that oppression is an encompassing thing, similar to being/feeling helpless. It's not a solitary thing. It's as you suggested, witnessing injustice. That's how I see it. Just read all the definitions and origins and geek out on it a while. Words are concepts in the mind and they grow.
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oppression's the word I'd use. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=oppression&searchmode=none
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a government that will be given respect by another government is simply a large pool of resources, namely people. The government uses the population to barter with. If you cannot prove you have control over this population that you claim you do, you do not 'govern' or 'control' them than you are not a government worth dealing with.
open and closed minded refers to more specifically new solutions, it's about solutions. Open people are open to new solutions even though they have one already. It's about consideration. Closed minded people are still rational they just aren't considerate. They stick to what works unless it affects them personally. It's an ego thing.