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P. Mason

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P. Mason last won the day on January 3 2014

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  1. Rights are negative. If you can do X and X does not commit force against another then you have a RIGHT to do X. Rights are the conversation we have when ywo moral agents come into conflict. for example rights do not exist when you are alone say on a deserted island. You do not have a right to fish you merely fish. Rights only come into play when tow moral agents come into conflict then they discuss when force is legitimate or when force is wrong.
  2. There's a difference between saying someone is bossy vs being bossy and banning the word bossy.
  3. By all means Mr. Joseph use any voluntary means at your disposal to make those robots.
  4. One of the best ways to debate climate science is to ignore if its happening and ask the real question - what is to be done.You could spend hours tossing data back and forth and both sides have a lot of pre-rehersed arguments. There are sites with every statement and a prerehearsed reply. The debate is a waste of time.Here is the reply to any climate change debator "If you think climate change is occuring then by all means use any voluntary, non-forceful, cooperative, agoristic means at your disposal to fight it. Good luck with that." Don't ever let someone mug you in their alley, mug them in yours.
  5. Why do you want to piss off christians? If they interact in a voluntary manner who cares what they believe.
  6. Females or friends who you may become sexually interested in be they male, female whatever. The answer is no.
  7. "Government is a gun that shoots money at your enemy and blows up in your face" "They aren't stupid. They just don't want to know they are in hell." "When it comes to fake apologies, every asshole has a "but""
  8. The definition of determinism refutes a fully deterministic universe. You can only discuss a subset. Even relativity understands this.If determinism is defined as no event can occur without a previous event or event and that all event occur in a logical manner that would mean there can be no spontaneous or random events. 1. This means the universe cannot have a beginning. There can be no first event since all events must be caused by events. If events are Dominoes falling or billard balls interacting then there can be no forst domino or first billard ball. 2. If the universe is an infinite chain of events then it cannot derive from determinism since an infinite object has no beginning. It merely exists. Again something cannot merely exist without causality under determinism. Infinite objects defy determinism. No series of events brought about an infinite object. If you'd like to argue that future events cause past events then you're just arguing an infinite circle which cannot exist in determinism. An infinite ring of falling dominoes simply cannot keep falling.Now this does not prove free will is not determinism but it does disprove the claim free will must be determinism cause all is determinism when clearly the universe itself cannot arise under determinism.
  9. A 100% deterministic universe is self refuting by the definition of determinism. You can only declare a subset to be deterministic.
  10. If humans did go to mars they would never be able to return even IF there was a return ship. Once they live there for a time the lighter gravity will make their bones brittle. Unless they can figure out a way to make some artificial gravity, humans would not be able to survive in earth's gravity.
  11. So why is it so hard to understand that Stefan gets a big fish like Chomsky on his show the last thing he wants to do is scare the guy off by mugging him. Pick your battles.
  12. "How do Christians live with Science without being hypocrites"How do atheists live with irrational beliefs about government without being hypocrites?
  13. Ah the whole guru thing. So is that what your comments are about. You see Stefan as some cult leader? Yeah so you're the guy going to expose the guru and that's what your comments are really all about. Well you fail as much as a 10 year old chanting "nyah nyah" on a play ground.
  14. Counter Economics played a huge part in the collapse. Basically the black market made teh government obsolete and useless. Same will happen in the US. In fact we should encourage bypassing as many gov programs as possible.
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