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Everything posted by iainmclaren2

  1. He'll probably be happy to have a chance to promote his new book too - which makes for very interesting reading btw.
  2. This is the beauty of a voluntary society - you pay for something that brings you value. While you can't donate now (and I would not expect you to) it would be good if you reconsider that when your financial position improves. Together we can spread the message of individual liberty!
  3. Has Stefan done a show about France and it's socialist government? It would be interesting to look at the high taxation policies and its affects.
  4. I'm not so much interested in the investing side. What I find fascinating about Doug is his advice on to live as an international free human being. He has lots of great tips on how to diversify yourself and your business through different countries. I think this would be very interesting for your listeners. Not sure if Stefan has spoken to him about this before? Cheers.
  5. I'd really like Stefan to have Doug Casey on the show. Doug is a Libertarian, investor, and just generally interesting chap overall. Just finished his two most recent books where he discusses everything from investing to art to living abroad (Argentina is his favourite place to live currently). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Casey
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