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    Atlanta, Ga

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  1. ... and of course giving a machine a whack is exactly the same as hitting a person, right?
  2. The evidence seems to indicate differently from what would seem a reasonable assumption. It is, of course, aggregate, your mileage may vary, but by and large, people who 'shack up' before marriage have a higher 'risk' of divorce. The jury is still out on exactly why this is the case.
  3. So, explain how this "proves" anything? I don't see any scientific method being employed here.
  4. Since when to Anarchists learn catechism?
  5. Sounds like a Progressive. This is exactly the set of arguments they use. First, they put everyone one in a box, then claim complete knowledge of everyone in the box then, he says 'Stephan is our leader and does our thinking for us', yet dare disagree with a progressive and they will simply parrot back everything they've been taught to say by their leaders who think for them. Frankly, I like Stephan because he has put much more simply ideas and concepts that I have already felt were part of me. I listen to other anarcho-capitalists as well as Stephan. Frankly, Mshidden, I am not closed to new ideas. I'm just closed to stupid ideas... or ideas that are in contrast to what I believe is the truth and which promote maximum liberty. Nice first post (that I've seen anyway)... not one real question about who we are and what we believe.. No attempt to really understand, you assume understanding first, then open your mouth... there's a saying about such people...ah, nevermind, you won't care.
  6. I wouldn't know what to do with an offshore business... ie the care and feeding of said business... or even it's purpose. I really just want to live my life without people bothering me or having or do a twister exercise through the laser beam hallway in order to not be robbed.
  7. If only there was a "Tax Escape Service" for individuals...
  8. I have heard reports that as little as 4 minutes of strenuous exercise a WEEK has a significant measurable benefit to overall health. Your mileage may vary.
  9. This is only the second post by rabbithole since 2009. I think he's just spamming.
  10. I'm not sure why this concept is so hard to get... Here is a video that may help:
  11. Sagiquarius, I quit using Amazon mostly because of their poor customer service decisions. Their prices are pretty high as it is, but they instituted a minimum purchase requirement of $35 or they charge you shipping on top of the already over priced items. Some items are categorized as "add on" items and those items simply cannot be purchased at all unless you meet the minimum purchase requirement. So, instead of it being fast, friendly and easy, it is no longer easy or fast.... friendly, not so much either.
  12. This is casting a wide net... Good luck.
  13. The Constitution certainly didn't stop those in office from doing what they wanted, circumventing the restrictions placed on them. Within a year after the ratification of the constitution...
  14. Democracy has always been recognized as Tyranny of the Majority. The Founders warned against it many times and they took steps in the Constitution to prevent the natural progression of the "democratic process" from destroying the system they set up. Of course there were also those that warned that there was no way to avoid the destruction of the system. ANY centralization of power seeks to gain more central power. So, all in all, the video is right.. except for one thing. The United States is not a Democracy. It never was and was never intended to be.
  15. I avoid Amazon.com for several reasons. Only one of them is the Sales Taxes. Ebay and lots of other places charge less AND don't charge Sales Tax.
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