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Everything posted by autowagon
https://www.facebook.com/ifemeninoweb/videos/779835282171500/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED with the heading "There are more and more cases of mothers being abused by their children. SHARE IT !!! We create awareness." he's just displaying the language he's taught. You honestly don't think she's physical with him in THAT way?! He just needs spanked? He gets man handled ('man' handled, that's f'n funny) and shoved and pulled, but he doesn't get spanked?! Get a fucking clue. All he's doing is responding in kind to how he's being treated. Ignored. Not considered put on a leash and yanked around. Fuck her, and fuck anyone blaming the kid for his 'abuse' towards women. What a sick fucking take on this, to blame the child as evidence that children are abusing women because it's so acceptable to abuse women in this culture. Fucking feminists are god damn sick fucks. Put yourself in his shoes. If I were her dog, I'd fucking bite her. boys are just worthless little violent rapists that haven't grown up yet right? What do you think cause's rapists? Animosity towards an abusive mother that's what. Check the statistics of single mother homes.
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Comic books. If you can explain to him that comics aren't just words and they aren't just pictures, that even without the words you should be able to read the pictures. It's basically just talking out what's going on in the pictures. And in a good comic the words written will not read the same as the pictures read because it's redundant. What we can see. As this happens then that happens. He runs to someone's aid. He punches the bad guy, etc. Perhaps that might help him discover there is a story behind it all. Comics might be more imaginative and creative than purely explaining things in words such as an essay.
I often think of a podcast where Stephan goes on a short rant about how abusive parents react when the abuse is turned back on them. Acting shocked and appalled. That's the phrase I remember most clearly. Just shocked and appalled. How dare you! How could you! What a bad child! I'm in utter disbelief that you'd hit me back. Could have been about bullies in general. Does anyone know which podcast this was? I've searched a few times but haven't run into it again.
Withholding Technology from the World - A Question of Ethics
autowagon replied to Level_One's topic in Science & Technology
All technology is art. Culture will always try to hold back humanity that is why art is always done to escape that which puts limits on us, in protest, as a deviation from a control or norm. To hold back technology as a means towards advancing humanity is the same notion as the culture now pushes. That humanity must be bound by the limitations of some other 'leader'. We must have a master, a totalitarian God. Ever searching for a new world order (to exploit) instead of a chaotic constant re-arrangement between individual's with changing demands. (Instead of a leader taking posession of all your goods and redistributing them as they see fit.) Art is not exploitation. Art is the ingenuity of man. It is simply a means to express value sets and influence mankind to push out of its shell. Sure it is used and manipulated to exploit, but that would not be an example of creation (thus not art) just exploitation. Art has to be created. Someone's actions utilizing art or technology is their own responsibility. An artist doesn't simply invent something and then throw it away because the world wasn't ready for it. That's not how it works. You can't limit the creation of art. You just can't. Art does not limit mankind, mankind is limited therefore creates art. -
Cultural Leadership Every tie that binds every suit you wear every position you take every insistence you make each promotion you claim and title traded for name. Each person you put into order every type arranged and placed. Every vote you vote in self defense every institution you support all your values prioritized for your safety's sake. All the street smarts you know, “ain't 'bout your rights son they gets away with it.” All the children you tell that's just the way it is. Each kid you punish into believing you every thing done in a God's name every desire kept in a closet everything kept secret every status you gain and all the certifications you hang. Make you a cult leader. Congratulations! Life ain't fair! Don't get to chose what you are, never did. Culture ain't harmony. Order ain't peace. Authority ain't respect. There's no equality in hierarchy. Your sacrifice was someone else's loss. Perpetual war ain't heroic. Your local team ain't special. Look how deep the roots go. All these things that make you better than you, worth more to who? Unequal isn't more unique you're a fool. Being incomparable is what makes us equal. The roots of evil, self righteousness. Look how much effort it took to feed those roots. Look how long it took for it to blossom in you. You're finally successful. You're finally in charge. Tell your stories. Stoke your wars. Divide the different out. Preach who's wrong. You glorious old fool and die. All those years you suffered deserve reparation? Slowly broken statist with offensive elderly expectations. Slaved your whole life for 'the good things'. Big enough to do the beating. Empowered by your obedience. Fought for it. A hard fight for a place in line straight to hell.
