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  1. Awww you guys forgot about MEGADETH! Oh, I forgot I'm the only person that likes their music... well anyway here is what I'm bringin to the table.. 1. Dance in the Rain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk7VYA2GtNw Lyrics Snippet: Sentenced to work a dead end 9 to 5 Trapped in a dingy corporate cubicle hell Then go to work in the darkness on the midnight shift Any chance you get, selling gas at the corner Shell Three letters groups listening in on you Under surveillance courtesy of Big Brother in your car Drones monitor each and every move you make It doesn't matter who you know or who you think you are You'll never see a ray of daylight So far in debt you're struggling to survive But you will break your back fighting and they'll help Before you let them break your pride "Powers that be" will never win; a storm is coming, get ready You better learn to dance in the rain, instead of wait for the sun Learn to dance in the rain, the sun will never come Meaning to me: The song talks about the terrible state of the economy, the huge debt that is upon us, the U.S spying on its citizens. He is also telling "powers that be" that they will never win. Telling that us citizens will retake our liberties in a upcoming revolution were evil will lose and good will win.
  2. I would say that about half of these are what I would consider "true". The ones you cant actually control, such as the molestation, adoption, gender, etc. You know.. things you don't have a choice in. My problem lies with what they did have a choice in but are now not owning up to it, such as body image, thoughts, character, abortion, etc. These people who posted this are just putting up a wall to hide themselves, from there true selves. These people are the "it aint my fault crowd" when actually it was there fault. People are trying to push blame away from themselves, When they could have choose to make the right choice. By them posting this, you can tell that they have determinist position on how life works.
  3. Wow, I got 0 tensions, But I went in fully with the N.A.P. in mind, and I held true to it to answer every question.
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