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  1. I'm available to meet up anywhere in So Cal. Please reply if you're interested.
  2. Sorry I couldn't make it today, I have been home sick for almost a week. I'll be back here trying to do a meet up when I'm not sick in a week.
  3. I can meet up on a Tuesday night.
  4. Since the 30th won't work, how about the 6th of September at a location in So Cal that is yet to be determined?
  5. I have often thought about what I would do if I encountered such a situation. It's a challenging and possibly dangerous action to confront an assault in progress. Thank you for your bravery and effort in helping that defenseless little boy.
  6. It seems like they were just testing the waters to see what they could get away with. Shame on IBM's executives and the specific employees that took part in this "partnership."
  7. I would also be interested in meeting up with fellow philosophers! I am located in Orange County and am willing to travel around So Cal.
  8. I completed an excel sheet that explores the pros and cons of biological children, no children, adoption with vasectomy, and just vasectomy without any children. Let me know what you guys think. Perhaps I should try to objectify the decision more and assign numerical values to the individual pros and cons?
  9. Are you referring to diminishing returns? Okay, I understand now. Yes, it might be challenging to find a surgeon willing to respect my well thought out decision, assuming I go that route. How would you describe the pain? Like getting kicked in the testicles or an awkward pinching of clothes? Well, my aunt has had schizophrenia for the past 20+ years along with the companion illnesses. My mother has had chronic depression, and I myself have had chronic depression. Considering what I know after watching the Bomb in the Brain series, I am very lucky to not have developed schizophrenia myself. I am skeptical of a genetic correlation, and instead believe the correlation is from the parenting. Nonetheless, I still have a predisposition for severe mental illnesses. In addition I also have bad genetics, that has reared it's head in the form of really bad eyes, back problems, auto immune disease, etc. I should probably add that to the list of reasons not to father a child. Thank you. Yes, your critique is spot on. I will separate it between the three categories. The point of the vasectomy is the finality of the decision. Having the vasectomy makes sure of those pros you are referencing. Could you be a little specific about these "forces from your past?" I have been quite forward explaining the extent of my childhood trauma. Those "forces from my past" is partly why I am considering getting a vasectomy. 1) I don't have to have a biological child to influence the next generation. 2) I wouldn't dare have a child with any intention of using that as a financial crutch later in life. That is harmfully selfish. Not to mention fiscally a poor decision. Spending ~$250,000 and 18 years of my life, to have someone stop by every few days for a few years is not a wise decision in my opinion. Think of the opportunity costs alone. 3) See #1; In addition saying that is like saying I'll have less of an effect on future generations if I don't become a public school teacher. 4) Possibly 5) True 6) Ties in with #5, but it is definitely worth the extra emphasis when discussing the "fun bits"
  10. Interesting how there is a swing of opinion once the child reaches late puberty. Yes, I can see children fleeing especially if they were not peaceful parents. However, with the internet, loved ones are a few clicks away (video chat isn't being there in person, but better than a handwritten letter). I expected criticism of getting a vasectomy. I thought there would actually be some good rebuttals to having a vasectomy done. In fact, it seems like such a clear decision now I can't help but feel I'm missing something.
  11. Every year that goes by, it gets harder to reverse the operation. Not too mention it costs thousands of dollars and is very unlikely to succeed. Storing my sperm is not an option to me. I'm going to change my last name anyway. My last name is a constant reminder of my abusers, not too mention an annoyance because it so so damn long. Interesting that you lost your fear of death once you had children. I cry at the thought of the my mortality and that of my loved ones; but if I had a child I know that I would be terrified of death, but not for my own sake but that of my child. My biggest fear in life is fathering a child and orphaning said child through my death or incarceration. It would be the fulfillment of my darkest fears. In the world as it is and as it will be for the next few decades, I don't see myself having the resources to properly insure my child's safety, the mother's safety, and my continued survival to look after said child. So the remaining rationale behind starting a family boils down to the experiences in life I want to have, which is a selfish desire. Being selfish is fine if it doesn't hurt anyone. But in this case it possibly would. And the chances of having a successful family with my history and abilities to acquire resources, the economy, the poor selection of morale women, etc, is quite bleak. My original statement pertaining to "ejaculation without pulling out" as a pro, was in regards to post-vasectomy. I don't know how there would be sperm in the ejaculate at all after a vasectomy once the remaining sperm is flushed out (~3 months). I believe you misunderstood what I wrote. Another good case. When I searched around elsewhere online, quite a few bad stories. But you have to consider most of the time the only people that comment are the select few that had bad experiences and if I had to guess some of the negative experiences of vasectomies were pure propaganda. The status quo definitely doesn't want the tax cattle to cease breeding. For those of you that have kids, how is it that I rarely see you parents smile. You guys look so beat down, most of the time at least. I know some friends that have had children and upon asking if it was worth it they say "yes." I believe they are being honest. They have they warmth of serenity when they say it, but that's it. The other 99.99999% of the time they are just trying to survive the day and don't give me the impression they are truly happy.
  12. I am curious what you guys have to say about vasectomies. I searched around and couldn't find anything on this forum discussing the merits of vasectomies. This is also my first post, but I have been lurking for over a year. I am pondering the idea of having a vasectomy done. I wanted to hear any moral issues that might pertain. I understand I will be missing out of raising a child, that would be my child by blood, but as you'll see in the following points that may be a good thing for the unborn child and myself. I am only half way through "The Bomb in The Brain" series, but I'll tell you I am in the upper percentile of abuse that was inflicted on me as a child. I will do everything in my power repair the damage that was done and pursue a life of morality through UPB, but taking on the burden of a child is not something I can see myself taking on successfully. I am 22 (I figured someone would ask). Pros: 1. May ejaculate without pulling out (but puts you at higher risk of STDs) 2. Save ~$250,000 (one child with college, two children with college ~$500,000) 3. Procedure is covered by my insurance 4. No obligation to children = more experiences/opportunities in life 5. Won’t experience years of poor sleep 6. Can’t be enslaved for 18 years (more if two children) 7. Won’t have a piece of my heart out there able to be hurt that I’ll fret about 8. Can’t experience the possible devastation of burying my own children 9. Unborn child can’t become a hostage used against me 10. Unborn child can’t be kidnapped by Child Protective Services, abused, and indoctrinated 11. Unborn child won’t be born into debt/slavery 12. Unborn child won’t be born into a volatile and uncertain world Cons: 1. Limits my options of partners that might want to have their own children (but is that really a con?) 2. I won’t experience being a father (unless I adopt later on) 3. My “bloodline” ends (but what does that even mean?) 4. Possible pain in scrotum for rest of life (very small percentage) Questions for anyone who has had a Vasectomy: 1. Have you ever read “The Red Queen?” In it the opinion is propagated that biological life is merely a vessel and tool used to reproduce genes. Do you feel it makes the idea of a vasectomy less of big deal or is it irrelevant to the experiences you want to have in life since we are self-aware? 2. Do you regret not having options? 3. Opinion on “bloodline/legacies?” Is it just another selfish desire? 4. Experience pain from buildup of sperm in testicles or granulomas in scrotum? 5. Did you notice a drop of women you were able to date because the vasectomy disqualified you as a potential mate? 6. How do you feel about adoption later on, assuming the child in question is still only an infant (less likely abused)? 7. What do you think about the new male contraceptive RISUG that lasts 5 years, but is still in development? 8. Do you feel like a burden has been removed from your shoulders, knowing you’ll never have that liability (children) unless you decide to adopt?
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