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Thanks Kevin, that means a lot. I am sorry if myself or the video offended you.
Did you start a new thread to manipulate others to agree with you about the "anonymous" user by taking his question out of context of the original discussion? lulz
Okay, so you admit you were wrong and people have been calling me names? Or are you just going to deflect again onto another accusation? It looks like the latter.
Just taking a quick glance I was called a weirdo, a liar, and a concern troll, not to mention many insinuations. I could probably find more. You must be very angry with me to not see that.
Insulted was a bad word choice, maybe "make light of" or "emulate in a funny manner". How am I a liar when I stated that I wanted to bring laughter, and expected many more people to find it funny? How is that an unrealistic intention?
As I stated, I expected that there would be a negative response, but I thought it would be more balanced and not overwhelmingly negative.
I feel like I am under attack, I have been called several names and I have apologized several times. The South Park reference was for the mob-like mentality which I perceive is present in this thread, you are again claiming to know what I "really meant" by posting the South Park picture and don't really give a shit about my responses. You know better than me my dark, vindictive, evil intentions, lol. I feel as though you are being judgmental, I love FDR and think it offers wonderful ideas. I am not out to hurt anyone, just wanted to share a video that I though was funny after listening to many podcasts I thought it was a good parody. Thank you, my intent was to share laughter, but I knew that anything insulting Stefan may cause an uprising. I was hoping that it would be more balanced. I am pretty sure Stefan would laugh at this
I didn't make the video, but my interpretation of the video is that it was making fun of Stefan and his funny quirks about him, not so much the caller. I'm sorry my intentions weren't to insult you. How passive aggressive, check my previous posts if you think I am a "concern troll". Thanks for all of the insults everyone.
I used the word "funnies", not sure how you interpreted that as "too serious of a response". Then you tell me I need to relax as if I am some irate madman defending a hand puppet. Then the next sentence you tell me I am a weirdo for not taking confrontations serious enough? Do I need to relax or be more serious? it seems I lose either way. I just wanted to share the funny hand puppet video... hitting kids is horrible and wrong. The guy who made the video said the same thing in the comments. I don't think he intended to undermine that, he was making fun of Stefans personality. I didn't make the video, but my interpretation of the video is that it was making fun of Stefan and his funny quirks about him, not so much the caller. I'm sorry my intentions weren't to insult you. I didn't make the video, but my interpretation of the video is that it was making fun of Stefan and his funny quirks about him, not so much the caller. I'm sorry my intentions weren't to insult you.
I think that is correct, it is unhealthy to not take confrontation seriously when there is a serious issue at hand and a person is vulnerable, but I didn't see this video as causing emotional harm to anyone. Maybe I am wrong? Yes, I assumed a lot of the community members may have found it offensive because they put Stefan on such a high pedestal, which I don't think is healthy. I genuinely enjoyed the video, it made me laugh, I thought others could enjoy the same sensation. I can see now how my prerequisite of "don't get worked up" may have been offensive and I apologize for that. That's true, but people started questioning whether or not I have empathy and claiming they knew my true intentions of posting the video, I felt I needed to clarify and defend myself.
Confrontation is not a synonym of seriousness, you are doing it wrong. Also one does not have to choose between 100% confrontation all of the time or 100% funnies all of the time. You are looking into this too much.
I don't think there is anything wrong with confrontation, I think it livens up the forums and encourages honesty. I also didn't think that this video was offensive to the callers because it focused on Stefan being over-the-top and not the caller, so I am sorry if it came off that way. I just think it is important to not take the world too seriously all of the time.
It is making fun of Stefan, not the caller. The caller is made out to be the level headed one throughout the entire conversation. It's a joke, thanks for trying to make me feel bad though.
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No, I didn't make the video, I thought it was funny. I also don't think Steph would discount someones statement based on their childhood experiences. It is an exaggerated version of Steph which I thought made it funny. This has got to be the most serious forums ever concocted.
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Its a joke, for the lulz, don't get all worked up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFZrM5GRX2c
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