Prevalence of Low Testosterone in Men
autowagon replied to aaaaa11's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
think of testosterone as 'vitality' that's basically what it is in the animal kingdom. Sexy features, virility, hostility when challenged or threatened. It doesn't go away just because there is no stress. Low stress means high testosterone. You add a stressor and testosterone shoots up, but if you are always at stress it will not, it's basically burnt out. Think of the hierarchy and body language of the A type personality. The taller, lower voiced, healthy head of hair, and on and on is also the least stressed and higher in testosterone (not at the bodybuilder level but naturally). The lower in the heirarchy the more stress. I suggest a Television show on stress which has robert M sapolsky in it, I've read a couple of his books but they aren't specifically about testosterone. I think Why Zebra's Don't Get Ulcers is probably the most informative. https://youtu.be/eYG0ZuTv5rs There is a shorter essay in the book called "The Problem With Testosterone". -
ignore this - accidentally made a post. Whoops!
autowagon replied to hannahbanana's topic in Current Events
. . .so, tell us about your parents. (jk) -
Prevalence of Low Testosterone in Men
autowagon replied to aaaaa11's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
regular sleep schedule rising with the sun helps maintain high testosterone. Taking Zinc and magnesium (ZMA from GNC) before bed (helps you sleep too) and tribulous in the morning is a good basic stacking of supplements for maintaining testosterone levels. And it should go without saying that doing so without actually working out ain't gonna' do much. I also take melatonin sometimes to aid sleep which plays a role in serotonin levels during the day i've read. Vitamin D also influences this. I suppose a lot of these things your body would produce on it's own by regular sleep schedule and getting out in nature during the day as well as physical exertion. A few drops of iodine (cheap as dirt) every day can help your thyroid maintain healthy hormone production and reverse the effects of fluoride which hampers it. I just thought I'd share the stuff I do when I'm lifting weights. These are all relatively cheap supplements that actually work to maintain healthy testosterone levels. -
Prevalence of Low Testosterone in Men
autowagon replied to aaaaa11's topic in Men's Issues, Feminism and Gender
Although I'm skeptical that there are chemical reasons for this like chemicals from plastic bottles and water fluoridation and residual birth control substances in the water supply, I have to just chalk it up to the stresses of general oppression. I believe there is low testosterone rates being ignored by the status quo media, but more importantly I believe that there are very high levels of suicide being ignored. Why isn't low testosterone being talked about? Well, the conspiracy theory is this I think: Likely because it correlates with flouridation and fluoridation has been used with no proven benefits to teeth through ingestion, but basically puts large populations on Prozac (which is 70% fluoride). We are a society built on terrorism and the stoking of social divisions to garner political clout and voter pools. Doesn't it seem prudent to keep the terrified herd here at home calm? -
I just wanted to suggest a couple movies. The Cube (why are we here and what does it mean?), and Snow Piercer.
my paper dictionary which is always better than the internet ones says oppress 1 to weigh heavilly on the mind, spirits, or senses of worry; trouble 2 to keep down by the cruel or unjust use of power or authority; rule harshly; tyranize over 3 to crush trample down to overpower subdue oppression 1 an oppressing or being oppressed 2 a thing that oppresses 3 a feeling of being weighed down, as with worries or problems, physical or mental distress Oppressive 1 hard to put up with; causing great discomfort or fatigue 2 cruelly overbearing; tyrannical 3 weighing heavilly on the mind, spirits, or senses; distressing
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- injustice
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I feel that oppression is an encompassing thing, similar to being/feeling helpless. It's not a solitary thing. It's as you suggested, witnessing injustice. That's how I see it. Just read all the definitions and origins and geek out on it a while. Words are concepts in the mind and they grow.
