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  1. Computers fall in value by 50% every year. Do only idiots use them? As per https://bitcoinfees.earn.com/ : The average transaction size is about 225 bytes. As per https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/bitcoin-size.html , a block can be up to 1MB in size. Therefore it's limited to around 4444 transactions per block (10 minutes), or about 7.4 transactions per second, so I agree with you, that ain't much for a global currency. This scalability is a big problem. It will result in higher transaction fees. But some other technologies are being developed: - Bitcoin Cash - remove the 1MB block limit (and have a bigger blockchain, increasing the cost of mining) - Proof of stake - much better performance, but higher risk of attack - see Cardano
  2. Thank you. It means my philosophy is sound enough.And it's easier to convince regular people that government should be smaller, rather than that government is unnecessary. "NAP" way of evicting people: cutting off their power, water, and having shops boycott them.
  3. I argue that it should be enforced. Because it's much more efficient to make agreements to protect a whole neighborhood, and kick the one person who doesn't want to, than for everyone except that person to move. People won't stop from stealing because of those rational principles. But because those principles are not enforced. And people with pooled protection have bigger guns than individuals who don't want to sign a contract.Therefore, state-like entities appear, who buy the land of the individuals. However, at some point, people won't want to do that either. So, appears a community around one person who will simply demand an insane amount to move, but won't pay for the protection received (because everything is safe around them). This is the free rider problem.So, the community asks the private police to evict that person. The police agrees, and everyone except the free rider. You now have a state, that coerced somebody. Tyranny of the rich, not the majority. Then, all communities where that person moved to also form a state. Soon, there will be no "free" land, and the bigger police always win.Practically, there is no such thing as a "right" or a "freedom", only if you pay up. And it's not guaranteed even then. It's plutocracy, everywhere! We live in anarcho-capitalism. Since I think democracy works, but we both think big states are bad, we both support competition (a smaller state), here's a barely related link. Support it:http://www.policymic.com/articles/77547/this-venture-capitalist-wants-california-to-split-into-six-states-here-s-why-he-s-right Hopefully in the end, the state will become neighborhood-sized. Which is as close to completely free markets I would accept.
  4. So. Let's examine the NAP and imagine how it applies in real life. The Non-Aggression Principle only works if you pay people to enforce it.There you go. The most basic of freedoms has a cost. Therefore, by giving people that freedom, you're also forcing them to pay for it. (and that's a state).
  5. Imagine states as big, big corporations, and they simply offer services in exchange for money. Except that they happen to have the internal policy that if you are on their own territory (private property), they make the taxes mandatory. However, it is more efficient to pool resources if you have many clients. Also, the clients express their CONSENT by STAYING IN THAT country. But there still is competition between states. You are free to move to the state which offers you the best service for the least money. The states which listen to what people need and inform them what they're getting into are the ones which more people will consider worth migrating to. And if you really think about the "mandatory tax" part, perhaps it's better that way, because it's much, much more expensive to live on your own on a deserted island. So the tax is just the profit of the state. EDIT: also solving the free rider problem. Even in Somalia, while it was anarho-capitalist-ish, you HAD to belong to a clan in order to have any rights, even though you were free to migrate between them. States work best when small and adaptable to what their people want. And it's better to have many small states so people more easily migrate. So, do your job by telling people who don't like it to either migrate, or to fight for lower taxes or division.I am no longer an anarcho-capitalist, but a minarchist. Can you convince me otherwise?
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