Sounds like a Progressive. This is exactly the set of arguments they use. First, they put everyone one in a box, then claim complete knowledge of everyone in the box then, he says 'Stephan is our leader and does our thinking for us', yet dare disagree with a progressive and they will simply parrot back everything they've been taught to say by their leaders who think for them. Frankly, I like Stephan because he has put much more simply ideas and concepts that I have already felt were part of me. I listen to other anarcho-capitalists as well as Stephan.
Frankly, Mshidden, I am not closed to new ideas. I'm just closed to stupid ideas... or ideas that are in contrast to what I believe is the truth and which promote maximum liberty.
Nice first post (that I've seen anyway)... not one real question about who we are and what we believe.. No attempt to really understand, you assume understanding first, then open your mouth... there's a saying about such people...ah, nevermind, you won't care.