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  1. Fish stinks from the head down, and yes I would gather some money to feed a hungry child in Africa, or volunteer for 6 months for example. What about you sunshine? Why did i got -1 on this?
  2. I think that the most of us, are just victims of the victims ( some of us are victims of our parents, and yet again our parent have been victims of their parents ), and this is a stream that should be somehow stopped, otherwise nothing or barely nothing can be achieved towards the education that we need.
  3. 1. Some people are vastly more economically valuable than others Says who? Were you able to attend some championship of this sort? If Nikola Tesla stayed in his village somewhere in Croatia , and didnt come to New York to realize his ideas, everything that we have in terms of electricity would exist , and he wasnt economically valuable at all, you have this examples throughout history. This is a ridiculous argument . 2. I'll pay whatever I choose to pay for shoes, depending on what's offered to me. I have no say in the matter as to where they are made, unless I am the one making them, which I'm not. Please explain exactly how the price I pay for Chinese-made shoes, the making of which I have no influence or control, is altered in any way by the property I may or may not have inherited from my father, or may or may not leave to my son in my will. Whats offered to you is 99,99% chinese I asked you a straight question ? I am trying to show you and its now more than obvious that you only care about the depth of your pocket and how shallow your arguments. Saying that you will pay whatever price for shoes, just explains your knowledge about external world and basics of economics. Checkmate. Ok I get it, is there anything in your life that is not subject to trade?
  4. So you re not willing to sacrifice a bit in order to have more righteous world. What if for example somebody just doesnt get a chance to express his/her productivity or talent, but its completely ok to you to use benefits of other peoples low cost labour? I bet that somewhere in China , right now there are at least 100 geniouses in whatever sphere of life working in some stinky factory, so you could buy nike, adidas, la coste for a low price. Are you willing to take those jobs back to America or Canada, but to pay far more than you are paying now? Why do you think that 97% of the american professional sportsmen are african american, or why Brazil has the most talented players when it comes to soccer ( football ) ? You think this is because they are genetically more dominant than the others. Of course not, its because of the social environment in which they are living.
  5. You know there is no argument that cannot be relativized, what about 25 sq/m + 1, and what about 2 workshops and what about a small piece of land + 12 sq/m...I mean cmon... One last question: Do you find the fact that Chinese, Indian, Malaysian worker or a child gets 2 dollars per 12h shift, as long as you have cheap goods? Familiy can be simply a form of free trade, really volunatry one? Can you give me an example of how family can be a form of trade? It could be possible but between cyborgs, between human absolutely not, Is it like i am trading my sperm for a hot meal, and clean underpants every day, I mean I ve heard everything but this is.... Abolished by free minded people between them. There should be no excessive wealth accumulation as long as you have homeless , as long as you have hungry people and single moms struggling every day, do you have a problem with that?
  6. Dont be such a brat, I know that you need attention. if I am a communist then you shouldnt call me sir, but comrade Why do you have a need to put stickers on people ( communist, not communist does it matter really? ) I am a lone wolf, I am presenting my ideas no isms involved. First and foremost correct me if I am wrong but you sir do not know what communism is all about right? Be honest, dont google ,, communism I apologize, but I have a strong feeling that you dont have a clue what libertarian idea is all about as well. If you think, that libertarian philosofy means that you should get rid of a state repression , and enjoy bigger income then I congratulate you. Why do we have to compete like this, we are grown ups, arent we? Peace brother BtW If you want bring it on, i am more than ready to start a debate on any given subject, I guess we are both fighting for a better world. I guess so...
  7. +1 for you, I admit that it could look like a claim of ownership, but its not. Why? Becuase in one point of time in our case the first half of 20th century certain group of people aka german national socialists, and lets face it majority of german population in those times decided who is worth of living and who is not. Your grandfather Hans, a war criminal flees to Latin America with substantial wealth stolen from jewish families ( not only jewish, everyone who they marked as non-arian ) , uncluding my family, somehow marries an american or canadian woman. Story continues.........2014 young John ( Hans grandson ) is driving his silver metallic porsche ( not due to his intelect, entrepreneurship, or a specific skill, but because of family;s fortune ) to a Snoop Doggs birthday party, on the other hand you have Jacob a warehouse worker in Poland intelligent, ambitious, but without a real oportunity ), he is earning enough to pay rent and food. Tell me please, do you consider this hypotetical situation to be normal ( not because of the money ), or Jacob has to find a way to reclaim what is his by right? The problem is that we have to pay for everything, since we are living in this sick world, why would I be a squirrel surrounded by wolves, if if he ( Jacob ) had at least a bit of brain he has to react like a wolf. If we would live in a world where the relations both social and economical would be as Jacob see it, then there is absoulutely no need for inheritance. By inheritance I consider enourmous accumulation of money and wealth. If a person is going to inherit a family house, fathers workshop, or a small piece of land thats absoulutely ok for me.
  8. It really is hypocrisy when you are explaining it like that. You ve written and I quote: If the victim of the crime is dead, and the perpetrator of the crime is dead, how exactly can justice be done? I am not going to find you, not because of the wealth which was supposed to be transferred to me, but because your whole freaking family for couple of generations was living fat from a great theft and human tragedy. Since I cannot prove my justice, and since I have my human pride, and as I ve already told you there is no law institution ( domestic or international ) that would stand on my side.
  9. If I am against inheriitance, that doesnt mean my grandfather was. There is no you, and there is no me in that example, a made up story Its all good troll cheiftain, its all good.
  10. Tell this to Germans, they are still pating for the sins of their grandfathers You re joking right...well my egocentric capitalist friend let me put it this way...hmmm if I knew for example that your grandfather as German killed my grandfather as a Jew , then fled to Chile or Argentina where he had lived and hided wealth stolen from Jewish families all around Europe. If I know that you inherited indirectly that wealth from your nazi grandfather and you are living your idiotic life with 3 cars you know 10000000000000000 sq/m house, a helicopter, you name it and I am living in a small apartment in Poland for example, barely surving and trembling whether I am going to pay my bils next month, I would find you, and absolutely nothing would save you. You are not voluntarily going to give back what is mine, and what my ancestors had built and saved for centuries, and there is no court or official institution that would stand on my side they would all say the same thing like you just did. Violence as you see, is unfortunately needed, because no man or woman with a crumb of dignity would stand this injustuce. I ve told this to couple of peope here, and now I am telling to you now. Think before you write, dont just repeat cheap phrases over and over.
  11. Its my style of discussion, take it or leave it. Nothing here is personal, think a bit before you write. We are all under pseudonyms here, it is what makes it safe, warm and free. You are so smart, you are my idol.
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