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oppression's the word I'd use. http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?allowed_in_frame=0&search=oppression&searchmode=none
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a government that will be given respect by another government is simply a large pool of resources, namely people. The government uses the population to barter with. If you cannot prove you have control over this population that you claim you do, you do not 'govern' or 'control' them than you are not a government worth dealing with.
open and closed minded refers to more specifically new solutions, it's about solutions. Open people are open to new solutions even though they have one already. It's about consideration. Closed minded people are still rational they just aren't considerate. They stick to what works unless it affects them personally. It's an ego thing.
How do atheists explain this? (Genuine Question)
autowagon replied to Justin K.'s topic in General Messages
The golden ratio. -
sorry that last post wasn't a response to yours. I didn't see your post till today for some reason. Sorry about that. I don't really think I can keep going into it to put it in a more simple version. That's kind of why I called it 'putting my thoughts in order' which also pertains to the 'verticalization' I mention in how our minds tend to build value heirarchies.
The Matrix - The Philosophy Film Club
autowagon replied to PatrickC's topic in Reviews & Recommendations
I just watched "The Cube" again the other night. That could be a good one to discuss. -
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed by the masses.” Plato
“Most of what we are doing in philosophy is working on the definitions until the answer to the question is self evident. If that makes sense, you work on the definitions until the answer is obvious right? Where as a lot of people will try and answer these very difficult questions without working on the definitions, and it ends up, as I'm sure you've experienced as have I, things just go round and round right, but just as soon as you start working on the definitions clearly enough the answers become pretty obvious.” Molyneux We are all enslaved by language. Peace and, Order? That doesn't make any sense! This 'Order' we are under is based on use of force. Where's peace in force? Will to power, means to create force. Govern, means control. Control doesn't set you free?!! Equal subordinates. This is all deceptive. It's the definitions that will lead you to the truth. There are many words used herein repeatedly. Because I think there is something in the definitions. A common thread runs between them. The use of force is what it's all about. Justified with self righteousness, the root of evil. There's a hierarchy of force and remember there is a vocabulary of control. Learn what words mean and you'll learn to see. Wake up to your bondage. We live in a society, a whole bunch of people. The things forced upon people in society are cultural. So culture is at the top of the pyramid of this hierarchy. Beneath culture are two branches of violence or use of force. Mental control (by threat/punishment) 'Government' and mental conditioning (through peer influence/indoctrination) 'Religion'. Separation of church and state is not concerning, they are separate but equal as far as enforcing behavior is concerned. We as a people are leaning towards terrorism, we are leaning away from protecting the individual for the benefit of 'culture'. Forced into culture from birth. Forced into borders and nations and indoctrinated (forced) into religions. Forced into identities, races, classes. Forced into predictabilities, expectations. Forced into dispositions, manners. Force instituted. Forced into a status. Forced into debt. Forced into lines. Forced into corners. Culture is forced perspectives. The cycle of empire revolves around the inherently unequal reliance on the use of force, violence to create 'order' in place of harmony. It's all about use of force to maintain and capture a fundamentally flawed 'order' of things. Creating and maintaining divisions between us, borders, status, democracy, government. These things perpetuate not the freedom of the individual but the enslavement for the subjects/citizens, they promote inequality/subjugation, guilt by association in a relentless and strict order of things. Equals do not have subordinates. Disempowered by difference. Where ever there is exploitation there is corruption. Where do you find exploitation without force? Where do you find corruption without force? (I'll note that when I speak of equality I'm speaking of natural rights of the individual and nothing else because as individuals we are not equal but distinct.) Use of Force: “Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with the world like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?” “The [Culture] . . .?] “Do you know what, it, is? The [Culture] . . . is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.” “What truth?” “That you are a slave Neo, like everyone else you were born into bondage. Born into a prison [Government] you cannot smell or taste or touch, a prison for your mind. ” “. . .What is the [Culture] matrix, [Order] control. The [Culture] matrix is a [threatened and indoctrinated] computer generated dream world, built to keep us under control [behaving predictably] in order to change a human being into this, [a meme, a cult fixture put in place to keep things the way they are and prevent change.]” “. . .The [Culture] . . . is a system Neo. That system is our enemy. When you are inside when you look around what do you see? Business men, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged, and many of them are so inured so hopelessly dependent on the system [use of force, order, culture, authority, being 'good'] that they will fight to protect it.” The cult aspects to society, the culture, is the behavior regulation. Those bitter scowling old ladies calling children blasphemers and get a hair cut hippy hard working do gooders. The culture employs the government, mental control, and religious indoctrination to modify and control behavior. Institutions are the systems of locks and safeguards against social change. Insisting that the good outweighs the bad produced in this way of doing things, instituted. (Corrupt) Order is the worship of this type of thinking. Statism is religious, and order is it's (cannot be proven or disproven, questioned or criticized) God. The arrogant human assumption that the way we see things must be enforced as the best way. People should have free choice so long as it fits. Order is the opposite of harmony the dark side no tolerance to let slip ingenuity, we've got 'solutions' and they are violently kept. (there is a difference between order and organization, arrangement, because it is based in force not efficiency there is no reshuffling.) The first thing to understand about government is that it's a mental construct. It doesn't exist in reality. Mankind is not actually 'in control' of mankind, or we wouldn't have conflict. The establishment and institutions of government/culture are not a physical thing. They are prioritization in the brainwashed minds of the cult members. This, we have established, that we have instituted. The conflicts of who's in charge and why have been fixed based on an unchallenged 'USE OF FORCE' as the sole determinant and named a 'solution.' Because, violence, because force and consequences. There is no such thing as government outside of the minds of people. Government cannot exist at all in reality or theory without force coming from the people that wish to legitimize fixed and immobile placement within it, something outside yourself to rely on. (The government failed me, is like saying, I thought wrong.) It is, as I repeatedly point out, literally defined mental control. Government is in your mind. The brick and mortar institutions of it you could point at, but government is in your mind. Matter and energy exists, the shit you force on me has no substance, it has no measure. It's just your opinion and a threat. Values can only be qualified by their priority. Our minds make it that way. Values cannot fit into a horizontal harmony in our minds (as equal) thus we try to create our system of top down order. Unfortunately this perpetuates use of force to try and manifest it into reality. Order is use of force to prevent change. Culture is the excuse that props up this forced order. All institution, establishment, license, regulation, is meant to STOP CHANGE!! not create it! It's a means to prevent that which we most fear, the unknown, the future. Government is a perpetuation a continuation of vertical order rather than horizontal harmony, therefore it has no interest in 'change' at all. It's an establishment. Its purpose is to prevent change. (Suitability, uniformity, ties, status, all these things are more valuable to this 'use of force' system that aims to maintain instead of advance into individual autonomy and freedom for mankind.) Government fixes things in place. It's an evil glue, more of a bondage than a bond of brotherhood between us. That's what government is, an institution of violence (violence is force, but specifically a violation, of the natural rights of the individual). Try to move around the chess pieces and soon you'll be violated for trying. It's a monopoly of violence. Culture is force, institution is force. (Don't mistake the words heritage or society with culture, culture is not your friend.) There is a matrix all around you enslaving you and that matrix is culture, not society, not heritage, not belief, but the use of force to retain legitimate discontent and atrocious wars. Will to power, creation of force. Democracy isn't freedom of choice, it's freedom to subjugate. Freedom to maintain inequality in a majority/minority divide. There are many different types of government. How to control. . .majority/minority is mob democracy. Forced to submit under threat is terrorism, aka 'authority'. Class distinctions placing a group of people in charge of another by other means include aristocracy, representative republic, oligarchy. Creating control from a bidding of corporate interests is fascism. Government is government. It's all about control. Your government is a fascist terrorist democratic republic oligarchy with a mass media department. This shit isn't simple and easy to comprehend. It's just like any other subject. There are levels of understanding. You could understand it as a child and call it right or left, or you could grow up and gain some comprehension of the human condition. Religion, state of life 'bound' by monastic vows. Derived from relegere 'go through again' or a more modern interpretation is that it's derived from religare 'to bind fast' 'to place an obligation on' or 'bond between humans and gods.' (One nation 'under' that which cannot be proven or disproven to exist.) More behavior regulation through use of force. Can't forget the cults of culture. Society is just us, a bunch of