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  1. I'm a musician, composer, producer, so I'm technically the type of person who should favour government forced copyrights / intellectual property. But I don't at all and I'll tell you why. Because I can see past my nose. And becasue of that I realise that there is no way you can say it's worth it in the long run just to protect some audio rights (that are not enforceable anyway = internet, hello... come on), to have this disgusting blight on the planet called "the state". If are you short sighted, sure you will bitch and moan about your income and rights, but it's not a right. Once you play your song, be it a whistled melody, or a production that took you a full year to create, one you release it on the internet, it's out there. And once someone hears it or receives it freely onto their machine - their property - the song / track / movie whatever is now in their possesion either in their mind or on their property and you can't stop them from reproducing it using their own property, and you can't stop them from playing it in the street, or hearing it in their heads. I have no idea how the free market would support art, well I have some notions and thoughts but I can't say I KNOW. What I do know is that a free society is a prosperous one, and a prosperous society is a peaceful one, and peaceful prosperous societies turn their attention to art - plays, movies, music, concerts, paintings. etc. The whole dilemma has nothing to do with "how will I make a living / please guarantee it for me before I side with freedom" it's about putting your faith in freedom FIRST and then reaping the rewards. Not the other way around. The moral position is to put your faith in freedom / liberty. Morality breeds propserity in ways we can't imagine. What prosperity the west has left, and what prosperity the rest of the world has now, is due only to the degree of faith people have generally placed in freedom. What slavery, taxation, violence, oppression they face is the degree to which they have turned away from freedom to embrace the false promise of state security for some evil oppression for others. And that's not what music is about. If you believe it is, your music must be pretty s**t... Writing and playing music is a very fundamental freedom. If you take away the freedom, you take away the music, and the prosperity. Would you pay to see a Roger Waters lookalike / soundalike? Maybe, but how much? $10 a ticket cause Roger wasn't in town? If Roger is in town are you going to pay $80 for the original, or the clone. There are lots of ways to make money, YES, it's harder right now because at best we could say our situation is that we are under state "rulers" but is that the fault of freedom that you can't do as well making a moral living, or is it the lack of freedom?
  2. I really love these - they have a strong liberty message throughout. Hope you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGNGIZNLlxc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODJACnBNmQo
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