dots with lines between them just a bunch of people relating socially. Culture is the pointing fingers and guns making them behave accordingly. Keeping them from going off the script. A society is just social relations without the cult to approve our distinctions, and weed out the uncooperative. Those who belong will be accepted, and those who don't will be shunned, and you're all invited to shun with us. Culture isn't your heritage, it's not what you inherited without a gun to your head. Nothing about culture, government, or religion encourages change or non violence. Government (mental control) is the violence of culture the stick, religion is the indoctrination of culture the carrot, self righteousness unquestionable 'goodness'. Order not harmony, institution not organization, democracy not equality, culture is behavior regulation, it's all about trying to entrench everything in place: values, priorities. Use of Force, Order, Culture V Government—Religion V V Love is stronger than force. Introduce love and the whole house of cards collapses. A parade of good intentions for mass murder doesn't advance the human race. It doesn't create peace, or harmony, it maintains 'use of force' as the one and only human standard. Love does not insist on its own way, and the way of humanity is stuck in a rut we call a condition. That condition is reliance on force. Instead of this: Culture>government>religion>establishment>institution>authority without authorization> classification>subjugation . . .It's all hierarchy of force, use of force AKA will to power. Anarchist's think this way: Harmony>organization>respect>free market capitalism>individuality>anonymity>equality (natural rights)>voluntarism>. . .it's a whole different prioritized set of values. Do unto others what you would have others do unto you. John 6:15 Jesus [Anarchist] knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself. *note Make him king by force. Jesus rejected the worlds version of kingship as a temptation of the devil [an archon is a ruler, an-archy means without rulers] “Without followers evil cannot spread.” Leonard Nimoy as Spock Anarchists are fundamentally against the notion of a ruler, or 'order' of top down rule. It's flipped where the values under 'use of force' would be near the bottom, last resort. It in fact begins the assent of corruption. A worse case scenario, avoided at all costs. Like spanking your children. The “SOLUTIONS” are not presented in the argument for anarchy, the solutions aren't important because this set of values I'm talking about encourage constant change instead of forced institution. It holds up high the potential worth of each distinct individual and the value of mutual interest and cooperation without force, none of which can exist under government. It's a paradigm shift where “solutions” are not instituted or established to prevent the human race from advancement towards greater liberty, autonomy, and freedom, for the individual. The will to power means to create force, power comes from the barrel of a gun, without force there can be no corruption, rulers perpetuate the means to allow force. Voluntaryists believe we could do better without force, anarchists believe we could do better without rulers, they coincide. Philosophers the eternal enemy of the human condition. Statism is a religion. We were promised freedom of religion not freedom from it. A republic is not freedom from democracy. A rule is an excuse to dismiss consideration. So lets make up rules and enable inconsiderate 'rulers' to take possession of our interests. Won't you consider, anarchy? Corruption requires use of force. Order (NWO), Culture, Government, religion could not enslave the minds and behaviors of generations of people without force, there are numerous historical wars to prove it. You can't avoid a cult following to tell you what's good, to put things in proper order. Where are these rulers leading us to? Good and strong leaders are not those that wield force, but those who refuse to take charge with violence. Respect doesn't escape a person of integrity. Corruption exist through use of force. It cannot exist without use of force. No more rulers. No more government. Anarchy. We do everything under the sun to ensure use of force remains!! We fear what we don't yet comprehend, our own capacity, obviously more so than this problem of violence we have perfect hindsight on. That mankind's eternal inhumanity towards man is enabled through use force. And through force our will (to create) is destroyed. Culture always claims the right to force. When will humanity's curse end? An individual does not a cult make. When will we discover and witness the majesty of a human, being. Harmony requires consideration. Use of love is unheard of. I'm curious to hear the answers rulers would have, to being asked if they love their people. It's such a fallacy. March them to their deaths for love. Deny them a free market for love. Which people? Not the felons, the drug users, or the conspiracy theorists (gasp!). Tax dodgers, military deserters, or shock rockers. You don't love the people from this planet's grid section you're currently destabilizing than? Their children future terrorists, you should know. Takes one to bake one. Forced compliance to the pursuits of sociopaths. Into the nameless pages between the lines of history. We're putting our personal demons onto thrones. To flatter our vanity and justify our prideful righteousness with solutions and moral compromises. Strength, true strength is a measurement of resilience against exploitation. Insecurity is weakness. It's not difficult (differing from the cult?) simply knowing what someone wants to hear and telling them. Strength is the measure of how well you can resist undue influence, to not to be affected, tempted or forced. A strong character doesn't seek out a ruler. Self determination isn't what enslaves us, it's the lack of it. "The disappearance of a sense of responsibility is the most far-reaching consequence of submission to authority." Stanley Milgram So far harmony is beyond human comprehension. Compassion cannot be instituted. (why oh why? because institution implies force, forcing values never works) I have in the past said human beings are the 'controlling' animal, because that's what the human species excels at. Fish swim, birds fly, and humans control. Force is not maintainable control, nature will find a way. As long as we try and maintain 'use of force' as the means to perceive control of our environment and society we will continue to recycle corruption and war as a trait of the species. If we abolish respect for an authority of terror. What incentive is there left to create? Look around. We've managed regardless of cult enforced violence and cycles of destruction. Art will always win out over use of force. Because it is unforced, art is the enemy of all this. Art is what fights back against instituted fixed forced oppressed governed authorized voted for bought into. Art is the movement of humanity out from these heavy burdens. Art is what cannot be held back or held down. New inventions, new avenues, new ideas, movement. Art is movements. They can't put their finger on it because movements can only be seen with hind sight. They can't prevent with force what the human creativity and heart can produce WITHOUT FORCE. Does anarchy mean chaos? I think that open and spontaneous organization rather than rigid institution could be seen as chaos, could it not? Nature self organizes rather than: enforces, institutes, orders, establishes, etc. So anarchy which is about the lack of force in society is about harmony and open spontaneous organization, efficiency rather than corruption and violent control. An off the topic point is that I'm not only an anarchist, I'm agnostic. I refuse to enter into arguments with a high ground that implies I'm more moral or good because I'm in the God exists camp, or the same for the God doesn't exist camp. God is 'that which cannot be proven or disproven'. So arguments like, this country was founded under a christian god, are automatically discounted. Arguments 'against my religion' are discounted. I don't care. They hold no water because they are not founded in rationality but in 'faith', the absence of evidence. You can't use them to argue or debate anything. I have faith too, but not in presenting my own refusal to rationalize somehow buying me righteousness. I have faith that there is a God beyond human comprehension. I have faith that there remain things beyond the walls of perception that are life and physics. Doesn't mean shit. Doesn't make me 'good people'. Doesn't really buy me a cult membership either. Although AA meetings are surprisingly common, I just don't think they are sincere anarchist agnostics, awe who let the atheist in?! Scum. (Just kidding.) I'm more free as an Agnostic. I'm not basing arguments on emotional indoctrination and comradery. I don't feel the need to defend atheist stances either. Jesus Christ was a stand up dude as far as I'm concerned. He was admirable and even if his biography was embellished, he's one of my heroes right up there with Muhammed Ali, Bob Marley, and Marilyn Manson. I'll quote his teachings like reciting John Lennon's imagine. It's all the same to me. I've got some things in common with religious people. I'm not a hater of people, just religion. Then there's the whole left/right bullshit. Not a statist. Don't give a fuck about your uninformed side taking. Each side debating the other's self interest is better off under their control. That's fair. Democracy-keeping things fundamentally un equal. “But it's not a democracy though! It's a republic” that's a bullshit non-argument. Point me to the person that represents me that I didn't vote for and tell me again how this isn't a democracy. I don't vote, I wouldn't endorse violence and I don't authorize my own representative. I have no say in culture because I don't believe in forcing things onto everyone else, and that doesn't mean I'm your chattel. I'm just so far removed from the bullshit paradigm that props up the state, it's difficult to discuss. Many don't get it, and I can't get it for them. They're not on a hero's journey. They won't even admit they're slaves, they are being robbed, they are sacrificing their young, and foreigners. Just marching left-right-left-right war to war for eternity, into obscurity. Writing as I am, is stepping in chattel shit. I'm just a fly going from one pile of shit non argument to the next irritating the asses of the masses along the trail. Not one of the herd, just a fly ignored and bothersome to the malicious useless life eating merciless voters. “As you no doubt have guessed, I am Morpheus. . .I imagine that right now you're feeling a bit like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole. I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man that accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically this is not far from the truth” Neo “… I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.” “I know 'exactly' what you mean.”
I always say, voting is an endorsement of violence. It doesn't really initiate anything it just endorses that violence gets used to 'fix' things. That's why it's so diffiult for anarchists to supply 'solutions' or 'fixes' as alternatives because there is no real fix, but the current one is just violence. Our current solution is to throw a hammer at the problem till it quits asking for a better answer.
How do you incorporate philosophy in fictional writing?
autowagon replied to ragdoll's topic in General Messages
How do you not incorporate philosophy in fictional works? You can't sing a song you ain't got nothing to say, can't play music you ain't got nothing to play. -
The Matrix - The Philosophy Film Club
autowagon replied to PatrickC's topic in Reviews & Recommendations
I think that the arguement could be made that they are invaders, hacking their way in, to another culture (matrix). Then it becomes much more realistic and difficult to determine who is attacking who? Who started it? Are the machines trying to stop the invaders messing with their system by drilling to Zion, or are the hackers trying to stop the Machines from destroying Zion. Assess whether either side's end goal is nonviolent assimilation. Two separate cultures unwilling to coexist and using force to subjugate the other. Morpheus seeking freedom from the rules of the matrix culture for the matrix people, and the machines seeking the freedom to basically not tell people they are being exploited, because some other culture says so. (Like going to Iraq and telling people to quit joining military forces and don't be muslim.) The people from Zion give a choice (the red or blue pill, or is it...) while the Matrix gives no choice of their culture. I did think it was interesting the other day (i just happened to be writing a bunch of quotes from the Matrix, circumstancially to spotting this thread) I noticed that Neo was, in one life 'a program writer for a respectable software company.' He was working for the man, the machines I mean, and in another 'a hacker guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for.' So even when he was within the culture that enslaved him he was being exploited as well as considered a terrorist in that culture. So in a sense Neo was outside the cultural bounds to begin with and walked the line of a moral high or low ground. He was in forced servitude for the benifit of his culture against individual freedom, and trying to circumvent his own contribution like Snowden. The typical 'use of force' backfiring. -
The Matrix - The Philosophy Film Club
autowagon replied to PatrickC's topic in Reviews & Recommendations
defense is not violence. those that seek freedom killing those who are so inured (not inert) to the system that they will fight to protect it is not violence, it is not the moral low ground. they are not violating anyone by trying to escape, they are being violated while trying to escape and defending themselves. The matrix is culture, and the inured that put on a guise of an agent of the system not ironically with a suit and tie on, willing to kill them for the 'good system' that they're slaves of means they retain the higher moral ground. they are not violent, but defensive. It's like if you woke up in North Korea, and if you are found you are going to be prevented from going home and either killed or thrown in prison. Are you commiting violence when people start pointing at you and chasing you and shooting at you, if you do anything to avoid capture including shooting people that are shooting at you or trying to expose you to others shooting at you? The question is should they be going into the Matrix or N. Korea in the first place. Are they in the moral right to convince this separate culture that they are slaves? We know that most of them that go there were born there cause they have the plugs. The matrix is a culture that kills anyone that knows they are slaves or that knows enough to threaten the power structure, that the machines are in control. The occult is the machines, the classified agents. So if that culture fights to protect itself. Each slave is a possible agent of the culture. And the Matrix Culture is not innocent to violate individuals because they 'know too much'. -
Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers I think might help. One of those gladwell books talks about the rags to riches to rags phenominon. You can find full audio versions of Gladwell's books on Youtube.